The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1579 There's a Kind That Wants to Kill Me


o the open ground. Then the two men didn't say anything and directly whipped him savagely with their whips. The black worker who was being beaten let out a miserable and helpless cry, rolling on the g...This is not the first time Kang has targeted the pro-Li faction within Nanshan Group.

Many plans, ever since her first day being appointed as the group CEO, had been carefully prepared.

The last time Li Nanfang "died", she had Chen Dali and the others sent to jail, which was the closest they had ever been to success.

Unfortunately, when Boss Li returned, he simply used a dump truck to turn her painstaking plans to ashes.

But would this Gang leader, who made "human flesh" business a global operation on the British Isles, be willing to work for someone else

The answer is, of course not.

After Li Nanfang lost her memory, her mischievous thoughts became more active.

Upon seeing Li Nanshan's grand wedding in Seoul, she began using covert means to rectify the Nanfang Group.

It has been almost ten days now, and Mr. Li still shows no sign of returning.

Kanyee wasn't going to wait any longer.

Her business empire would officially begin today, starting with this group of people led by Chen Dali.

This morning, Dong Jun quietly went to the office to report the whereabouts of the "pro-Li faction" to General Manager Kang.

Kanyavi only felt this was a great opportunity to catch them all at once, so she immediately led her people to the conference room.

Still thinking about what kind of reason to use to clean up this bunch.

To her greatest surprise, Chen Dali's furious shouting, which echoed through the entire hallway, gave her the perfect excuse.

"How come you're all quiet now Just a moment ago, you were scolding with such gusto! I want to see who in this company has so much energy!"

Kanyavya strode in and took his seat at the head of the conference table.

The entire room was eerily quiet.

Since we're all on the same side, no one would betray Chen Dali.

"Mr. Kang, we were just discussing market sales issues and our voices may have been a bit loud. Please don't mind us."

Dong Shixiong said this in a calm tone, but inside he was itching to grab Chen Dail's ears and scold him.

"Everyone keeps telling this idiot that walls have ears, but he just won't listen. "

"Are you trying to make a racket Do you think my ears are decorations, Director Dong Speak up! What's the company rule"

Kanyia didn't even look at Dong Shixiong, and snorted coldly, clearly wanting to make a fuss about this.

With a wave of her hand, Dong Jun scurried forward and, clutching a file, read aloud in a high-pitched voice: “According to company regulations, employees who engage in unauthorized gatherings, make excessive noise, or behave rudely during work hours will have three months' salary deducted!”

When these words were uttered, Chen Dali and Wang Defa and the rest were dumbfounded.

What are you talking about, when did the company ever have such a rule

Before they could react, Dong Jun's voice continued, "Those who violate company regulations, and if others harbor or accomplice in the act, will be subject to the aforementioned penalties."

"Okay, Director Dong, please handle this according to company regulations."

As Dongjun's voice fell, Kang Weiya immediately exercised her authority as CEO.

Dong Jun was feeling good inside, he had latched onto Kang Weiya's leg, hoping that Mr. Kang could truly dominate the Southern Group with one hand.

So, he would definitely spare no effort in carrying out Mr. Kang's requests.

Taking a small notebook out of her bag, Dong Jun started recording names as she addressed the people in the conference room.

Not until then did everyone understand what was going to happen.

"Are you crazy When did the company ever have this rule"

Chen Dali shouted out his question.

Mr. Dong replied without hesitation, "This is the new rule set by General Kang. All of you have to accept punishment collectively."

"I accept your fart!"

Big Brother Li was furious, pointing a finger at Kanyia's nose: "You vile woman, I do things alone and take responsibility myself. So what if I cursed you If it wasn't for your interference, the company wouldn't have faced a broken financial chain. Come on, if you have any guts, bring them all at me! I'm challenging you today!"

Chen Dali didn't have so many scruples. Thinking back to when Boss Li died, he was so badly beaten by Kang Weiya that he even thought about returning to his old life of wielding two kitchen knives in the world.

If he wasn't concerned about everyone's well-being, he would have left long ago.

To this day, that bitch Kanviya still wants to use him to deal with these people. It's understandable that Dàlìgē can endure it.

Seeing the situation was bad, Dong Shixiong quickly rushed over and grabbed Chen Dali who was in a rage.

On the other side, Dong Jun's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly began to read aloud the new regulation: "Employees who publicly insult the CEO will be immediately dismissed."

Who knew, a burst of applause silenced the noisy conference room in an instant.

"Seeing Kang Weiya's face with a sneer, he clapped his hands slowly and said leisurely: "Oh, since you mentioned the issue of broken funding chains, let's talk about it in detail."

As CEO, Kevin has the authority to fire anyone here directly.

But, as last time, she didn't.

Heaven knows if Li Nanfang, that scoundrel, will ever come back. If he recovers his memory and finds out that Kang Weiya purged all of his trusted aides, it wouldn't just be a matter of him being tossed around like trash.

The previous experience left a deep psychological scar on this woman, so she wouldn't make the same mistake of directly confronting Chen Dali and his men.

...Instead of that, we should use all kinds of ways to make them unbearable and let them leave on their own.

"You people have already violated the company's new regulations, but regulations are dead and people are alive. If you don't want to be punished, I can give you a chance to redeem yourselves."

Kang Weiyaya didn't hesitate or rush to speak these words.

