anonymous works

Chapter 1047: Last Words, Are You Done?


Chapter 702: SoapChapter 1047: Last Words, Are You Done

A total of four rounds of Da Qin Shen Lei bombardment killed several thousand people, shattered the morale of the rebel army, and woke Li Yinhu up from his dream.

Smoke still hung in the air, embers from the blast flickering and dying. Torn flags swayed in the twilight wind. The crackle of burning wreckage mingled with the moans of wounded men still clinging to life.

Li Chen ordered the soldiers who were still able to fight to clean up the battlefield.

"Your Highness, what shall be done with the remaining rebels"

As the head eunuch of Dongchang, he had a habit of thinking in extremes. Since the enemy was an enemy, he thought they should be eradicated completely and so asked:

"To everyone who can still be saved, heal them."

Li Chen glanced at the three treasures and calmly said, "They can't choose their political stance; that's a matter for those in power. These soldiers are just fighting for a salary. All officers above centurion rank, kill them."

This bold and decisive action demonstrates the king's magnanimity and broad vision.

Sān bǎo bowed deeply and said, "Your Highness is so benevolent and righteous, I have been taught a lesson."

When the three treasures relayed the command, Li Chen strode towards Li Yinhu with his hands behind his back.

The distance between them was gradually closing, but Li Yinhǔ remained dazed and lost.

He seemed completely oblivious to Li Chen's approach.

While Li Chen's three treasures and Zhou Xingjia beside Li Yinhu were fully focused on the opponent, preventing any of their movements.

As soon as Zhou Xingjia makes even the slightest move, the Three Treasures will immediately strike him down.

There's no way around it, his skills simply couldn't match San Bao's. Zhou Xingjia knew he wouldn't stand a chance.

Moreover, the trend has already passed.

As Li Chen got closer and closer, Zhou Xingjia's emotions became extremely tense.

"Eighth Prince, run!"

Zhou Xingjia now no longer calls Li Yinhu "Your Holiness".

Under such circumstances, this edict from the Emperor, besides hastening their deaths and making them suffer unbearably, offers no benefits whatsoever.

Li Yinhu trembled, raising his head to look at Li Chen. His scattered gaze gradually refocused, and he murmured: "Run Run where"

"Perhaps Elder Zhou still has a plan up his sleeve." Zhou Xingjia said hurriedly.

The distance was getting closer and closer, if he didn't run now, he feared it would be too late.

"Second move"

Li Yinhu suddenly burst into laughter.

He definitely has a backup plan, but that backup plan is precisely for me to fail. He's prepared himself, leaving no backup for me!

This sentence, Li Chen also heard.

"Even at the brink of death, you've become smart." Li Chen said.

As they spoke, Li Chen stood still.

At this time, the distance between the two was no more than five meters.

Enough conversation.

Li Yinhu was covered in soot and ash, with blackened patches of skin and streaks of dark blood. His hair was disheveled, and he looked utterly wretched.

Still, Li Chen wore his immaculate crimson wedding attire. He was strikingly handsome, elegant and divine-like.

Visually speaking, the difference in their standing has already been made clear.

Li Yinhu looked at Li Chen, slowly clenching his fist. He wanted to yell, he wanted to roar, but when the words reached his lips, he suddenly realized he had no strength left.

I am mentally and physically exhausted, even hatred feels like a burden.

"I lost."

Li Yinhu said calmly, as if that could make him feel a little better.

"Speaking those words, a sliver of iciness flashed in his eyes as he sneered, "But you haven't won either."


Li Chen nodded, surprisingly agreeing with Li Yinhu's words.

"You were destined to lose, but my struggle with Zhao Xuanji is far from over. He's still waiting for me."

With a slight squint, Li Chen looked at Li Yinhu and said, "Last words, are you done"is relayed to Li Chen through the most confidential and expedited channels imaginable.It's no wonder even Chen Tong didn't receive the news beforehand.Having received the messenger's secret note, Li C...