The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1708: The Sin of Su Le Ancient City


o stood up, looking at her father's back, stubbornly said: "Dad, why can't I""No means no." Liu Tiannan seemed very ruthless. He was also a bit impatient and continued, "That boy today, did you want t...In the second year of Shaoxing during the Southern Song Dynasty, which corresponds to 1132 AD, the Jin army was advancing south, and the court of the Song Dynasty was in a precarious situation.

Throughout the entire Chinese mainland, there were scattered bands of soldiers and mercenaries who established their own bases.

Anyone who has the ability to gather an army and lead them into battle dreams of becoming emperor.

Li Heng was a bandit leader who harbored dreams of becoming emperor and styled himself as the 78th direct descendant of the Tang Dynasty imperial family.

Li Heng wasn't particularly talented, but he was strong and fearless in battle. He used his strength to gather a band of followers, who engaged in plundering and all sorts of evil deeds.

This kind of person deserves to die.

He should have gone straight back to report to the King of Hell before he was even born.

But, heaven spared his life and allowed him to lead a team, which foreshadowed that he should make a due contribution to Chinese history, even world history.

Li Heng's contribution was to force another person named Chen Gui to change the world.

It should have been a sunny day. Li Heng led thousands of his men, armed with swords, guns and clubs, to attack De'an City.

Chen Gui, then the magistrate of De'an, had only sixty soldiers who could be considered combat-ready.

With sixty against thousands, there's really nothing to resist.

Chen Gui, despite having only sixty men, led them with two men per team wielding a bamboo pole each. They carried large quantities of gunpowder and stood under the city gate. In less than three incense sticks' time, they routed Li Heng's army of thousands.

When Li Heng was blackened in the face and with his chest torn open, he lay before Chen Gui and cried out loudly: "What kind of sorcery is this that you use, scoundrel"

Chen Guimin smiled faintly and uttered two words.


Thus, the "ancestor of modern firearms" came into being.

In the following millennia, firearms spread from China to Europe and then from Europe to North America, traveling the world with the footsteps of capitalist invaders.

This led to the "guns" that everyone talks about with fear today.

It was precisely because of the invention of firearms that countless Westerners knelt before the ancestors of China, perfecting and developing the gun. This led to the death toll in any small-scale war in modern times far exceeding the casualties of large-scale ancient wars.

Therefore, the invention of guns cannot be considered a brilliant technique that promotes the advancement and development of the world.

Even one could say that guns and drugs can be called the two main accomplices of all evil in the modern world.

To give the simplest example, over a hundred years ago, the Qing Dynasty, which closed its doors to the outside world, was "poisoned" and "bombarded" open, causing hundreds of millions of Chinese people to endure a century of humiliation.

It can be seen that China's strict control over firearms and drugs today is a very beneficial policy for the country and its people.

However stringent the controls, they could not stop these things. They still circulated in the dark corners of the vast Chinese land.

Sule Ancient City must be considered one of the darkest places on Chinese territory.

If a city buried beneath the desert sands for centuries, ravaged by wind and sand, isn't considered a dark place, then there's nowhere that can't be seen.

This place is a mix of good and bad, with all sorts of shady characters. What's more, there are also a large number of foreigners here.

Looking solely at the proportion of foreign nationals, the ancient city of Suile had a much higher percentage of foreigners than Hong Kong, which is often called the "Pearl of the Orient" in the East. The proportion of foreign citizens in Suile was dozens of times higher than that in Hong Kong.

This is a place that looks like the city of sin from head to toe.

Over the past thirty years, there has never been any circulation of "guns" and "drugs".

Even though the jade produced here is the darkest thing in the world, the people here are much cleaner than the villains who live under the blue sky and sunshine.

This is a pure land dedicated to the jade business.

Pity that Daoge's arrival thoroughly polluted this pristine land.

From Jin Xin Yue's drug lord, Yu Hao ignores the rules of survival in Gucheng.

First, An Qiao used money to buy the top few powerful figures here. Then, he used firearms to intimidate the laborers at the bottom. Finally, he used drugs to control the various small gangsters in the middle layer.

Perhaps it's because Brother Dao had a few years of experience as a triad member in Hong Kong Island, or maybe it was because during Brother Dao's time as a triad member, Hong Kong Island hadn't returned yet.

He had learned thoroughly, and even perfectly applied, the methods used by the British Empire to colonize Hong Kong Island over a hundred years ago. He used these same tactics to control the entire ancient city of Shule.

In just one month, Brother Dao not only took over the power left by Lao Hei, but also used cunning and force to constantly encroach on the survival space of other forces.

The ancient city of Shu Le, originally divided into three major districts and seven smaller factions, has now become a two-sided confrontation.

On one side are those who follow Brother Dao, and on the other side are those who don't. He hasn't had time to deal with those who disobey him yet.

"The ancient city of Shule has changed."

A month later, the goalkeeper Gu Yao pushed open the city gate at dawn. She knelt on the ground and prayed to the gods. As dozens of bodies were pulled from the ground and thrown into the desert, she murmured a single sentence:

The ancient city of Shule has indeed changed.

In Gu Yao's eyes, it became hell.

In the eyes of young goalkeeper Dikuzha, this place had become paradise.

