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hting its curves, making her seem like a nude goddess. He gazed at her lovingly, then leaned down to kiss her, his movements alternating between hurried and tender, covering her entire body in kisses....Rong Ling cooperated with her words, coldly withdrawing his hand and ending his restraint on Li Lanqiu!

Li Lanqiu seeing this, was in a bad way. After several obvious gasps of labored breathing, her face gradually paled, and her body swayed back and forth. With a thud, she fell to the floor, twitching slightly. Her face then broke out in a sweat again!

Lin Meng was speechless!

Here it comes again!

Only a raise away from sighing with relief!

This kind of thing, if it happens once or twice, will make people worry and feel pity; but when it happens too many times, coupled with such despicable behavior, it will truly make people lose their sympathy.

With narrowed eyes, she looked at her man.

"Ah Yu is coming this way. I think he should also call a few more doctors over here, to take a look at Li Lanqiu together. We can't just keep saying that she has an attack every time and there's nothing we can do about it!"

Moreover, the chosen times are still quite crucial.

Rong Ling nodded and took out her phone, instructing Shi Yu to call someone. This made Li Lanqiu, who was lying on the ground "having a seizure," panic. Her body couldn't withstand a thorough examination; otherwise, she would be exposed. The reason she could feign a seizure was twofold: first, she had trained in this area, and her body language was convincing. However, even with perfect acting, she couldn't control her sweating or paleness at will. Her pain was real. What allowed her to achieve this was the second reason - there was a small device implanted in her body. Upon receiving a signal, it would send out a powerful stimulus, causing her excruciating pain and convulsions, akin to an electric shock!

So, she avoids going to the hospital!

Now it seems she had to leave tonight. This is probably the aftereffect of not being able to directly kill Lin Meng. Who knows what this woman who escaped death said to Rong Ling at that critical moment That's why this scared man would do everything she says!

So, she could temporarily avoid the limelight and let things cool down for a while. When the storm subsided, she could make a comeback. After all, she was sure that Rong Ling wouldn't be able to truly push her away!

Having made her decision, she still played her part dutifully, for she couldn't arouse Rong Ling's suspicion. Her spasms gradually subsided, and the pained groans that accompanied them also softened. Reaching out, she wiped the sweat from her face, biting her lip, propping herself up with one hand, she slowly sat up.

"Rong Ling, you let me down!"

Looking up, her eyes shone particularly brightly as she stared at Rong Ling. In that instant, there was a different kind of aura about her, making people feel a sudden jolt of excitement. This was the only time Lin Meng had ever seen a quality in someone that made her think they could have been admired by Rong Ling before! As for Li Lanqiu, she couldn't see any shining points in her.

She slanted her eyes, glancing at Rong Ling, and saw with some satisfaction that her man was still his usual cool and aloof self!

This is great!

Li Lanqiu stood up a little awkwardly and walked towards her room. At this moment, her back was surprisingly straight, as if she was trying hard to show off her pride, but Lin Meng wouldn't appreciate it. She reached out and poked the man. When the man looked down with a mild expression, she poked him again. The man's expression changed slightly, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes. She reached out and poked him again. The man had no choice but to reach out and grab her mischievous hand.


She didn't reply, so the man asked again. "What's wrong!"

She blinked innocently. "It's nothing, just wanted to poke you!"

The man was stunned!

She pursed her lips, a hint of a smile playing on them. She wasn't about to tell this man that she was quite pleased with the fact that he wasn't around constantly putting on his icy facade in front of her.

The man was very indulgent with her, so even though her answer would have caused any other person to raise an eyebrow and issue a warning depending on his mood, he just went along with it. Instead, he took her hand and led her to the sofa, worried she might get tired. The two little ones, with their faces set, also hopped onto the sofa and settled down.

Li Lanqiu packed quickly because she had to. She needed to prevent Rong Lingzhen from forcing her to see a doctor and get checked up, because she knew firsthand how strong this man was and simply didn't have the ability to challenge him. Therefore, she absolutely had to leave before Shi Yu arrived.

