Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 298: The Ocean Venerable!


.The mark crawled from Yè Shèngxuě's neck, slowly extending to her face, about to form a complete pattern."Those curses were attached to her body in the form of gas…""Gas..."Perhaps we could try that...The purple flame, about to touch the crowd, burst into pieces!

A figure with a faint blue glow appeared above the crowd.

Many tourists looked up and saw a man in a Taoist robe with graying hair.

He stood in mid-air, holding a wooden sword in his hand.

"This, this must be a fairy here to save us"

All the tourists looked at the Taoist priest with delight.

After the Taoist priest appeared, the temperature around him dropped, bringing a wave of coolness.

In the midst of thin air, Dao Chang's face was solemn as he looked at the distant clouds.

This child is filled with murderous aura, his sins are... quite rare.

When the Daoist master was looking at Yuntai, Yuntai was also squinting at the Daoist master.

Standing behind him, Long Ao saw the Daoist priest in the sky and his eyes lit up with joy.

Master Wu Nian has arrived!

Their family is saved!

Master Wunian is the most respected master in the martial arts world of Kowloon Island.

He practiced both Buddhism and Taoism, was compassionate and caring, often lending a helping hand to those in desperate situations, saving them from peril.

His research into medicine and geomancy was profound and mysterious.

Long Ao once offered him a high price to cast a Buddha statue for the Long family, but he refused, saying that the Long family was already at the peak and did not need to use any methods to increase their fortune.

On Kauloon Island, Master Wuneng is like a living god!

All the remaining Dragon Clan warriors who were still alive, upon seeing Master Wunian's appearance, all beamed with surprise!

Master Wunian's appearance will surely bring punishment upon Yuntian!

"Who are you" Yun Tian asked, frowning.

"I have no attachments," Master Wunian said.

His voice wasn't loud, but everyone on the island could hear him clearly.

As he spoke, his form slowly drifted forward.

Yuntian looked at Master Wunian, the excitement in his eyes growing more intense.

A cultivator of the Yuan Ying stage!

Fighting against cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage can help him improve his strength faster!

Thinking this, Yun Tian licked his lips and slightly curved his right foot.

Master Wunian spoke softly as he approached Yuntian, "The sins you carry are too deep. Listen to my words and lay down your weapon. There is still a chance for redemption..."


Before Master Wunian could finish his words, Yun Tian shot towards him like a projectile.

Master Wu Nian let out a light sigh, clenched his wooden sword in his right hand, and swung it forward.


A white sword qi appeared, slashing directly at Yuntian who was approaching quickly!


With a deafening blast, Yuntai's body flew backward like a cannonball!

Seeing this scene, the tourists in the back were stunned for a moment, then burst into cheers!

That day's Yun Tian was no match for Master Wunian!


Fang Yu rose at an extremely rapid speed.

But in the process of rising, he vaguely felt something was amiss.

More and more sea creatures gathered around him.

These creatures seemed to smell something, and they all crowded forward.

If Fang Yu's ascent wasn't fast enough, these creatures would have probably attacked him.

These sea creatures can feel the aura of the dragon's origin, they want to keep this source.

When enough sea creatures gathered around, Fang Yu would gather his true energy within him, and then erupt all at once.

A tremendous power radiated outward, scattering all the sea creatures around it.

Fang Yu quickly returned to a position about two thousand meters below the seabed.

Here, the surrounding seawater is not so cold.

And the water pressure on Fang Yu's body also lessened considerably.

Fang Yu's upward speed is still increasing.

Just at this moment, Fang Yu felt an extremely strong aura appearing in a not-so-distant location beneath his feet.

Fang Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, he stopped his body and looked down.

Only a strange silhouette was charging towards his location.

The reason this silhouette is described as peculiar is because it bears a resemblance to a human figure, but its lower half resembles fish fins. Its head is pointed and it clutches a trident in its hand.

Could it be the Hai Ling clan But judging by their appearance, they don't seem like them.

Fang Yu had interacted with several sea spirit creatures before, but those creatures, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, bore little resemblance to humans in appearance.

But the monster at its feet, judging by its outline, was quite different from a human.

This monster's movement speed was incredibly fast. In just a few seconds, it closed the distance to Fang Yu, getting within less than 100 meters.

Fang Yu thought about it and decided to stay put.

He wanted to see what this monster was really about.

After a dozen seconds, the monster caught up with Fang Yu and arrived in front of him.

Even in the darkness, Fang Yu could only see outlines.

