Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 3,386: A Thought Away


the three members of the Tang family had little appetite.After such a terrifying thing happened, they were all a little on edge."Dad, have you thought about it About that Longquan, did you offend him"...At this moment, An Ran's heart is filled with only one thought.


He would pay any price, as long as he could survive!

"Fang Yu! Fang Yu! Please don't kill me! I can provide a lot of useful intel, I can tell you everything I know, I still have a lot on me…" An Ran begged for mercy, his voice trembling.

Fang Yu looked at An Ran with a blank expression.

No matter how Anran pleaded, there was no change in his eyes.

Because, the killing intent is set.

Before he completely kills AnRan, he can certainly squeeze out all the remaining value from it first.

"Hand over all your belongings." Fang Yu commanded in a cold voice.

Without any hesitation, An Ran moved his mind and handed over the storage ring on his body, as well as a universe pouch.

Fang Yu looked at the luminous storage ring and pouch, narrowed his eyes, and put them away.

Then, further restrictions and seals will be imposed on Anran.

"Fang Yu, as long as you don't kill me, I can help you a lot..." An Ran felt the strength of the seal increase, his heart sank, and he begged for mercy again.

At the same time, he was also paying attention to Emperor Yao behind Fang Yu, whose aura was still rising!

By now, he knew he could only pray that the Demon Emperor would take action!

He could only bet that the Demon Emperor would sooner or later sense Fang Yu's aura and make a move!

As long as he can make it to that point, he will have a fighting chance!

And at this moment, Fang Yu looked at Anran, the anger in his heart was still burning.

He knew Anran was trying to buy time.

He also knew that the demonic emperor's aura behind him was growing stronger and would sooner or later make a move.

So, time is of the essence now.

Fang Yu wants to extract as much intelligence as possible from An Ran in the shortest amount of time.

After all, he is a saint-king level existence. In the Holy Academy, his status must be high, and the information he possesses will certainly not be less!

"How did my senior brother end up in your hands" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

At this question, Anran's heart was filled with joy.

The moment Fang Yu started questioning him, it meant he had successfully bought himself some time.

In fact, the whole process of Lin Daochen's capture was orchestrated by Xun Zun, who hadn't descended to the demon realm at that time.

Therefore, what exactly the Venerable One did, he didn't know.

But now, since Fang Yu had asked this question, he couldn't possibly answer that he didn't know.

"Lin Daochen was arrested a long time ago..." Anran panted, racking her brain for a plausible excuse and trying to buy some time.

"You just need to tell me...when and where you attacked him." Fang Yu's voice was frigid.

“…Give me some time, I'm not feeling well right now…” Anran said with difficulty.

Seeing Anran's performance, Fang Yu smirked cruelly.


The next second, he punched out, landing a blow square on Anran's cheek.


An Ran's entire face was sunken in, with shattered bones and blood flowing freely.

"Ugh, ahhh..."

Anran let out a scream.

"I said, I said... Lin Daochin is in the ancient demon star system..." An Ran hurriedly transmitted his voice with divine sense.

But at this time, Fang Yu had already moved forward a body length and suddenly raised his right knee to strike An Ran's chest.


Fractured sternum.

Fang Yu slammed his elbow down again with force!


And Anran's back also caved in.

"Don't kill me! Fang Yu, don't kill me! If you kill me, you won't get any information!!" Anran didn't expect Fang Yu to suddenly attack. His mind was in chaos, and he shouted repeatedly.

"I'd rather kill you than gather intel," Fang Yu smirked cruelly, his fists and feet flying.

"Boom boom boom..."

His strike was extremely vicious, like a phantom, smashing An Ran's body to pieces!

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Anran was beaten into a ball of blue qi, wanting to spread outwards.

However, the surrounding space had long been enveloped by Fang Yu's sealing technique, leaving no escape.

The serene qi, now transformed into a calming azure, was forcibly gathered back to its original position. It struggled to dissipate, yearning to reform into a human shape. But the moment it did, it would inevitably be met with Fang Yu's wrathful assault, enduring unimaginable pain once more.

Therefore, An Ran remained in the form of a lump of azure energy, completely motionless at that moment.

Fang Yu looked at the blue qi and sneered, "What's the matter, An Ran Are you going to be a turtle hiding in its shell But even turtles have shells to protect themselves. You...you've completely exposed your weaknesses."

Just now, in this state, Fang Yu could kill him with a mere thought.

"Fang Yu, I know you hate me, and I know your heart is filled with anger. But at this time, you can't be impulsive. If you kill me just like that, you will lose a lot of information! Many secrets of our Holy Court, wouldn't you want to know" An Ran used divine sense to transmit voice to Fang Yu and said loudly.

At this moment, he was panicked to the extreme.

But even at this point, everything he said was a lie.

The secret of the Holy Grail... he did know.

But even uttering half a word, he would be killed! the entire Zixin Pavilion headquarters.One can see that a large number of Zhixin Pavilion cultivators in purple robes ran out from each building.They looked up at Fang Yu in the sky, their eyes blank...