Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 787: Water Source Intercepted


ck into space. The bodies of the five were scattered around her, lifeless, with the smell of blood spreading outward. She also heard a strange beast roar, which was probably the monster they had been..."Then the two of us will search this area in a fan shape."

Yuan Chongming said.

"My team is me and my whirlwind, so we won't be teaming up with you."

Ripple spoke to several people, and everyone agreed. If anything were to happen, the whirlwind would be much more nimble than they were.

Then everyone dispersed, each searching the area in front of them.

The ripples placed the whirlwind on the ground and then said:

Twister, choose a direction.

The whirlwind stretched its body first, then wagged its tail and skipped forward in a chosen direction.

Because of the previous meteorite impact, the ground still retained some stones of various sizes. Some were as tall as a person, while others were the size of a football. They had all turned to a charred color and were embedded in the ground, making it difficult to walk on.

"Meow!" My cat master, I've made a discovery.

The ripples followed the sound of the whirlwind and then she saw the other side squatting on a protruding stone, meowing at her and urging her to hurry.

Here it is, don't worry!

When the ripples reached the tornado's side, she realized there was a massive chasm before her, as big as a baseball field. At the bottom of this pit lay a gigantic meteorite, the largest she had ever seen. It was embedded deep in the earth, and there was nothing else around it.

Ripple, having a hunch, blew a whistle immediately to alert the others of her discovery. Then she and Cyclone stood at the edge of the giant pit, staring down in contemplation.

After a quarter of an hour, the vanguard squad assembled together. Looking at the massive meteorite and the enormous crater it had created, they were all taken aback in astonishment.

"Master Situ, are those people you spoke of..."

Although I don't want to say it, everyone more or less has some guesses in their hearts.

No wonder I couldn't find them,ԭ

Sithu Yi also felt a tinge of sadness. The probability of the entire village being hit wasn't very high, so how did they just happen to run into this

"We will rest here for one night and set off for Mount Shen early tomorrow morning."

Yuan Chongming could only rearrange the plans. Without a leader, they could only rely on the map to find their way forward. Because of the meteorite impact, many roads were estimated to have been destroyed, which posed a certain difficulty for them.

Everyone's mood was a bit heavy, so they each found a place to sit. A dry biscuit with cold water was their meal for the day.

After filling their bellies, everyone set up their tents and took turns keeping watch throughout the night. They rested for a whole night and continued on their journey the next day.

As they climbed up from the foot of the mountain, they felt the temperature drop again. Lian Ri took out a thermometer and measured it, finding it was only fifteen degrees above zero. Feeling a bit cold, everyone put on an extra thick coat.

Since Spin is short-haired, he was also dressed up by Ripple this time. He wore a little coat on his body and tiny shoes on his paws. Spin looked so handsome that he strutted in front of everyone, showing off a bit. After receiving a wave of compliments, he finally went back to Ripple's side.

"You're so conceited!"

Ripples rubbed the other person's head and said with a smile.

"Meow!" That's a compliment for you.

The triumphant meow of the cat spinning around.

After this little incident, the Vanguard Squad moved slowly, taking a whole day to cover only one-tenth of the distance. However, the temperature continued to drop, and they had to stop because it had reached freezing point. They didn't have any thicker clothes with them.

I underestimated the temperature here. Estimating any higher, it would be below zero.

Sistui Yi said.

Zhao Jia was already rubbing her hands together and breathing heavily, white puffs of vapor escaping from her mouth, proving that the temperature had indeed dropped significantly.

"What if we take off all our clothes and concentrate on having two people wear them That way, we should be able to continue for a while. If we can't hold on any longer, we'll return. We'll see what we can find. If we can't find anything, we'll just go back first and come again after we're fully prepared."

Li Qian thought about it and then suggested.

This time everyone agrees, this is the most effective method at the moment.

Ripple was looking at a tall, swaying pine tree, then she said to the whirlwind:

"Whirlwind, climb up to the top of the tree and have a look."

"Meow!" Good!

The whirlwind answered with a whoosh and immediately scrambled up the gigantic pine tree, vanishing in a flash.

Everyone also saw the ripple effect, watching the whirlwind darting around the trees until it disappeared from sight. Everyone's heads then lifted up.

> After ten minutes, ripples heard the cry of the tornado.

"Meow!" Master cat, something has been discovered! Come up and have a look.

With a flicker in her eyes, Lian'yi addressed the few people present:

"The whirlwind has appeared, let me go and have a look, you guys wait here."

"Okay, be careful."

Yuan Chongming did not stop her, he knew Lian Ri's abilities.

The ripple nodded, her wrist turned, and the deadly silk shot out, winding around a branch of the evergreen pine. Then she leaped, standing on the extended branch. Her figure swayed once, then she used her momentum to leap upward again. She repeated this four or five times until she reached the top of the pine tree.

"Meow!" My dear master, look quickly.

Ripple stabilized her figure and looked toward the middle of Mount Shen's slope, where a fan-shaped meteorite was stuck. It looked like an ax head without a handle, cleaving a rift across the mountainside horizontally.

Although I don't know how deep the fissure is, most of the melted snow water from the mountain flows into it. No wonder Qimu City hasn't been flooded even in this hot weather.

"Tornado, we're going back. I think this mission is finished."

When Ripples finished speaking, she stuffed the whirlwind into her backpack and jumped down from the treetop. Once she landed, everyone rushed over to her.

"Ripple, what's going on"

"No need to go any further, we've found the cause of the water source disruption."

The ripples sent the whirlwind out, and then she told him what she had seen.

"Ripples, do you mean the meteorite disrupted the flow of melted snow"


How deep is the crack

This can't be seen with the naked eye, you have to measure it up close to know for sure. But I think it must be connected to groundwater, otherwise, the city of Qi would have been flooded again long ago.

The ripples spoke directly.

"Leave the professional matters to the professionals. Let's go back and report what we heard. We'll see what they say."

Yuan Chongming said.

Everybody agreed, since we already found the reason and the task was essentially completed.

Then everyone started their arduous descent. As always, it's easier to go up a mountain than down. This holds true everywhere. Even though they were all strong and healthy adults, by the time they reached the bottom, they were all panting heavily from exhaustion.

"No way! Captain, let's take a break for a while!"

"Alright, let's rest here for a bit, have something to eat and regain our energy. We'll return to the vehicle parking spot in two hours, and we'll have a car for the rest of the journey. No need to exert yourselves so much then."

Yuan Chongming couldn't help but chuckle and say, "This group of people has never lost a drinking competition, yet they look so pathetic climbing this mountain. It's truly laughable."

People gathered around a bonfire, ready to roast the cold, hard bread.

"Meow!" Xuanfeng cried out, his voice loud and high-pitched, startling everyone.

How about a whirlwind

Before Zhao Jia could even speak, she felt the ground shaking.siness.The man who had spoken earlier, explaining the situation, then stood up and asked:"More herbs""Change!"The ripples declared resolutely.Liu Zili, who had been silent all along, stepped forward a...