At this moment, Fang Yu suddenly remembered a useless spell he had learned before.

He silently recited the incantation, extending his right palm.

Fāngyǔ lifted the energy ball above his head.

The waters within a radius of dozens of meters were instantly illuminated.

It seems that every spell has its reason for being. That's not wrong.

After the sea was illuminated, Fang Yu could clearly see the appearance of the monster in front of him.

It was about the same as Fang Yu thought, a humanoid monster with an extremely hideous appearance. It held a black trident in its hand, made of an unknown material, but the trident looked very sharp.

It has limbs, but every part of its body is very distorted.

This may have something to do with its location.

Generally, the deeper you go into the ocean, the stranger the creatures that live there become.

So, what does this monster want to do

Fang Yu looked at the monster in front of him, squinting slightly.

“You took something that didn't belong to you. Give it back immediately, and I will let you go.”

At this moment, a voice reached Fang Yu's ears.

This is a voice transmitted through telepathy.

"Who are you A member of the Hai Ling Clan" Fang Yu asked.

Upon hearing Fang Yu's words, the other party was clearly taken aback.

"Do you know the Halflings"

"Of course, I once ate grilled fish with two members of the Hai Ling Clan on the back beach of Dongling Mountain," Fang Yu said.

"...The Hai Ling clan died out eighteen hundred years ago, who are you!" the monster asked, its tone wavering.

"My name is Fang Yu, I am Chinese. What about you" Fang Yu asked.

"I am a descendant of the Hailings, the Sea Venerable. I command this surrounding sea." The monster said arrogantly.

"Oh, well, it seems you've lost some of your looks. But it was nice meeting you. I have to go now." Fang Yu said, starting to ascend.

"For your sake, knowing you are acquainted with my ancestors, I shall let you go if you surrender the item not rightfully yours." The monster's voice turned icy cold.

"This doesn't belong to me, nor does it belong to you, right It's been at the bottom of the sea for so many years. If it belonged to you, you would have taken it long ago." Fang Yu smiled.

The monster remained silent.

Indeed, it had discovered the Dragon's Source quite a while ago.

But it tried every trick in the book, but couldn't break the chains and get the source out. It could only stare blankly.

Just moments ago, it picked up intelligence brought back by deep-sea creatures.

That dragon's source, was taken by a human!

It immediately ordered the sea creatures to stop Fang Yu and rushed over at top speed.

This Dragon's Origin, it has long been coveted, it absolutely must not be taken by anyone else!

"As I said to you before, I am the supreme ruler of this sea. Everything in this sea naturally belongs to me," The Sea Venerable said coldly.

"That's out of the question. I wasted so much time and energy to obtain this source, how could I give it to you" Fang Yu raised an eyebrow and said.

“You are the first human I've ever seen who can move freely at over four thousand meters underwater, and you even managed to break those chains... Your strength is impressive. On land, I would probably not be your opponent. But this is the deep sea… you have no chance.” The Sea Venerable chuckled coldly, raised his trident, and threw it towards Fang Yu.

Fang Yu dodged a trident with a side step and charged forward.


Behind him, waves erupted!

Fang Yu rushed to the Sea Venerable's face at an unbelievable speed, clenched his right fist, and punched the Sea Venerable's ugly and twisted face!

The Lord of the Sea didn't expect that, at a depth of over two thousand meters, Fang Yu could still be so fast!


The Sea Venerable's cheek was struck hard, sending him flying backward.

Fang Yu followed up, continuing to punch the Sea Venerable.

He knew the Sea God was incredibly tough.

Creatures that can live at depths of over 4,000 meters beneath the sea must have bone density and strength far exceeding that of ordinary beings.

Additionally, at a depth of two thousand meters below the sea, due to water pressure, Fang Yu's punch strength is somewhat reduced.

He put three tenths of his strength into every punch, landing on the Sea Venerable, perhaps only leaving two tenths.

This is the advantage of the Sea Venerable.

But the Sea Venerable hadn't expected that Fang Yu's attack would be like a storm, relentless and showing no signs of stopping.

Every punch landed on it, though incapable of inflicting fatal damage, still sent a jolt of pain.

If this continues, it will eventually collapse!

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!n Yimo shook her head and looked at Qin Lang, asking, "Where is Fang Yu now""Mr. Fang left before our meeting began." 。Qin Lang replied. 。"Where did he go" Qin Yimo asked. 。He said he went home. 。Qin...