Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 783: Vice-President Fang!


out the human race In your dreams."Fang Yu coldly said, while extending both arms to encircle the evil spirit before him.And then, power surges, arms tighten!"Click click click..."The evil spirit's bo...The next morning at 9:50, Fang Yu, who had disguised himself using Xuan Ran Qi Yi Rong, arrived at the Beidu Martial Arts Association headquarters by taxi. 。In a suit and tie, Zheng Ze held a briefcase, waiting outside the main gate of the club for Fang Yu. 。"Master Fang, you're here." 。"Zheng Ze bowed respectfully and said:" 。After bowing, Zheng Ze took out an ID card from his briefcase. 。This document lists the person's name and job title, among other things. 。Just as Xu Hui said yesterday, Fang Yu's current identity is Fang Chengtian, aged fifty-three. Like Zheng Ze, he is a disciple of Xu Hui. 。"Can we go in now" Fang Yu asked. 。"As long as you have your ID on you, you can go in." 。Zheng Ze said 。Then, Fang Yu and Zheng Ze pinned their credentials to their chests and walked through the main gate of the outer courtyard. 。Compared to martial arts associations in other regions, the Beidu Martial Arts Association, despite its higher rank, lacks the grandeur and modernization of their buildings. 。

From the outside, it looks like an old and elegant building with a sense of historical depth. 。

Fang Yu and Zheng Ze entered the main building together. 。The guards on either side saw the badge on Fang Yu's chest and immediately bowed together, respectfully shouting, "Greetings, Vice President Fang!" Fang Yu nodded slightly and walked into the building. 。At that moment, a white-bearded old man with a smile walked over. 。“This must be Fang Chengtian, the vice president personally appointed by Master Huixu, right” The elder walked up to Fang Yu and extended his hand, saying, “I’m Pan Yushan, one of the vice presidents here. From now on, we’ll be colleagues.” 。

Fang Yu smiled and shook hands with Pan Yushan. 。Pan Yushan's eyes flickered slightly, quickly scanning Fang Yu and Zheng Ze. 。

While Fang Yu was also sizing up Pan Yushan 。"On the surface, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. As for his aura... I didn't know him before, so I couldn't tell if there was anything unusual." 。First, we need to figure out how the Dao Kong...or the half-spirit race controls these people. 。Fang Yu thought to himself. 。Before arriving in Huaibei, Zhao Jidao had already been controlled by the Banshen Clan. 。At that time, Fang Yu, through Zhao Ji's changes in breath before and after, could see that he was being controlled by someone... And then, Fang Yu released his divine consciousness and entered Zhao Ji's soul, but found nothing unusual. 。Back then, Fang Yu came to a conclusion. 。The Halfling race does not control people's minds through soul spirits... It is more likely that they use some kind of mental magic, similar to hypnosis... To manipulate people. 。But no matter what, manipulating others in this way, wanting to see through it at a glance, is very difficult. 。To know if Pan Yushan in front of him had a problem, one could only discern it from his words and deeds, and some small movements. 。"Vice President Fang, how is Master Huixu's health recently" Pan Yushan asked. 。"Not bad, taking down a few seventh and eighth-order monsters with bare hands shouldn't be a problem." 。“Fang Yu replied,” 。"...Haha, Vice President Fang really knows how to speak." 。Pan Yushan was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter. “Let’s not stand here foolishly any longer. I’ll take you upstairs to your exclusive office.” 。The people on the first floor, upon seeing Pan Yushan and Fang Yu, all bowed and greeted them. 。Soon, Fang Yu and Zheng Ze followed Pan Yushan up the wooden stairs to the sixth floor. 。

"Colleagues from other regions all envy the Beidu Martial Arts Association and wish to be transferred there.... But they don't know, our hall is much more rudimentary than their major regional ones! It doesn't even have an elevator." 。"Pan Yushan shook his head and smiled," 。"Why not install an elevator" Fang Yu asked. 。Pan Yushan turned his head and glanced at Fang Yu, then said, "This is the rule set by your teacher, Master Huixu." 。“He thinks our martial arts association should maintain a simple style…”

