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ng bad!"Go to sleep!" Xiao Yi commanded unhappily. "Don't sleep on the table, it's bad for your health.""No!" Lin Meng struggled. "I'm used to it, it's nothing. We always nap at our desks during lunch...He had someone steal the product concept that Ya-Dong was currently researching and had just begun to take shape. He persuaded a member of the Rong family through various means, and instructed them to quietly leave the product concept at Rong Ling's house in an obvious place upon arrival. Then, he waited for a suitable opportunity for everyone to see the concept.

He wants to smear Rong Ling, using the charge of "stealing company secrets for personal gain" to completely keep Rong Ling out of the doors of Yadon! He doesn't believe that with the rumors of Rong Ling's previous "occupational encroachment crime" and now this ironclad evidence, the elders in the clan will still consider welcoming him back!

No one can afford to have their company's wall dug in this way by an insider!

His plan was somewhat successful. With Rong Man taking the lead, Lin Meng had no choice but to let Rong Man in. Thus, nearly twenty members of the Rong family followed her inside. Although Rong Man was anxious, she didn't lose her reason completely. So, after stating her intentions, she handed over the task of persuasion entirely to those from the Rong family. As she had promised them at the beginning, she was only responsible for leading these people in, but whether things ultimately succeeded depended on their abilities; she wouldn't interfere further.

These people asked Lin Meng to persuade Rong Ling to return. Lin Meng listened and naturally refused. Her man had pride, he was beaten in the face that day and left Yidong. Now they casually came over to ask her, would he just go back What kind of thing is that! Besides, the Rong family was too complicated, this entire family and the whole Yidong were filled with intricate relationships, a tangled web of connections. Why should she let her man go back and suffer! He had Shuimu now, and Shi Yu and some other brothers helping him, so he could do it easily. Moreover, Shuimu was a completely trustworthy company, all his own people, no need to guard against those who were unaligned in heart and mind. With such a Shuimu, what need was there for Yidong! The head of the Rong family was a nobleman, the president of Yidong Group was a glorious title, but these empty names, neither she nor her man had ever truly cared about!

"No, I'm powerless to do anything about this!"

Whatever they say, she is the one who replies.

Members of the Rong family, you speak, I respond, tongues as nimble as silk threads. Yet Lin Meng merely held her teacup, listening quietly, neither arrogant nor agitated, like she was watching a play unfold; no matter how boisterous the Rong family became, she remained a simple observer.

The way you're being unapproachable and stubborn is really difficult to deal with!

They had pretty much said all the good things they could, and they charmed their way into Li's favor by appealing to her from various angles – herself, Xiao Youyou, and even offering her benefits. But she remained unmoved; not even their melodramatic act of playing the victim elicited any sympathy from her.

Isn't it said that this woman is quite soft-hearted and compassionate Isn't it said that young women are more easily deceived Isn't it said that no matter what kind of woman, they all have a vain side, enjoying the feeling of being pursued and praised from above Why does she give the feeling of a light breeze, something you can feel but can't touch, let alone grasp!

What should we do, should we use a secret weapon!

The Rong family looked at each other, their eyes flickering with hesitation. They were all hesitant. Under no circumstances did they really want to kneel and beg Lin Meng. A man kneeling before gold is one thing, but asking them to kneel before a young woman was something they found psychologically difficult to overcome.

Just when everyone was hesitant, the atmosphere slightly eerie, a voice suddenly came out.

"What is this!"

Yet, within that small range, a Rong family member spotted a white document placed on one side of the soft couch. The soft couch was positioned in front of the large living room's floor-to-ceiling windows, convenient for someone to lie on it and bask in the sun. Lin Meng and the two young children were frequent visitors to this fluffy and soft couch. Because of Lin Meng, Rong Ling, who was often tempted by her allure, would sometimes rub against it. Since the Rong family had many people visiting this time, they were scattered about, either sitting or standing. Lin Meng was caught off guard, and something was placed on the soft couch, only to be discovered by another person later.

That white paper with black ink, the large, bold font on the front page was very eye-catching, especially with the "Asia East Confidential" label. It would almost be impossible for any member of the Rong family to see this document without being drawn in, wanting to know what secrets it held.

The young man in the gray short-sleeved shirt, as soon as he said this, unceremoniously took the white file and glanced at it. His face changed slightly after a glance. Holding the file, he walked straight towards Rong Liu. Rong Si was responsible for punishment. He didn't know much about Rong's business affairs, so he gave this file to Rong Liu.

