Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 2359: Huge Sacrifice


d.……Empowered by the strength of the Earth Spirit Ring, Fang Yu's speed underground far surpassed that of any creature.Because he doesn't need to blaze his own trail.Wherever it goes, the ground autom...Fang Yu looked at Lin Batian with a strange expression and said, "You wouldn't have already..."

"Already what Don't guess randomly, old Fang. This female cultivator and I are close because of my personal charm. It's not that I deliberately pursued her, you don't think too much about it!" Lin Batian frowned. 。"Well then, what is the name of this female friend you speak of" Fang Yu asked. 。Her name is Mo Qinghan, and she's pretty good-looking. 。"Lin Batian replied," 。"Mo Qinghan..." Fang Yu looked at Tiannan, narrowing his eyes and asking, "Have you ever heard of this name"

"Mo Qinghan... Could it be the second-in-command of the Xinghuo Alliance who terrified countless people..." Tiannan's face changed, and he replied in shock. 。"The second in command Mo Qinghan is really the second in command of the Xinghuo Alliance" Fang Yu was also a little surprised, raising an eyebrow. 。"Mr. Fang... As someone of my low standing, I know very little about the situation within the Stellar Alliance. Perhaps we should dispatch someone first..." Tiannan replied. 。"Hey, why go through so much trouble If you want to see Mo Qinghan, I can contact her for you right away." 。"Lin Battian waved his hand and said:" 。"Can you get in touch with her right away That would be great." 。"Fang Yu raised an eyebrow," 。"The problem is, what do you want to talk to her about" Lin Batten asked. "Although I admit my personal charm is somewhat out of this world, I still don't think she would betray the fundamental interests of the XingShuo Alliance for me..." 。"First try talking to her, it won't make her do anything." 。"Fang Yu said, "But are you sure you can get in touch with her directly"

"Of course, as long as I...cough, as long as it's a friend, I'll keep their contact information and they can be reached anytime." 。"Lin Batian said, looking around and glancing at Tiannan again, "But this place isn't very convenient. Let's go somewhere else." 。"Fang Yu nodded and said, “Okay” 。Fifteen minutes later 。Fan Yu and Lin Batian arrived on a small island in the southern part of the third major camp. 。This island was just an ordinary little one, desolate and barren. There was nothing there at all. 。While Lin Batian and Fang Yu stood in the center of the island. 。"Isn't it just about contacting a friend It doesn't involve any secrets. Why go so far and need to be in a secluded area to contact them" Fang Yu asked, frowning. 。"Sigh, you don't understand... I have my reasons for doing this." 。"Lin Batian sighed, a flicker of hesitation crossing his eyes, and he said again, 'If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't want to contact her.'" 。"You just said she's your close friend." 。"Fang Yu raised an eyebrow. "So you were bragging"

"No, no, no... It's just that we have a really good relationship, the best... So, I just don't want to contact her." 。After Lin Batten spoke, he took a deep breath and his eyes became resolute. 。

Then, raise your right palm. 。"Clank!" A crystal-clear diamond appeared on his right palm. 。

This is a genuine diamond, with brilliant brilliance and no complex aura within. It is very pure. 。It looks like a piece of jewelry. 。

and it is likely to be favored by females. 。

"Lao Fang, for you, I really made huge sacrifices." 。"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have contacted her," Lin Batian said again. 。"

Okay, I'll also help you back afterwards." 。"Fang Yu said," 。Lin Batten stopped speaking, looking at the diamond in his hand. He took several deep breaths and then his eyes hardened with determination, as if ready to face death. 。"Crunch!"The next second, he crushed the incredibly beautiful and dazzling diamond. 。In a crisp sound, a ray of light flashed. 。Then, wisps of white smoke slowly drifted up into the air, gathering into clumps. 。Lin Batian looked at the white smoke in front of him and took two steps back. 。。Fang Yu looked at Lin Batten, frowned slightly, and was about to speak. 。"Buzz!"

At that moment, the white smoke suddenly flashed. 。Then, a graceful figure emerged from the white smoke. 。A light purple long gown, adorned with sparkling crystals and jewels all over. 。

At the same time, a head of long, jet-black hair cascaded down her shoulders. 。Although only seeing her profile, Fang Yu could determine that she was a stunning woman with breathtaking beauty. 。And her temperament, even more so, transcends the mundane, breathtakingly stunning. 。Of course, the figure before them was not a physical being, but a phantom conjured by some kind of magical energy, nearly indistinguishable from reality. 。At this moment, the woman stared straight at Lin Batian, who was less than two meters away from her, without saying a word. 。

While Lin Batian's eyes were also flickering, containing fear and tension within them. 。Seeing his appearance, Fang Yu's eyes twitched slightly, and she could basically guess what had happened between him and Mo Qinghan. 。"You... finally willing to contact me" Mo Qinghan looked at Lin Batian and said. 。The voice was melodious, like music from heaven. Within it lay a chill, yet it was also gentle. 。"Uh...Qinghan, I contacted you today mainly because of this..." Lin Batian wanted to get straight to the point. 。

But the next second, the figure before him suddenly rushed towards him. 。"Pffft!"And then, her entire body pressed against Lin Baitian's, burying her head in his chest. 。Seeing this, Fang Yu shook his head and took a few steps back. 。"You finally contacted me… I thought… that I would never see you again." 。Mo Qinghan buried in Lin Baitai's chest, softly said 。

"I have my reasons" 。"Lin Batten quickly entered the state and sighed, saying, 'As I said before, I come from a very distant place. I have restrictions on my body and cannot be away for too long. I have to go back.'" 。"I told you to go back with me, I would find someone to help you lift the ban. Why..." Mo Qinghan raised his head and said anxiously. 。"It's useless, no one can break that seal. I know it well." 。“Lin Batten smiled bitterly and said, ‘I’ve missed you terribly these past few weeks… It’s just that I have a lot of things weighing me down, making it hard for me to breathe. So… even if I miss you dearly, there's no way I could contact you.’” 。 。"I don't blame you, how could I possibly blame you..." Mo Qinghan's eyes were slightly red, tears glistening. 。"Qinghan, today I risked a great deal to see you. Besides expressing my longing, I also want you to chat with my friend." 。Lin Batian turned back to the main topic. 。"Friend..."

Mo Qinghan still had Lin Batang in his embrace, tilting his head up, a look of confusion in his beautiful eyes. 。

"Qian Han, this is my best friend, Fang Yu" 。At this time, Lin Batian stretched out his hand and introduced Mo Qinghan. 。Mo Qinghan then loosened his embrace, turning to face Fang Yu's location. 。

"Hello" 。Fang Yu smiled and nodded slightly. 。"Fang Yu..." Mo Qinghan's beautiful eyes flickered, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she was puzzled by this name. 。"If you've heard my name, then you know... I am who you think I am, and not just someone with the same name." 。"Fang Yu smiled faintly, "I... am Fang Yu who led the Third Major Division against the Kaishan Alliance." 。The latest chapters of "The Strongest Qi Refinement Period" are being updated on Hand Typing Bar. There are no ads on the website, so please bookmark and recommend Hand Typing Bar! If you like "The Strongest Qi Refinement Period," please bookmark it: The Strongest Qi Refinement Periode Grand Elder, but said nothing.but his eyes were already very clear, signaling to the senior official to do this!The elder immediately understood, glanced at Fang Yu in front of him, and already had...