Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 2294 I Don't Believe It


source absorbed by you" Fang Yu raised an eyebrow."No! I'm not absorbing him, I'm just...temporarily devouring him, using him as a source of energy for my spirit! I can give him back now!" Shen Dao ex...After bumping around in the pitch-black space corridor for what felt like an eternity, a glimmer of light finally appeared.

The exit is just ahead.

Fan Yu perked up, his body taut.


After a while, he rushed out of the exit.

A lightness filled my body, followed by a dizzying sensation.


Fang Yu quickly found his balance and landed steadily on the ground.

At this moment, he stood in the center of the teleportation platform, with a complex spatial array beneath his feet.

< Look around, there is another huge teleportation platform. >

But Fang Yu knew that this was no longer the ninth department, but the third.

Before him, before the teleportation pad... stood three people.

The man in the middle is clad in white gold armor, with two men at his side who bow their heads.

Fang Yu walked forward and jumped off the teleportation platform.

"Venerable Master, I have long admired your name. My subordinate has been waiting with respect for a long time."

The man at the front bowed respectfully to Fang Yu with a smile on his face.

The two men beside him bowed deeply, not even daring to raise their heads.

Fang Yu glanced at the mark on the man's left shoulder.

It is a blade pointing upwards, with no star-shaped mark on the underside.

This indicates that the man before them is a divisional leader of the same level as Wufeng.

And Fang Yu's assumed identity... was a star-level Grand Marshal, and he was also a two-star Grand Marshal named Wu Xiang.

In terms of rank, he is two levels higher than the man before me.

"Well, what's your name" Fang Yu asked.

"My name is Yuan Jiang, the commander of the Eastern District in the third major division," the man replied respectfully. "After such a long and arduous journey, sir, you must be weary. Allow me to lead you to the Eastern District for some rest..."

"Okay," Fang Yu nodded.

The star where the third division is located is very close to the position of the Polaris.

Therefore, Fang Yu was not eager to go to Polaris immediately.

Now that Yuan Jiang is leading the way, let's first get acquainted with the situation of the Third Department.

Then, Fang Yu followed Yuan Jiang away from the teleportation platform and walked toward the core area of the Third Department.

Along the way, Yuan Jiang kept introducing Fang Yu to the various buildings and facilities they passed.

At the same time, it also introduces the current combat strength reserves of the entire Third Army.

"You have over four million elite troops in your third division" Fang Yu asked, somewhat surprised.

This number is more than four times greater than that of the ninth largest.

"To be precise, it's four million seven hundred thousand elite cultivators, not including other mounts, exotic beasts, etc." Yuan Jiang smiled faintly.

From Fang Yu's face, I saw surprise, which filled me with pride.

The third largest part is indeed much stronger than the ninth largest, and its foundation is also stronger.

Fang Yu walked while looking at the buildings on both sides.

The scale of the Third Division is indeed significantly larger than that of the Ninth Division. This is just the Eastern District of the Third Division controlled by Yuan Jiang.

A third-rate sect actually has over four and a half million elite cultivators... That number is quite large.

After all, besides the third largest division, there are nine other large divisions in the eastern region.

And within the Void Realm, there are also three border regions, thirty major divisions, plus a super-major division located at the center of the Void Realm…

The power of the Kaishan Alliance is indeed quite vast.

Along the way, I encountered many commanders and their groups of cultivators.

Upon seeing Yuan Jiang and Fang Yu, these commanders and cultivators immediately ceased their actions and bowed in respect.

"I hear, sir, that you have come here to explore strange beasts in a nearby star region" Yuanjiang asked as he walked.

"Yes," Fang Yu nodded and said.

“If those are star regions that are very close, in fact our Third Division has already explored all of them. I wonder if the star region Lord wants to go to is in one of them” Yuan Jiang said, “If so, Lord might as well tell us which one it is, perhaps my subordinates can provide you with relevant information...”

"Have you all explored it Since that's the case, do you know about Polestar" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and asked directly.

"Ji Xing" Yuan Jiang's expression faltered, his eyes flickering strangely as he looked at Fang Yu and asked, "Lord, which star domain are you referring to when you speak of Ji Xing... "

Seeing Yuan Jiang's expression, Fang Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Give me a map, and I'll mark it for you."

"...Okay," Yuan Jiang replied, then with a flick of his right hand, a map appeared in his palm.

The map unfolded, revealing a three-dimensional map of the stars, much like the one the Void Dweller had given Fang Yu.

Fang Yu found his current location, then drew a circle in the general area where Polaris was.

"It's probably around here somewhere," Fang Yu said.

Seeing the area Fang Yu’s finger pointed to, Yuan Jiang’s eyes flickered slightly as he said, “Master, this area… we have already explored it and found nothing unusual. There are no high-level monsters either.”

"Oh So certain" Fang Yu looked at Yuan Jiang, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Because it's not that far from us," Yuan Jiang replied. "Within the area sketched by Your Excellency, there are less than ten stars in total. We have already entered their stellar domains and obtained a large amount of information. Among them... there is indeed nothing of value."

"I don't believe it," Fang Yu said, "The intelligence I received said there was an extreme star here, with many high-ranking exotic beasts inside."

Yuan Jiang's face changed slightly, and he forced a smile: "Of course, this is just my subordinate's understanding, and it may not be entirely accurate."

Fang Yu could see that Yuan Jiang's expression was unnatural.

Although he tried his best to conceal it, it was still somewhat obvious.

Could it be... that the third-ranking member has already been to Polar Star

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

Based on the previous map, the third largest department is indeed quite close to Polaris.

So, the third largest group of people have explored Polaris... which is also quite reasonable.

... Could the Star-Forging Stone, located in Polaris's domain… have already been taken by the Third Major Clan

Thinking about this possibility, Fang Yu frowned even tighter and looked at Yuan Jiang.

"Right ahead is the command tower of the East Zone." Yuan Jiang said.

"Forget it, I won't go up there," Fang Yu said. "I want to go to the Polar Star first and check things out. I'll come back and sit after that."

Having said that, Fang Yu turned around and was about to leave.

"My lord, our Third Division Commander Zhong Tai is on his way here. He's an old acquaintance of yours and wishes to see you..." Yuan Jiang's face changed instantly, and he immediately called out to Fang Yu, saying, "Please wait a moment, my lord!"

"Zhongtai" Fang Yu stopped and turned to Yuan Jiang, his brow furrowed.

Before Wufeng, there was no mention of this person, so he knew nothing about him.

But since it's a past acquaintance without form... then Fang Yu shouldn't stay.

He was merely borrowing that identity, knowing little about Wuxiang himself.

If you were to meet Zhong Tai, you'd probably give yourself away in just a few words.

"No, I still need to check on Polaris first. As for Zhong Tai... let's have tea together another time. I have to go now." Fang Yu said.


After finishing his words, Fang Yu didn't give Yuan Jiang a chance to continue. He directly flew into the air.


Yuan Jiang still wanted to call out to Fang Yu.

Like the strongest Qi Refinement period in history, please collect it: () The fastest update speed of the strongest Qi Refinement period by hand.hen are we fighting" Fang Yu straightened his posture slightly and asked."The time is set for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock." Zheng Ze replied."Then you tell him for me, I accept his challenge, and...