Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 1994: Supreme Being of the Southern Region


transformed infinitely." Fang Yu said.“This kind of small space generally has an energy core. As long as you find this core and destroy it, the entire space will collapse,” Lin Batian said.After that,..."It is me, the Overlord Saint Venerable you speak of, an old friend of yours" 。"Fang Yu said truthfully" 。"As far as I know, the Heaven-Dominating Saint Venerable ascended from Earth in a lower dimension. So, Fang Sect Master, you…" Ye Ge asked. 。"I also ascended from Earth... uh, to be more precise, I stowed away." 。"Fang Yu smiled," 。"Smuggling" Ye Ge was slightly taken aback. 。"I won't go into details, but it was quite a hassle." 。"Fang Yu said" 。Ye Ge nodded and looked at the two stone statues in front of him, saying: "The reason I came to you today is actually because of these two stone statues" 。"Have you been to Huazhi Gate before" Fang Yu asked with narrowed eyes. 。"Well, back then... I was a loyal follower of the Overlord Saint, the Heavenly Tyrant..." 。Ye Ge stopped and said, 。"Follower" Fang Yu also stopped. 。To be precise, I know him and consider him a target. 。But the Heavenly Venerable doesn't know me, and he doesn't even know I exist. 。"Ye Ge said, 'After the disappearance of the Heavenly Tyrant Venerable, I have come to Yuhuamen twice and saw these two stone statues.'" 。Before "

", not only me, but many people were curious about the other statue next to the statue of the Heavenly Venerable... Who is it 。"

Until recently, Master Fang was renowned throughout the southern regions. Only then did I learn that this stone statue is of Master Fang himself" 。After hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes flickered as she looked at Ye Ge. 。It's not hard to hear that Ye Ge idolized the Overlord Saint Venerable back then, but he probably never met him in person. 。"Headmaster Fang, I guess you want to ask me, since I passed through Yuhuamen after the disappearance of Master Batian, why didn't I lend a hand when Yuhuamen was under siege" Ye Ge continued. 。Nor was I particularly inclined to ask. 。"Fang Yu said" 。

This is the truth, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Ge not making a move. 。After all, at that time, the Yu Hualong Sect was the target of everyone's ire. Anyone who dared to help the Yu Hualong Sect... would have to possess immense courage and pay a heavy price. 。Upon hearing Fang Yu's response, Ye Ge smiled and said, "When I didn't intervene back then, the reason wasn't quite the same as what you thought. What mattered more to me was a more crucial question...whether my intervention could actually change the fate of Yuhua Gate falling into decline"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly>>> 。The answer is no. 。The whole process may undergo changes, but the ending is predetermined. 。The Gate of Feather Transformation…destined to fall. 。"Night Song spoke softly, "The process can change, but the result cannot. It may even lead to greater variables. This is why I chose not to intervene." 。"Why is the ending predetermined How did you come to that conclusion" Fang Yu asked, narrowing his eyes. 。From the moment the Heaven-Shattering Saint disappeared, the fate of the Yuhuamen sect was sealed. 。"Ye Ge took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, and said, "Or... maybe... from the moment we ascended to power in the Yu Hua Men and ruled over the entire Da Tian Chen star as the beacon of humanity, it was already destined..." 。This is the cause, and the fall of the Yuhua Gate... This is the result. 。"

The cause is destined, irreversible" 。Upon hearing this, Fang Yu's brows furrowed. 。To be honest, he doesn't quite grasp the logic behind that statement. 。"I can't go into too much detail, you'll understand my meaning in time." 。Ye Ge said 。"So you came to me today just to tell me these vague and useless things" Fang Yu raised an eyebrow. 。Ye Ge smiled and said, “If Sect Leader Fang wants to hear something else, as long as I know... I am willing to tell you.” 。"Looking at you, it seems you know about Lin Batian's sudden disappearance back then Do you know where he went" Fang Yu asked, his eyes flickering slightly. 。。"But do you know why he disappeared, right" Fang Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.Ye Ge also became serious and said noncommittally, "Regarding the reason for the disappearance of the Overlord Heavenly Venerable, I can't say more." 。But Sect Leader, you relying on yourself will eventually know what's going on. 。"

Okay 。Fang Yu nodded, and suddenly punched Ye Ge in the chest!

Ye Ge's face remained unchanged, allowing the punch to land. 。"Boom..." 。Night Song's body turned into a wisp of fog and dispersed, then condensed back together again. 。"Master Fang, your power... it is truly astonishing." 。"Ye Ge looked at Fang Yu's fist, a look of shock flashing in his eyes." 。"Your reaction speed is not bad either. " 。"Fang Yu said" 。Ye Ge smiled faintly and said, "Even if I have entered the Immortal Ascending Realm, if I can't even dodge a casual punch from Master Fang... I should just end my life." 。"Alright, enough chit-chat. Tell me your true purpose, and also... your identity." 。Fang Yu spoke. 。Ye Ge nodded gently, and said seriously: "I'm here to invite you" 。"Invite me To do what" Fang Yu asked. 。Join me, and protect the human realm. 。"Ye Ge said slowly, " 。"Not to mention joining your organization, but mainly what you said about maintaining the human domain... I didn't understand. What needs to be maintained in the human domain now" Fang Yu frowned. 。On the surface, those mutant clans haven't launched a direct attack. But in reality, the human territories are now divided... They've secretly put in quite a lot of effort. 。"Ye Ge's dual pupils flickered with an unusual light, and he said, 'The time to deter those mutant clans using that statue... is dwindling. They will sooner or later lose their patience and launch a frontal assault.' " 。It all boils down to who takes the lead. 。Given the current state of the human domain, if those mutant clans were to unite and attack... the human domain would have absolutely no power to resist. 。Only a complete human domain has enough strength to fight against those mutant races. 。"So, you want me to join you... just to help you rule the human domain" Fang Yu's eyes flickered, he asked. 。Ye Ge looked at Fang Yu, saying word by word: "It's almost this meaning, but I think further... Not just unifying the human realm, but unifying... The entire Big Dipper Star!"Unifying the Big Dipper Star!Ye Ge's tone was calm, but the courage and power contained in his words... were extremely powerful. 。"A unified Great Tianchen Star" Fang Yu's eyebrows rose, a little surprised. 。"Yes, we had to come this far to prevent what happened to the Heavenly Sovereign of Domination back then... from happening again." 。"Ye Ge said, 'This might be...the last chance.'" 。"Fang Yu's eyes flickered, looking at Ye Ge's handsome face, and asked, "Why did you find me" "I know, you and the Hegemon Saint Venerable... are the same kind of people" 。And I think you have enough strength. 。"Night Song said, 'If the two of us work together, we have a very good chance of achieving our goal.'" 。Fang Yu did not respond to the words, but asked: "You should tell me your identity." 。"I, am the one you call one of the Three Great Boundary Lords." 。“Ye Ge smiled faintly, “But others prefer to call me… the Supreme of Nan Yu.” 。 cold voice.Human race!!!All the demons present changed color!None of them could have imagined that the answer they would hear would be humankind!Modern humans are nothing more than a tenth-rate speci...