Dragging her suitcase, she came before Rong Ling. Her smile was bleak, but her chin was held high, speaking with a fragile kind of stubbornness.

"Rong Ling, I don't need you to pity me. Whatever your brother has, I won't go back there. It would be a huge irony for me to leave your side and go live with your brother. Send me a car, then take me to Li Yi Ping. Even if I am desperate and even if the person who I promised forever to will push me away, I believe she won't do that!"

Even though it was time for her to leave, she still tried to find loopholes in language, using such words to hope that Rong Ling would feel guilty. However, Rong Ling's mind was made up. As she wished, he called a car to send her to Li Yiping's place.

As night deepened, the red taillights of the car faded into the distance, their brightness gradually dimming. Lin Meng watched, a sense of relief washing over her, but it wasn't unrestrained joy. She reached out and poked Rong Ling again, and he lowered his head to look at her.

"I have something to tell you!"

He asked silently.

She turned over and let the two little ones eat a piece of cake first to tide them over, explaining that dinner would be a bit late. The two little ones were very considerate and nodded in agreement. Then they went off to find the cake and have a meal themselves. Lin Meng then took Rong Ling's hand and went upstairs.

Some things, she would only be able to say to him calmly after Li Lanqiu was gone. Because she didn't want to argue with him while Li Lanqiu was still around.

That's so silly!

Leading him, she came to her own small study, pushed open the door, walked in, and dropped this sentence.

"Li Lanqiu mocked me, saying I was her substitute and that you didn't love me at all. She said you were only looking at me to find her shadow. She even showed me some photos of you and her being intimate in the past. This really hurt me and made me angry!"

He doesn't know!

Rong Ling held her breath slightly and narrowed her eyes.

I always felt that such venomous words shouldn't come from that woman. But who knows, his impression of her was based on the past. A long time could change a person completely. Just like the intense hatred he saw in her eyes before!

I didn't know you still liked taking pictures so much. The most times we've taken pictures together was for our wedding photos, that was a must!

She gave him a withering glance, muttering under her breath in a tone dripping with displeasure. She had to let the man know she was jealous, furious, so he'd have time for some serious reflection and learn to consider her feelings!

Rong Ling walked in and his pupils suddenly constricted. The scattered photos, on the table and on the floor, deeply shocked him!

"You just take a look yourself, I'm about to be driven crazy by that Li Lanqiu. Hmph, maybe I should find a man and take some intimate photos, then send them to you through someone else. I bet you'll know how it feels!"

She turned her head, expecting to see anger on the man's face. She thought he would definitely be angry. Sometimes, he could be quite domineering and possessive, but now he didn't show any reaction at all. His eyes were just fixed on those photos. This immediately made her feel uneasy.

This photo really packs a punch, it can instantly capture a man's entire attention! Even if he's convinced deep down that his heart belongs to her, seeing this, his heart can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, doubt, and questions.

She didn't know that Rong Ling was staring intently at those photos not because she thought he was lost in old feelings, but because something about them was off. Rong Ling had absolute confidence in his memory; he clearly remembered that when he came to this small study before, there were no such photos. But now they were there!

"These photos, you did them!"

With a tight face, his eyes were so deep you couldn't see the bottom.

She stiffened, sensing the question in his tone. And she couldn't stand his gaze right now!

"Yes, it was me!" she said with a huff, lifting her chin. "You better not tell me that I've upset you by doing this!"

Otherwise, she would immediately leave the house and never come back, driving him to despair!

"When did you do this! When you left the house!"

"Yes. I got angry after seeing these photos, so I just swept them away!"

She glared at him, her voice rising with a hint of anger.

Only then did Rong Ling realize something was amiss with her. He immediately calmed his mind and tried to figure out why. He had a vague idea, so he reached out and pulled her into his arms. She resisted, twisting her body away, but she couldn't withstand his strength.

"Photos or whatever, it doesn't matter. They're all old pictures, do with them what you want!"

"You're lying!" she shouted. "Look at that face you just made, like I did something terribly wrong to you. You care about these photos, don't you Obsessed with them"

"What are you thinking about, little fool" Rong Ling chuckled low. "You're wrong, I was just thinking, but definitely not the way you think!"