Knife Brother brought countless beauties with easy-going charm from Central Asia and South Asia, adding a vibrant color to this ancient city. A professional engineering team was assembled to renovate the underground ancient city, turning its ruins into an underground palace. Casinos were opened, drugs were sold, jade was traded, love and sex were bought and sold, all coupled with the unique desert scenery of wind and sand. Suddenly, Shule Ancient City became an irresistible travel destination for many wealthy people.

Dage even made bold claims, saying that if given a year, he could transform this ancient city of Suerle into the Macau Island of the North Xinjiang Desert.

Originally, it was just a simple jade trading place, a poor and barren mining town. Gradually, it has developed towards a modern city with a thriving tourism industry.

"Dare you say that this place is not like heaven compared to before"

Dare you say that everything Knife Brother has done does not align with the national policy guidelines for the transformation and development of heavy industrial cities

Such a "beneficial to the country and the people" approach, if anyone still tries to obstruct it, shouldn't they be put to death

Dao Ge, carrying an assault rifle, faced the local power brokers who were advising him not to go into Gule City again. He asked them three questions.

Then, the person who nodded was sent back to continue enjoying themselves. The person who shook their head was given a peanut directly and told goodbye.

From then on, no one dared to stop Dao Ge.

Of course, Dao Ge naturally began his money-making journey.

With the help of Golden Crescent's connections, Brother Dao sent his promotional booklets for Shule Ancient City to all corners of the world.

Countless wealthy people eagerly came here.

In other circles, how to evaluate the ruins of Shule City is hard to say.

However, in the global drug underworld, everyone knows this one piece of information.

The drug lord of Jin Xin Yue, predating the Queen of Drugs from the Golden Triangle, opened up the Chinese drug market first and established drug sales bases within China.

China, known as the drug trafficking haven, seems to be about to unveil her secrets to the world's drug lords.

In the drug world, everyone knows that Yue Jie, who had controlled the four major regions of the Golden Triangle for half a year, once tried to infiltrate mainland China to develop drug trafficking.

Over time, Sister Yue didn't cause much of a stir.

There are even rumors that the drug queen, Yuejie, is busy giving birth.

What grand prospects could a woman who bears children have Even if she were powerful enough to maintain the Golden Triangle's reputation, what use would it be

Although many major drug lords continue to source their goods from the Golden Triangle, everyone has taken a new look at Jin Xin Yue, the world's second largest producer of narcotics.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, a person's life in this world, what they value most are these two words.

Drug dealers may not lack profit, but they lack reputation.

If one could open up the Chinese market in the drug world, Jin Xinyue's name as a leader of our time would be worthy of being inscribed in the annals of world history.

It's precisely because of this focal point, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

The once-overlooked Suerle Ancient City has undergone a dramatic transformation, becoming a focal point of intense interest for various factions.

No need for more, just within three months, after Dao Ge's renovation, the Shule Ancient City hadn't been knocked out by the Chinese government. Then everyone would rather go to more trouble, walk a few extra steps, and cross Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle to establish contact in South Asia's Golden Crescent.

That was the pioneer of the Chinese market.

People's purchasing power from a couple of small towns peeking out from between their fingernails is several times stronger than that of an entire province in North America.

Thus, under the urging of many unknown forces, the reputation of the ancient city of Su Le grew larger and larger.

Even prominent figures like Yue Jie from the Golden Triangle, David Ge from Ying San Dao, and Sakura Ueshima from the East all had to offer their opinions on it.


These three beings, each residing in a different hell across the world, spoke these two words in unison after hearing their subordinates' reports.

After he finished speaking.

Yue Jie continues to rest and take care of her pregnancy.

David continued to hire professionals to design packaging for "Woman's Friend" and "New Anti-Cancer Drug".

上島Sakura continued to develop her second industry under her command, Toyo Film Company.

Who are they talking about who's looking for death

Besides the currently popular Dao Ge, there is no one else.

If Dao Ge heard the three people's evaluation of him, he would certainly nod his head very sincerely.

When Knife Brother first came to China, he was looking for death.

At that time, Dao Ge only had one purpose: revenge.

He does indeed have a younger brother, and his life story is just as touching as he described it.

So, after learning that his younger brother died mysteriously, Brother Dao only wanted to seek revenge no matter the cost.

It's not a big deal to kill a few people in China.

Dao Ge only heard that his younger brother followed Lao Hei to pick up a discarded weather satellite and planned to smuggle it out of the country, so he was cleared by the Chinese authorities afterward. He was dumbfounded.

Half of the desire for revenge had vanished.

Then, upon arriving at the ancient city of Shule and witnessing its unique environment, Dàogē's other half's desire for revenge completely vanished.

He thanked his brother for dying. If that unlucky brother hadn't died, how could he have found this place on Chinese soil, a perfect transit point for the drug trade

Thus, Brother Dao gave up revenge and achieved the remarkable results mentioned above.

Of course, Dao Ge isn't stupid either.

He was well aware that China's crackdown on drugs was extremely severe, and renovating the ancient city of Shule would be akin to digging his own grave.

How can Jin Xinyue's drugs take root in the ancient city of Suerle and avoid being suppressed by the Chinese government This has become Daoge's biggest concern recently.

He felt he had found a solution to the problem.

That method is——

"Boss, Young Master Lin from Jinghua is here."

The stationmaster's shout interrupted Dagao's thoughts.

The elder brother didn't get angry, but instead laughed.

Because the person who could help him solve the problem arrived.

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