Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 1613: Death Star


s figure surged out of the fire, charging towards the mutants above.He was incredibly fast, landing a punch squarely on the mutant's chest."Boom!"The mutant's body, with a deafening roar, exploded.In...Fang Yu only felt his body becoming light and airy, as if he were suspended in the air.

I don't know how long it had been... Suddenly, the speed increased, as if we entered another spatial channel.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Gradually, a flow of flickering lights began to appear around.


Suddenly, a loud bang made Fang Yu feel dizzy.

After a dizzying spin, the darkness before my eyes suddenly transformed into light!

Soon, his vision returned, and Fang Yu could see the scene before him.

But one could hardly see anything before him, only a faint yellowish light filtering in from outside.

Fang Yu found himself trapped within a cage.

His limbs were bound tightly with heavy, black iron chains, making it impossible to move.

And the entire cage was surrounded by countless layers of chains.

Fang Yu closed his eyes, trying to release his divine sense.

The divine consciousness could not disperse from the cage.

Fang Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, he could only open the Eye of the Dao.


In her dual pupils, a golden cross sword appeared, shimmering with light.

Only then could Fang Yu see clearly what was happening outside.

Through the gaps in the layers of chains on the outside of the cage, one can see the sights beyond.

Fang Yu was stunned.

The outside world was a dull yellow, as if submerged underwater or suspended in the air. There were also many cages of different sizes scattered about.

Although these cages vary in size, they are all bound by chains and slowly rotate in the air, much like large black tires.

What is this place

At this moment, Fang Yu remembered Tianji Dao Ren's final cry.

This strange place, is this so-called... Dead Star

Fang Yu frowned and turned his head to look in the other direction.


But his neck was also tightly bound by chains, leaving him completely unable to move!

"Congratulations, you finally managed to ascend." At that moment, a teasing voice echoed in Fang Yu's mind, belonging to the mischievous Li Huo Yu.

"You mean, I'm already on the upper level" Fang Yu raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yes, but before letting you go, the dimensional law might still be upset and tripped you up a bit." Lihuoyu said.

"Tripping me" Fang Yu's brow furrowed.

"That beam, it's actually branding you," Lifu said. "So the moment you arrived on the upper plane, you were treated as an eighth-level prisoner and sent straight to the Star of Death."

"What is the place called 'Dead Wheel Star' Well... simply put, it's a big prison built to hold prisoners at level six and above."

"Prisoners above level six" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly remembering the previous monk. It seemed he had also been treated as a prisoner and exiled to the lower planes.

"That bald man's level is at most four. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be exiled so comfortably." Li Huoyù said.

"Being confined to this dead star is worse than exile" Fang Yu asked.

"That's naturally, being exiled to the lower planes at most is just having your identity stripped away, freedom is still there," Lì Huòyù said, "But being locked into the Dead Wheel Star, that means losing your freedom for a lifetime, never able to escape again. Think about it yourself, which result is worse"

"Damn dimensional laws... I'll beat it to a pulp someday." Fang Yu said, his eyes cold.

"Before that, you better find a way to leave here," Li Huoyu said. "I have to tell you, this place is very terrifying, it's definitely not as easy to escape from as the prison you imagine..."

Fang Yu remained silent, his eyes cold and hard.

The situation is now clear.

The laws of planes did not stop him, and indeed he arrived at the higher plane.

But the dimensional laws secretly intervened, sending Fang Yu into the upper realm's great prison.

Speaking of it, the situation is a bit comical. Legend has it that those cultivators who successfully ascended were directly transported to a dreamlike fairy realm.

But Fang Yu's ascension was successful, yet he arrived at a gloomy, lightless prison!

This is unprecedented.

But no matter what, I finally made it to the upper side.

Furthermore, the actions of the Dimensional Laws... also validated Fang Yu's previous thoughts.

It's indeed connected to the being behind the will of the Holy Institution.

As for the Heavenly Machine Daoist... He should have been sent here as well, but I don't know which cage he's locked in.

And now... there's no way to find anyone, because there are just too many cages around. At first glance, there seem to be tens of thousands of them, and how big the entire Dead Wheel Star is… I don't know.

"What about the Void Devourer"

Fang Yu suddenly remembered the Void Devourer that had been lying on his shoulder all this time.

At this moment, it was no longer by Fang Yu's side.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that the void devourer disappeared just as I was being drawn into the vortex.

"Where did you go" Fang Yu frowned.

After much thought, I came up with no answer.

Fang Yu immediately shook off these thoughts.

Now, everything else can wait.

The current issue at hand is how to escape this cage and leave this so-called Dead Star.

Fang Yu's golden cross sword in his eyes spun again, continuously extending his vision forward.

Through countless cages, yet still only seeing a sky of dull yellow.

This dead star's interior appears to be devoid of any structures or scenery, merely an expanse of emptiness.

What lies within the space is whether it's a liquid or solid, remains elusive.

All I could see was a patch of yellow.

There was no sound, no anger.

Only a cage, one by one, bound by chains, rotated slowly.

Such places truly give one a feeling of utter despair.

No wonder... Tianji Dao Ren was previously crying so uncontrollably.

Fang Yu no longer thought, and began to try with all his might to break free from the chains binding him.


Fang Yu pulled with both arms simultaneously, and the chains made a crisp cracking sound.

Extreme strength, surpassing that of any material on Earth.

But this level, is not insurmountable.

Fang Yu's eyes flickered, ready to strike again.


Hundreds of chains suddenly fell from the sky, once again binding to the cage where Fang Yu was located.

And within the cage, the chains binding Fang Yu's arms suddenly increased by dozens, tightening their grip with even more force, as if trying to crush Fang Yu's body.

"I suggest you best not try that, or the chains binding you will only multiply like those on a prison cell." Lifeyu said, "This is the infinite cycle law within Star of Dying Fire. It's why this plane is infamous as a great prison."

"You mean I can only break free of it once" Fang Yu asked.

"That's for the best. Too many attempts will only add more chains to bind you," Li Huoyù said. "I have to tell you, the stacking of chains is limitless. If it exceeds your strength limit, you might never be able to escape."

Upon hearing what Li Huo Yu had to say, Fang Yu's heart trembled slightly, and his face turned serious.

It seems he can't afford to keep trying this way anymore.

"You have to blow up all the chains on your body, and the whole cage at once!"

"Since that's the case..."

Fang Yu's eyes were cold, and faint golden lines appeared on the surface of his body.

At this moment, his power directly surged to the peak.

And then, suddenly release it outwards!xpressions and all looked at Yuanchen."Give me the sword. You guys keep doing what you're doing. Finish off all the human cultivators in this manor, then disperse and cause random destruction." Yuanch...