Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 3499: Time to Leave


on't blame me for being rude to him!"This true qi contains the voice of Guo Cuoyun.After hearing Guo Cuoyun's words, Ling'er and Jiang Ruolan looked at each other, their faces somewhat embarrassed.Jia...Just this alone puts them far ahead of the other three major forces in Wuzhou!

If nothing goes wrong, Bijiang will surely rise to the top of Wuzhou in the future, crushing the other three powers under its feet!

But today's events have taken a dramatic turn for this matter.

If it's handled properly, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

If they don't handle this well, their families will be in big trouble!

As far as he knew, the little fish was a real darling at home, pampered and adored.

For this very reason, even though they knew the little fish would encounter many dangers outside, his family did not stop him from going out.

If the little fish can't go out, it will be very unhappy.

"Who on earth wants to harm our Bi family How could they reach into our own territory!" Bi Yang lowered his head, his face constantly shifting, his hands gripping the ground tightly, knuckles white, his mood extremely agitated.

He knew very well that the events of today, which appeared to be an assassination attempt on Xiao Liyu, were in fact... a move directed at their Bi family!

Little Carp's attendants are very powerful. Don't even mention these roadside assassins, even if they were more subtle and used more bizarre methods, it would be difficult to threaten Little Carp's safety.

Therefore, this assassination was more of an act to damage Bi Jia's image in Xiao Li Yu's heart.

...and this happening also means… there's a traitor within the Bi family!

The assassination took place within the Bi Family's territory, it's irrefutable evidence!

If there were no traitors, such a thing would not have happened!

Moreover, Xiaoliyu's arrival in Wuzhou was only a few days ago, and the itinerary was kept highly confidential. Even if the other three major forces learned about it later, it would be difficult to make timely arrangements.

But the assassination still happened, which means... The force that wanted to deal with the Bi family knew very early on that Xiaoliyu would come to Wuzhou, and they knew when she would arrive at the Bi family!

The mole who knows this kind of information...must surely be high up in the Bi family!

A high-ranking insider!

This is the biggest reason why Bi Yang's mind is unstable!

"Let's go out for a bit."

Taking advantage of the fact that Xiao Liyu was still chattering away about Bihan Tian, Bai Mei walked up to Fang Yu's side and whispered.

"Where to" Fang Yu asked, not surprised.

"Just outside the drawing-room," Bai Mei said, and walked out.

Fang Yu took a glance at the little carp.

The little fish was ranting and raving, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

As for Han Miaoyin, she was also staring in surprise at the moment, seemingly learning Xiao Liyu's cursing skills.

Thus, Fang Yu also turned around and followed Bai Mei out.

Han Miao'yi turned her head to glance at Fang Yu's back, but didn't follow him out.


After stepping out of the side door of the reception room, Bai Mei paused.

Fang Yu also stopped.

"You and your 'sister' should leave." Bai Mei said expressionlessly.

"Leaving Little Carp promised to help me find that monk," Fang Yu raised an eyebrow. "She hasn't even finished the task yet, how can I leave"

“What you and your companions want to do is none of my concern. But if you try to use our young mistress’s innocence for your own gain… that will be a grave mistake.” Bai Mei’s voice turned cold.

"How did I take advantage of Xiao Liyu" Fang Yu frowned and asked, "Isn't it just normal communication"

"You are very clever, realizing early on the deep background of my young mistress," Bai Mei said. "Your subsequent actions were all deliberate attempts to get close to her. Not a single word you spoke to the young mistress was true."

“I suggest you phrase that as a question, not a statement,” Fang Yu said. “As a servant, I think you should trust your mistress's judgment instead of taking matters into your own hands and driving away someone your mistress considers a friend. If I were to leave, do you think your mistress would be happy or sad”

"Miss is just a child's temperament, so she is easily deceived. Even if she is heartbroken, it is only temporary. Moreover, I am not her servant, but her protector. My mission is only to eliminate all dangers for her." Bai Mei said calmly, "As for other things, they are not within my consideration."

"How can you be so sure I will bring danger to your young mistress, instead of greater safety" Fang Yu asked with a smile. "Besides, I don't think you understand your young mistress very well. I don't think she's as naive and foolish as you say. How can you be sure she didn't see the loopholes in my words Maybe she likes this..."

“I don’t want to argue with you about these pointless things. In short, you and your companions must leave Miss's side. We will be leaving Bi Jia next, and then… you mustn’t follow us.” Bai Mei said calmly, “If you disobey me, then I will find a way to make you disappear from Miss’s side.”

After saying that, Bai Mei walked back to the reception room.

Fang Yu looked at Bai Mei's back and smiled faintly, not taking the matter to heart.

He could understand Baime's thoughts, but he wouldn't follow them.

All the little fishes agreed to help him find the monk, so he couldn't leave.

"Since she could help me, I might as well help her out and see what's going on," Fang Yu thought to himself. "This Bi family is so big, but only Bi Yang, Bi Hantian, and Bi Lingtian came out to greet Xiaoli Fish. Where did the other members go"

After some thought, he decided not to return to the drawing-room just yet, but to go outside and see what was happening.


Fang Yu used the ability of the Hidden Flower to conceal his figure and aura.

Then, he leaped directly onto the rooftop of the drawing-room.

The entire periphery of the Bi family realm is protected by many arrays.

...and it is also riddled with various rules and regulations, used to monitor the every move of its members.

To this point, the safety of the Bi family realm can be said to be foolproof.

That is to say, assassins will appear within the Bi family's domain, either orchestrated by the Bi family themselves or a result of collusion between insiders and outside forces.

The first possibility is unlikely, the Bi family wouldn't harm themselves.

Therefore, the most likely possibility is that there is a traitor within Bi Jia.

"What kind of traitor would want something to happen to a distinguished guest like Little Carp Doing this could drag the entire Bi family into trouble. Since the traitor is a member of the Bi family, they wouldn't be afraid of things escalating and getting themselves in trouble too" Fang Yu thought to himself.

"Tap tap tap..."

Just as Fang Yu was still pondering, he suddenly saw Bi Lingtian leading a large group of warriors back to the front door of the reception hall.

"By the way, Bihan Tian and Bilin Tian are brothers..." Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself.

As Jian Bi Tian saw the entrance to the reception hall, Fang Yu also prepared to leave.

Just then, he felt two icy breaths beside him.

Turning his head, he saw two black-robed cultivators on the rooftop, less than ten meters behind him.

But Fangyu could see them, while they couldn't see Fangyu at this moment.fter Quan De Tianzun bowed his head, Chi Xuan laughed heartily at the sky, and the demonic shadows behind him flickered even more intensely."That's it, that's all! You just need to bow down to him lik...