“As a result, we indeed maintained a simple style, but other regions don't care so much anymore.” 。Feiyu didn't speak, just listened. 。While Zheng Ze trailed behind, his head bowed and silent. 。After a while, Pan Yushan led Fang Yu to a room at the end of the corridor and pushed open the door. 。The room is very spacious inside, with bookshelves, a desk, a coffee table, and a sofa... all made of mahogany. 。"This is your exclusive office, Vice President Fang. You'll be working here from now on, right across from me," Pan Yushan stroked his white beard and chuckled, "hehe..." 。。"They're all very busy, you'll see them at the meeting later." 。"Pan Yushan said," 。Alright, would you please lead the way, Vice President Pan 。"Fang Yu raised his hand and bowed." 。Let's not be too formal. I see you're much younger than me... How about we call each other brothers from now on " Pan Yushan said with a smile. 。"Certainly, Brother Pan." 。"Fang Yu smiled faintly" 。"Haha, okay, see you later, Fang brother." 。

First, familiarize yourself with the environment here. The specific work will be explained to you at the meeting.

After that, Pan Yushan left the office with a smile. 。Fang Yu glanced at Zheng Ze, and Zheng Ze immediately stepped forward and closed the door. 。"How are you feeling" Fang Yu transmitted his thoughts to Zheng Ze. 。Zheng Ze shook his head and replied, "As a grown-up, excuse my stupidity, I didn't see anything. " 。"

I wouldn't say I'm stupid, I didn't see anything either." 。Fang Yu smiled slightly, "By the way, did Huixu give us a deadline"

"No... but the teacher said it's best to resolve it as soon as possible..." Zheng Ze replied 。Fang Yu walked to the chair in front of the office desk and sat down, saying: "We're investigating them, and they're definitely secretly investigating us too." 。There's no need to rush, someone will surely give themselves away at the meeting later. 。

Fang Yu is not in a hurry at all now. 。In his view, all he needed to do was find one controlled person, and he could expose everyone who had been infiltrated in the entire Beidu Martial Arts Association. 。An hour later, at eleven o'clock in the morning. 。Fang Yu and Zheng Ze came to the conference room on the seventh floor. 。

By the conference table, sat four people. 。

One of them is Pan Yushan, and the other three should be the other three vice presidents. 。Fang Yu glanced at the ID cards on their chests and knew their names. 。"This is our new colleague, Fang Chengtian, a disciple of Master Huixu!" Pan Yushan stood up first and introduced to the other three vice presidents. 。At this moment, the three people reacted differently. 。The bald old man sitting opposite, head bowed over a document, looked up at Fang Yu for a moment, then lowered his head and went back to reading. 。According to the documents, this elder's name is Fu Sheng. 。While sitting beside Pan Yushan, Luo Hao, the vice president, stood up. He smiled and nodded to Fang, saying: "Hello, Vice President Fang, I'm Luo Hao." 。The youngest-looking vice president sat at the end of the conference table, looking down at his phone from beginning to end and not even glancing at Fang Yu's way. 。His name is Du Teng. 。Behind each of the three vice chairmen stood an assistant, except for Vice Chairman Du Teng. 。Fang Yu smiled slightly at Luo Hao, glanced at the other two people, said nothing, and casually sat down. 。

Zheng Ze stood behind Fang Yu. 。"President Wang is in seclusion, but he should be emerging soon within the next period of time. Then you will get to meet him." 。"Pan Yushan said" 。Fan Yu nodded. 。Okay, so now we'll officially begin the meeting content. 。"Pan Yushan said" 。Hearing this, Du Teng, who had been playing with his phone all along, finally raised his head. 。At this moment, Fang Yu was just taking a look at Du Teng. 。Their gazes met in the air. 。

Du Teng's eyes held a cold indifference. 。Compared to the other three elders, his face looked much younger. 。Just a few days ago, something happened in Beidu that I'm sure you've all heard about. 。"Pan Yushan said, 'The secular family, the Tang family, wants to marry into the martial arts family, the Lu family.'" 。Upon hearing this, Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat and she looked towards Pan Yushan. 。This matter was none of our business originally, but then a series of things happened afterwards... it's a bit troublesome. 。“Pan Yushan stroked his white beard and said, “The Lu family suddenly unilaterally announced the cancellation of the marriage alliance and severed ties with the Tang family...That night, Tang Cong, the male protagonist of this marriage alliance, who was located at Beidu First Hospital...was assassinated and failed to be rescued. He died that night.” 。mperor Chi Xuan was severely wounded by the Primordial Saint, the God Lord Ji Wangu didn't make a move himself nor dispatch his subordinates to help.Not until Chi Xuan fell did the Demon army suffer h...