Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 1160: Emergency Meeting 2


mains of the first girl who was sacrificed.The ripples wouldn't say the true reason these souls were trapped here, after all, this place was touched by her master's original hand. She had simply simpl..."If it were you, what would you do next"

Admiral Erol continued to ask.

“Contact those three ships that have gone behind enemy lines and get them to return to the Alliance as quickly as possible. Then isolate those three ships. The rest is up to the researchers. If they bring back an entity, we need to figure out how to eliminate it as fast as possible.”

If they haven't been replaced by consciousness entities, that's their good luck. Now that we have the important information, there's no need to let them risk exploring further in the rear areas.

According to information about the Octarians, they use changes in magnetic fields to determine if they've been replaced by invaders. We could try doing the same thing.

But we can let high-level mentalists try it. Their consciousness is formless and intangible, isn't it similar to our own psychic abilities

As the ripples spread, she thought and spoke.

Of course, she wasn't just talking randomly. After all, she had sparred with the consciousness entity once before, so her suggestions were still quite valuable.

"Lieutenant He Lianyi, why do you think psychic power can eliminate these entities"

"Silo asked."

I'm not sure, but I think it's worth a try.

Let's take us and the Okteviss people as an example. Their strength lies in technology, but they are fragile themselves, while the Federation is evolving towards enhancing itself, whether it be physical or mental power. This is also where we differ from the Okteviss people.

Alliance citizens are born with psychic abilities, and as they age to a certain point, their psychic powers can be further enhanced through genetic activation fluid. This allows us to contract with alien plants and star beasts, and even gives rise to high-level psychics. This is our advantage.

We cannot confront our opponents with our weaknesses, but we can defeat them with our strengths. Whether it is effective or not, we have to try it out.

"He Shao's idea is good, so let's take a two-pronged approach. First, we must defend rigorously. Second, we need to find a way to eliminate the enemy. Only then can we talk about counterattacking."

Admiral Eroel hammered out the decision and, after outlining the specific tasks, adjourned the meeting.

After leaving the Star Network, Ripples started communicating with Xiaoliu.

Can mental power destroy consciousness

"I don't know, I haven't tried."

>It would be nice to have some test subjects.

Ripple sighed in regret.

Even Xiao Liu didn't want to talk to Lianyi anymore. If a real Ocotvian being replaced by a consciousness entity appeared before them now, that would be a major incident.

However, this opportunity soon came before Ripples.

Because of the fierce attack by the Okotevis star people, General Eroll contacted the Second and Third Army Corps. A large number of warships and officers and soldiers rushed to the front line to reinforce them. The ripple defense line also brought in a new commander.

The new commander is Major Thomas, the one who thought Ripples had no command experience and submitted a complaint to superiors about her. Although for some reason his complaint wasn't accepted, he still seemed a little awkward when he saw Ripples again.

The ripples were much more generous, after all, she was only temporary. After handing over her current work, she returned to her position as deputy.

...Liang Qian, Qingluan, and An Mengmeng, who had previously collaborated more with Lianyi, were more convinced of her, after all, Lianyi had minimized their losses under the attack of the Ocotesvian main fleet.

After encountering two minor attacks on the frontline, the Oktovian forces were unable to break through and temporarily withdrew from XZ9 defense line.

"Headmaster He, I just received a notice that the spacecraft that went to the rear for reconnaissance has returned and is heading towards our defensive zone."

An Mengmeng immediately sent the message to Lianyi because she was on holiday that day and not in the command center.

When the ripples received this message, she was on the military star network, discussing recent combat deployment plans with Mu Xiang and Hunter.

After seeing the message, she immediately logged out of StarNet and rushed to the command center.

"Headmaster He, you've arrived just in time. A scouting vessel has returned." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Thomas pointed at the light screen and said.

"Commander, have we made contact with the returning ship"

I've already gotten in touch, and there are some people you know inside.

Thomas said.

"Acquaintance" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"Yes, he said he's your classmate, his name is Wu Tianxing. Do you remember him"

Thomas asked.

Yes, he was indeed my classmate, but we studied different subjects during our time at the First Academy, so we didn't interact much.

Lin was still somewhat familiar with Lian Yi. This man had been persistent in his pursuit of her, but he eventually fell behind her academic pace and the distance between them gradually grew. She hadn't expected to encounter him here.

He demanded to see the commanding officer.

Thomas turned his head and said.

"We can meet, but according to regulations, their entire spaceship has to be quarantined."

"You're worried there are other passengers on their spaceship."

Thomas's statement was affirmative.

"Didn't the commander have the same suspicions"

The ripples smiled and asked back.

"Then let's isolate for now, but you can communicate through video calls."

Thomas wasn't going to let this chance to capture the consciousness invader slip away.

The return of the No. 1 reconnaissance spacecraft drew much attention, and as the receiving party, Dru's warship also became the focus of everyone's attention.

From the moment the spacecraft landed on the tenth warship, Ripples had Six initiate full-scale surveillance, ensuring no detail was missed.

"Ripple, for my convenience to monitor things, you'd best go aboard the Tenth Battleship."

Xiao Liu immediately sent out a request message.

"Previously, the tenth battleships was used as a temporary command center. Didn't you set up a command system Why can't I get in now"

Ripples raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Ever since that spaceship landed, my data reception has been faulty, which is why I wanted you to take a look at the situation on-site."

Little Six is currently receiving information that is somewhat delayed. He feels something is wrong over there.

Ripple understood Xiao Liu's meaning and immediately reported to Thomas before riding the whirlwind to the tenth battleship.

Drell personally took Ripples to the quarantine chamber, watching through the glass as the spaceship underwent decontamination and inspection. Ripples' eyes flickered.

The entire isolation chamber was filled only with machines, not even a single human being, let alone a robot. The ten people who came down from the spaceship changed out of their battle suits in full view of everyone and then used instruments to check each other's bodies.

The ripples were just a quick scan of the check results on Zhi Nao. The results showed that Wu Tianxing and his team were in good health, their magnetic fields were normal, and there was nothing abnormal.

Wu Tianxing eagerly dialed the isolation ward's video call. After reporting their mission status to Captain Drew, he requested to see the Commander, saying that he had important information that could only be told to him.

"Captain Wu, we are very satisfied with your completion of this reconnaissance mission. The commander you wish to see has arrived at the tenth battleship."

Teodoro's words finally brought a smile to Wu Tianxing's face.

"Long time no see, Wu Tianxing!"

Ripples's figure appeared in the video.

"He Lianyi, it's really you! How could you be in this defensive zone"

Wu Tianxing's face was a mixture of surprise and joy.

"Because I am the commander you want to see."ed and clinging to life. Wangfu immediately used all his skills to snatch the original owner back from the clutches of death.When Lady Wait patiently learned about the incident, she was so angry that...