What do you think!

Rong Ling hesitated for a moment, but still decided to lay everything on the table. Some things, keeping them hidden was pointless anymore.

"I've seen this room before, there weren't any of these pictures!"

"When did you watch it!"

After you left, I had to wait for Youyou to come home so I came back. Then I pushed open the door to this little study and saw that it was spotless!

"This is impossible, when I left the room was just like this!" Lin Meng raised her voice slightly, then realized that she had spoken so suddenly and loudly, it was meaningless. She wasn't here to argue with Rong Ling anyway.

"When I left, it was really like this," she softly explained to Rong Ling, giving a rough account of what had happened at the time.

"I believe in you!"

Just this one sentence, but it made Lin Meng's heart feel much happier.

"So, what do you say How did this photo suddenly disappear and then reappear And it seems like everything was placed in the same way when I left."

Lin Meng tilted her head and moved around, looking left and right, trying to find out what was different from her memory.

As Rong Ling stood there, his mind raced with several thoughts. Out of professional instinct, he knew someone else had definitely been in this room, and that person was skilled, able to take the photos while leaving everything else undisturbed. Either that person had an incredibly good memory, or they used some kind of device.

Let's play a guessing game first, who would come to this house Now there are few people in the family. Besides their family of three and little Haohao who always stays with them, there are only Danyang and Ayi left. These people have no time to commit the crime, and they are people he absolutely trusts. That is to say, someone else has entered his house, and... it is not ruled out that the person who came in is Li Lanqiu.

But subconsciously, he refused to speculate about that woman because his past memories of her were beautiful. She shouldn't be like that. But, on the other hand, he was a rational person, and logic told him Li Lanqiu was suspicious. After all, the photo was from her to Lin Meng, who looked furious after seeing it and almost got shot. When he rushed back, the photo disappeared, only to reappear when he returned with an unharmed Lin Meng!

> If you think about it deeply, he might even feel a chill in his heart!

Is it a coincidence, or was it premeditated! Was it her, or someone else!

No matter what, he was unwilling to stay hidden like this any longer. Everyone who had been placed in this house before must be in position, and the security level had to be raised by one level. His identity also had to be made public immediately. He had to let those restless people know that Rong Ling was not someone to be trifled with. Whoever dared to be so blind, he would kill them!

"You said, this photo was given to you by He Ya!" His eyes held danger.

“Hmm.” Lin Meng casually nodded, still searching for clues, thinking to herself about what was going on. With a hint of suspicion in her voice, she muttered, “Li Lanqiu said it like that, but who knows She said He Ya brought the photos, claiming it was a gift for me, but maybe she had He Ya bring them! You don’t even know what kind of tone she used when she spoke. Anyway, she and He Ya are in cahoots!”

She pursed her lips and took another careful look at the table, her expression somewhat dejected.

"No, I really can't see where anything has changed. It feels just the same as when I left. It's really strange!"

"No need to look further, I've made up my mind."

"What's your number!" she said with a smile, raising an eyebrow at him with a hint of playful teasing.

"He Ya, I will teach her a good lesson." Along with Rong Qi Keng!

"How do we punish him!" Her eyes glittered with interest, sparkling with the light of an impending prank.

"Just look at it!"

She immediately shrugged and scoffed, "Come on, you always say that!"

But this time it was clearly different, because he replied, "Let me think about it carefully and figure out how to punish her, and I'll tell you my plan!"

She walked happily to his side, taking small quick steps. She hugged his arm and smiled sweetly. Her little expression was quite endearing.

He looked, and a few sparks of joy leaped in his eyes.

"You're saying, this thing... it's about the photos, isn't it" She stopped abruptly, as if finding it difficult to say more.

"Hmm!" he encouraged with his eyes.

She squared her shoulders and blurted out quickly, "Is it Li Lanqiu's"

Put everything out in the open!

Leave him no room to hide!e plenty of guns!"Lin Meng met Cui Liucheng's sincere smile and, without hesitation, walked over.Because obviously they treat you as one of their own, if you keep pushing them away, you might end up h...