Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 3491: No More Repayment


other with a best-of-five format," Fang Yu said coldly. "Let all those beasts come at us together.""...Huh" The referee was taken aback."It's those beasts from the Ziyangu Palace," Fang Yu pointed ahe...Of course, the appearance of this Immortal King still inspired many cultivators at the time, giving them hope. Therefore, although the overall trend of choosing body refinement cultivators was still decreasing, it remained at a certain proportion.

Some cultivators, believing that their aptitude for cultivating Qi is not high, and that they will inevitably encounter a bottleneck that they are unable to overcome in their lifetime, choose to focus on physical cultivation instead.

"Back then, in the primordial world, the ratio of cultivators who focused on physical refinement to those who focused on cultivating Qi was roughly one to nine."

Hearing this, Fang Yu frowned slightly and said, “That means cultivators are just not as popular as they used to be. But one tenth of the population can't be considered a minority group, right”

"Oh, Xiaohēi, just let me finish my story," said Xiao Liyu, giving Fang Yu a withering look. "This is only the middle stage of the history of Tǐ Xiū development. There's a huge turning point coming later."

Fang Yu nodded and stopped talking.

“As I said before, with the continuous development of cultivation systems, physical cultivation had already fallen into decline. But suddenly, a Immortal King who cultivated through the body appeared, giving it a resurgence.” The little carp saw Fang Yu engrossed in his words and seemed a bit proud as she smiled, “Xiao Hei, guess what happened next, making physical cultivation, once a major direction of cultivation, completely turn into a stagnant pool”

Still keeping us in suspense

"Just say it directly." Fang Yu raised an eyebrow.

"No, I want you to guess! Guess quickly! Otherwise, I won't tell you anymore, it'll drive you crazy, hahaha…" The little carp crossed her arms and grinned mischievously.

If Fang Yu wasn't keeping a low profile right now, he would definitely have slapped this little fish with its chubby cheeks.

"Well, let me guess... is it a Qi Refining expert suppressing the Body Refiners" Fang Yu said casually.

"Wrong!" the little carp exclaimed immediately, "Think again!"

"I can't imagine." Fang Yu replied.

"What was the key point I just said about this body cultivation returning to light and reflecting" asked Xiaoli Fish.

"That celestial king who proved his way through physical prowess" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yes! He was the key! The reason why body cultivation fell into decline later on was because of this Immortal King… During his eighty-first tempering… he exploded!" Little Carp's tone rose, she said.

Upon hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes flashed with shock.

A celestial king who... practiced his way by embodying the flesh, and prioritized physical refinement… in the end, he still couldn't escape the tragic fate of dying from tempering his body.

This is a huge blow to all cultivators in the world!

Even the Immortal King couldn't escape such a fate, so what are they pursuing by striving for the peak of physical cultivation

The end of body cultivation is death by bursting!

“It was after the death of that lone cultivator who reached the peak of physical refinement that cultivators in the world dwindled by half. Until now… only those from humble backgrounds choose to cultivate physically, because refining the body doesn't require powerful techniques, just a cultivation method for physical refinement. The threshold is low.” Xiaoliyu said, “That’s why I say physical cultivation is very disadvantaged.”

"Do you understand now My little blackie."

The little fish seemed quite satisfied with her own story, smiling and patting Fang Yu's shoulder.

To this overly familiar address, Fang Yu was still thinking about things and had no reaction.

On the other hand, Bai Mei frowned.

In his view, his young mistress was getting too close to this unknown cultivator who possessed ghostly techniques.

This is definitely not a good phenomenon.

Especially... Miss seems to have no defenses against it at all!

"I have to find a way to get rid of him... this can't go on any longer," Bai Mei thought to herself.

At this moment, Fang Yu was oblivious to Bai Mei's thoughts and fell into deep contemplation.

In this barbaric world, there is such a tortuous history behind body cultivation.

Of course, the cultivation of the weak is commonplace in any dimension and realm.

Even on Earth, cultivators of the body are rare.

"Even Immortal Kings died from tempering their bodies Then I, who have tempered my body over a hundred times, haven't died yet. Seems like I'm really lucky." Fang Yu thought to himself.

"Are none of you esteemed guests interested in this technique"

At this moment, the elder on the auction platform looked around and asked.

After the starting price was announced, not a single guest raised their hand to bid!

"Elder Gu, look at all the cultivators here. Is there any one who cultivates physical strength" The female cultivator said with a smile, "This Taichi Cultivation Scripture, you have to wait until the next grand auction when it is fully open. Maybe there will be some body cultivators participating then."

The auctioneer, known as Lao Gu, nodded and said, “Then I’ll follow the procedure. After three calls, we move on to the next item.”


The auctioneer's countdown brought Fang Yu back to reality.

He glanced at the secret manual in Lao Gu's hand, narrowed his eyes, and then looked at the small fish beside him.

"I want this secret manual." Fang Yu said.

The little carp was stunned for a moment, widening her eyes and asking, "Little Black, you really want this secret manual I just said it's about physical cultivation... Oh, wait, are you a cultivator of physical body then"

"Me I suppose so, after all, I only know one fighting style." Fang Yu replied without changing his expression.

The little fish nodded and said, "If you want it, I'll give it to you."

"Two, one…"

At this time, Old Gu on the auction platform had finished counting down and was preparing to change to the next auction item.

But just then, he saw a light suddenly bloom on the second-floor wall in the distance.

At once, Old Gu's face changed.

He knew this meant the second floor bidder had their eye on the auction item!

Now, the next auction item hasn't been brought up yet, so naturally, the one who wants it is now holding the Taiyi Body Refining Scripture in his hands!

"Send it right away!"

Lao Gu ordered his subordinates and, facing the second floor in the distance, knelt down on both knees and bowed his head.

At the sight of this, numerous representatives from various factions in the stands were taken aback and turned to look towards the rear.

They only knew that, because the auction house was expecting a distinguished guest today, they had set up extremely strict security measures, and only invited forces could enter the venue.

But they didn't know, what kind of person this distinguished guest truly was!

But when they arrived, they recognized the guards from the Bi family outside Ling's Auction House!

Perhaps a being from the Bi family

This is what they were thinking.

Even if it were the Bi family, it wouldn't be to the extent that Mr. Gu of the Ling Auction House would show such respect. Not only did he directly offer the already auctioned Taiyi Cultivation Technique, but he also knelt down and performed the heaviest ceremony!

"Who is it"

Representatives from various factions all wore expressions of shock and confusion.

"Alright, then Taiyi's Cultivation Manual will be sent up soon." The little goldfish said with a grin.

Fang Yu also saw Mr. Gu's movements.

He turned to look at the little carp, his curiosity about its identity growing.

"Little carp, your family... must be very wealthy, right" Fang Yu thought for a moment and asked.

"Well, of course I have money!" the little fish nodded without a hint of shame.

"Then you should not mind me taking your gift of a secret manual, I won't repay you." Fang Yu said.


Little Carp didn't expect Fang Yu to be so shameless. For a moment, she was stunned.riends with the Fan family and the Ma family, which is a good thing for him. 。As for other matters, he needn't bother with them. 。"One sent a son to see me, one sent a wife to see me, kind of interest...