When Rong Liu saw the words on the file, his face turned grim. After taking the file, he quickly flipped through it. The more he read, the worse his expression became. A gloomy air crept across his face, bit by bit. Having confirmed that this was a confidential document belonging to Ya Dong and shouldn't have been leaked, Rong Liu slammed the folder shut and fixed Lin Meng with a gaze as sharp as a blade.

Lin Meng had been lazily sitting, her fair hand elegantly holding a teacup. Seeing this change, she slowly put down the teacup. Her willow-leaf eyebrows twitched slightly, revealing a hint of displeasure at being unexpectedly offended, and she looked at Rong Liu.

She was always so polite, but not until the end, when she saw these people turning their faces away!

Her gaze, warm yet laced with a subtle sharpness, effortlessly neutralized the daggers thrown her way in mid-air, as if wielded by a gentle breeze. Unable to overpower her in terms of aura, Rong Liu simply waved his hand, flinging the document from atop his head with force. The face that had just moments ago been warm and smiling now bore the sinister mask of fury following its initial anger.

"What is this!"

To show his sincerity, he personally went to Lin Meng's door, which was already a great honor for him, but Lin Meng repeatedly refused, unwilling to give him face. He had been harboring resentment in his heart, and now he was extremely displeased.

This document served as the spark that ignited the anger burning within him.

So, he lost his temper and didn't bother to investigate whether it was reasonable for the document to be there. He didn't consider why such an important document would be so carelessly left on the sofa. Nor did he think about why, since the document was confidential and shouldn't be seen, Lin Meng hadn't tidied it up before bringing them to the living room.

Rungui was considered quite intelligent, yet he made a blunder at this very moment. Those with less intelligence and experience than him would certainly make even bigger mistakes. Everyone's heart was filled with anger, and as soon as they saw what Rungui held in his hand, that anger flared up instantly, shooting straight up like flames, their eyes practically burning with it. They all glared furiously at Lin Meng.

Lin Meng had excellent eyesight and clearly saw what Rong Liu was holding. But what did these people from the Rong family mean! Seeing that she still refused, they resorted to this tactic! These people aggressively forced their way in, leaving her no room for refusal. She was stuck here, enduring their presence, having to listen to them talk, even offering her ears as a vessel for their toxicity. If they dared to pull another stunt like this, it would be utterly outrageous!

"What do you have in your hands Explain!"

Coldly, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Rongliu.

Rongliu, however, thought that Lin Meng was guilty and panicked. He became agitated and shouted angrily.

"You stole our things!"

The thorn in Lin Meng's heart was immediately touched, and a surge of evil fire within her rose like a rocket taking off.

She detested being falsely accused of stealing above all else!

She grabbed the teacup in front of her, tightened her wrist, and suddenly smashed it towards Rong Liu's feet. There was a crisp "crack" sound as the teacup shattered, porcelain shards flying everywhere, and the tea inside splashed out, shooting towards Rong Liu.

Rongliu didn't expect Lin Meng, such a delicate woman, to have such a sudden outburst. The plain porcelain cup was like a shuttle flying towards him when it struck, he was so startled that he didn't even have time to react, and was splashed with tea water just like that. At the same time, his heart beat wildly. His pants were a little wet, where the tea had landed on his leg, it wasn't very comfortable. But this discomfort couldn't compare to the surprise in his heart!

You will pay the price for your words!

Lin Meng gritted her teeth, a chill in her eyes. Her originally charming eyeliner suddenly transformed into the aloofness of a queen.

She glared coldly at Rong Liu, reached out and grasped the microphone, pressing a familiar key without looking.

"Uncle, bring a few people over here!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the Rong family disciples who had been just as shocked by Lin Meng's boldness all reacted simultaneously, several voices questioning at once.

"What do you want to do!"

His face wore hostility!

A tense situation, instantly escalated!

“Don’t get excited, let’s talk about what happened today!” Lin Meng suppressed the anger in her heart and raised her voice. “I’m a civilized person, I don’t like to use violence. Calling a few people over is just to show face. You should all see for yourselves how many people are on your side. After this incident, it’s hard for me not to suspect that you might have come prepared. So everyone, please calm down and sit or stand properly. Let’s settle this matter properly!”

What's there to calculate You're acting guilty as charged, aren't you Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Lin Meng's gaze immediately landed on the person who was speaking. The beauty’s anger was palpable, her eyes flashing with a chilling intensity that instantly silenced the man. Lin Meng continued to stare coldly, focusing solely on him until his face flushed red. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he bowed his head, and only then did she withdraw her gaze.