Only when Dali and Lao Wang felt like this woman's head might have been hit by a door, her face torn apart, did they wonder why she was saying these sweet nothings

"General Kang, what opportunity are you talking about"

After a moment's hesitation, Dong Shixiong tentatively asked a question.

He is not like Chen Dalì, who always likes to think deeply. He thinks about problems and can always see the future from the present.

When Boss Li got married, Tung Shih-hsiung stopped Chen Ta-li and Wang Te-fa from going to Hancheng to seek refuge. In fact, he guessed that the boss would return soon.

Although it's been so long, Dong Shixiong firmly believes in the results of his own analysis.

What if one day the boss really came back and saw that his company was in the hands of that damn woman, Connie And all the brothers had scattered away. What kind of feeling would that be

No matter what, everyone must persevere, persevere until Mr. Li returns, guarding the boss's hard work, and not letting Kang Weiya succeed.

It has to be said, Dong Xiexiong's perspective on issues is still quite insightful.

He made his position clear, ready to see what Convivia had up her sleeve and meet it head-on.

But Kang Weiya's vocal cord damage was, to some extent, beyond Dong Shixiong's imagination.

"You say the company's finances are in trouble, that I caused it Hmph, isn't Southern Yu still responsible for everything from research and development to sales Shouldn't all of you be handling those tasks You keep making problems but try to blame them on me. Isn't that illogical"

Kang Weiya swept the whole room, taking in the expressions of all the "pro-Li" faction members. He sneered, "I'm going to tell you some things that agree with logic. A large amount of goods piled up unsold, sales were hindered, the capital chain was broken, and it was no longer enough to maintain the company's normal operations. So, from today onwards, everyone must stop what they are doing and go out to sell whatever they can!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Dong Jun waved her hand toward the outside, as if they were connected by some unseen force.

Then, led by Ma, a group of security guards carried in dozens of bags of Southern Yu's products, piling them up on the entire conference table.

"Everyone, set a quantity and price limit, and sell out your inventory within seven days. If you fail to complete the task, all your benefits and bonuses will be deducted, and you won't even get your wages. You won't earn any money, so what do you think we are going to pay you for"

Koveiya's voice grew colder, she clapped her hands and stood up, striding out the door.

Dong Shixiong and others were dumbfounded, staring at the piles of Southern Yuyuan filling the entire conference room.

"Kang Weiya, you bitch, stop right there! Do you think it's acceptable for you to let your grandpa carry bags and sell stuff on the street"

Chen Dalili's roar erupted the instant Kang Weiya reached the doorway.

Others might not understand the current pace, but Da Lige is no ordinary person. Back in his day, he was also a seasoned veteran of society, having dealt with all sorts of small businesses and transactions firsthand.

When he saw those burlap sacks, he felt like he had seen them somewhere before.

On second thought, it dawns on me that this isn't exactly the standard gear for a street vendor.

Since he started following Boss Li, Dà Lì has been riding in luxury cars, smoking twenty cigarettes a day, and everywhere he goes, people swarm him. His reputation is almost reaching every corner of Qingshan.

Needless to say, back then anyone who wanted to cooperate with the Nanshan Group went out of their way to fawn over Big Brother Li.

Those people have thoroughly researched DaLiGe's birth chart preferences, how could they not know what DaLiGe looks like.

You said that Chen Dali, who was once incredibly prosperous, now has to carry two bags of leftover food to the night market to set up a stall.

Come on, tell me, can Dayong throw someone like this away

Not only could Da Li Ge not afford to lose, but none of the people present could afford to lose either!

"Chen Dali, I'm giving you a chance, don't be ungrateful. Remember this, the company doesn't keep idle people around. You're all paid to work here, not just to sit in meetings all day! If you can't sell all the inventory within half a month, you better quit on your own. Hehehe, you won't even get a penny then, no one will have the face to stay."

Kang Weiya's sarcasm is simply indescribable.

Chen Dali almost lost his temper, turned his head and saw the glass ashtray on the conference table. He grabbed it and rushed forward: “I’ll kill you, you bitch!”

As the one with the highest combat power in the entire house, Big Dali was quick-handed. Who could react immediately to stop him

The current security chief, Ma Xing, did have a chance to react.

But he remembered the last time Da Li Ge had beaten him, leaving his head covered in blood. He was so scared that instead of protecting the CEO, he took two steps back.

If this ashtray shatters, it's not even a question whether or not Kang Weiya survives. Dàlìge definitely won't be able to bear the consequences that would follow.

"Go, Dali!"

Dong Shixiong's timely shout gave Chen Dali's hard work a slight pause.

Just as he paused, Wang Defa came to his senses and rushed over to hug Da Li Ge tightly.

That's a relief.

Everyone sang out in unison.

Kang Weiya's heart pounded with fear.

This woman was so frightened that she froze in place, not even thinking to dodge. Only when Chen Dali hugged her did she realize she had taken a trip through the gates of hell and come back.

My legs went weak and I collapsed to the ground. It must be a normal reaction after such a terrifying ordeal.

But Kang Weiya also honed a good psychological quality, gritting her teeth and refusing to lie down. Instead, she took a step forward, stood straight in front of Chen Dali, and shouted loudly: "Come on, if you have the guts, smash it!"


"What am I, still a man If you have the guts, hit me!"

Kanglei went out of his way to provoke Chen Dali, what could Big Brother Dali do

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