This scene made many people no longer underestimate Lin Meng.

This woman's inner strength and skillful methods, once she steps out, will be no weaker than the women meticulously cultivated by the Rong family!

This is a tough one!

This thought once again surfaced in the minds of the Rong clan.

Lin Meng turned her gaze to Rong Si who was sitting on the side.

“I heard from Rong Ling that your uncle is very capable. I figured something like investigating the origins of these files wouldn't be a problem for you. With you taking charge, people would surely be convinced.”

Rong Si hadn't expected Lin Meng to suddenly focus on her. Hearing his words, she strangely felt a sense of being favored. After all, from the beginning until now, besides being slightly enthusiastic about Rong Man, she always gave everyone a lukewarm feeling. Now that she called him out by name and only looked at him, it was truly beyond her expectations. Hearing her say this, it meant that Rong Ling had mentioned his name in front of her!

Although unwilling to admit it, this alone made Rong Si feel a sense of contentment in his heart!

He had felt something was off about this document from the start, but he also thought Lin Meng's attitude was too disappointing, so he hadn't said anything. Now that Lin Meng had come to look at it and valued him so highly, he had to step in no matter what and show this little woman his skills!

"Everyone listen to Lin Meng, nobody is allowed to move!"

Long Si had spoken, and everyone naturally fell silent. However, despite this, the expressions on their faces betrayed a mix of unwillingness, lingering hostility, and continued suspicion!

"What do you want to say I'm listening first."

Four questions to Lin Meng.

“I’ve never touched this thing, let alone steal it. I don’t know how it ended up on the couch, and I have no idea why. So, of course, I’m happy to cooperate with your investigation. However, I also have suspicions. I suspect that this object was brought in by someone from your side. What do you think, Rong Sibo!”

She looked at Rong Sibo with twinkling eyes, her gaze full of inquiry.

Her villa, she had ninety-nine percent confidence in ensuring it was clean. Things that shouldn't be there would never appear out of the blue.

Although Rong Si, as the head of the Discipline Hall in the Rong family, is known for his strictness and impartiality within the family, once he steps outside its walls, there's no guarantee that he wouldn't compromise his principles and act in a biased way for the benefit of the Rong family!

She also wanted to hear what Rong Si would say.

Before Rong Si could even speak, someone else answered first.

"Our people, absolutely couldn't have done this. This thing is in your house, so you stole it!"

The Rong family members, who had barely suppressed their emotions, were angered by Lin Meng's suspicious words. The Rong family people are mostly proud at heart and cannot bear such suspicion.

Lin Meng turned his gaze sharply toward the young man who had spoken, and the two people who followed suit.

“I'm asking Rong Sibo, and he hasn't said a word. What are you all fighting over He is your elder, and with elders present, can you all be so disrespectful”

Several young faces instantly wore expressions of awkwardness, but their eyes still held a begrudging hostility.

Lin Meng said again, "I used to hear that the Rong family were exceptionally excellent and outstanding in every way. So I thought that members of the Rong family must have extraordinary perseverance and would remain calm and collected when facing difficulties, not rushing to define a matter that both parties were suspicious of. But now that I see them, why do I feel that the Rong family is just like everyone else!"

On one hand, they were praising him while on the other, they were killing. The words made even the Rong family members feel a bit awkward. Except for a few, everyone else was so stirred up by these words that they had to calm down.

Because, family members should be outstanding and excellent. They deserve these praises, how can they be looked down upon by such a small woman!


Highly recommend my friend Ali's work "Possess the New Bride", book number 349479.

Excellent urban romance novel, extremely abusive and doting. It just finished, don't miss out on the excitement!

Easy Introduction

What happens when a woman gets drunk

When Lola saw the pool of red on the bed, she understood that drinking too much alcohol could lead to bad decisions.

A contract, two people married. After marriage, each takes what they need and does not interfere with each other. Loving in front of others, strangers behind. When the time comes, they break up.

The person she married turned out to be the one she had spent a night with, she knew him, but he had already forgotten her.

His bed had never hosted a woman before, one who slept in it, under his blankets, leaving her scent mingled with his.

She was touched by a man for the first time, no, to be precise, her husband, while she was so lucid.yourself, are you!" She taunted, her voice rising slightly. "A smart woman should know how to choose the best path for herself. Our Rong family's head allows himself to keep women outside the marriage...