Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 1595: True Identity


unleashing a roar of fury."Boom..."This voice resonated through the heavens, containing endless rage and hatred, as if it wanted to devour the entire world!At this moment, heaven and earth trembled,...The instant Fang Yu saw the crazed old man, he observed his surroundings once more. 。In the evening, as the sun sets. 。

The sunset painted the sky a brilliant red. Most villagers had finished their farm work, with some housewives busy cooking dinner and others sitting outside their homes chatting and laughing. 。Everything was peaceful. 。This scene, it's exactly the same as when Fang Yu and the crazy old man had their last conversation many years ago.

Is this going back to that day or

"Boy, I told you, we would meet again someday." 。Just as Fang Yu's heart was trembling, the old madman in front of him spoke. 。Upon hearing this, Fang Yu's expression changed. 。See you again. That is to say, everything before me was not a memory, but he had truly met the crazy old man once more. "Don't mind the surroundings, I'm a sentimental person." 。"The old crazy man chuckled and said," 。Fang Yu gradually calmed down and looked at the old man who was raving. 。Now that he's met the old man again, his feelings are completely different from before. 。He had initially chosen to live in seclusion within this small village, leading a tranquil life free from desires and worldly attachments. 。It was precisely because of this that he would sit down and talk with the seemingly crazy old man. 。But now, seeing the old man again, Fang Yu's heart was filled with questions. 。

"Ask your questions one by one. " 。“The old madman picked up a wild grass by the roadside, put it in his mouth and chewed while saying, “But I can’t guarantee that I can answer all your questions. I can only answer what I know.” 。After a thousand years, meeting the old madman again, Fang Yu felt as if he were living in another world. 。But he didn't dwell on it for too long, instead he thought seriously for a moment and asked the first question: "This Eye of Insight, did it originally belong to you, or did you just transfer it to me"

"Eye of Insight That's a good name... not bad." 。"The old man chuckled, "But your name is a little lacking compared to its original one." 。"What was the original name of these eyes" Fang Yu asked. 。The Eye of the Great Dao, or the Divine Pupil of the Great Dao 。“The old man said, 'Actually, the name doesn't matter’" 。"Then, answer my question from before." 。"Fang Yu said" 。"Are you asking if the Eye of the Great Dao originally belonged to me, or someone else" the old man asked. 。

“To” 。 。"That's a tricky one," the old man with a white beard stroked his chin and replied, "Well, it depends. The Eye of the Dao belongs to whoever possesses it." 。"So it truly belonged to you before" Fang Yu asked, narrowing his eyes. 。You could say that...

“The old lunatic said, “But if you’re asking who created these eyes, that definitely wasn’t me” 。"

Who is he" Fang Yu chased after. 。

The old man ate the grass and shook his head, replying: "I can't answer that." 。"And you can't say," Fang Yu frowned, recalling the series of events that had happened before. 。Whether it was the man surnamed Ji who gifted him a great spirit body, or He Ruju who gave him a lotus of fulfillment, not even his master Dao Tian revealed that person's identity. 。

This person was like a ghost, standing in place, silently watching Fang Yu. 。What does he want from Fang Yu

Why can't his identity be revealed to Fang Yu even now

"Kid, you've made good progress these years, " 。The old madman looked at Fang Yu and said 。Fang Yu came back to his senses, shook his head gently, and said: "The progress is not great, I haven't broken through the Qi Refining Stage yet." 。。Such a legendary

story doesn't make sense, does it 。"Fang Yu smiled wryly." 。"How meaningless," the old man frowned and said, "Time can wash away everything. Throughout history, how many demons and talented individuals were invincible for a lifetime, but how many of them could leave their names in history and be remembered"“According to what you say, I can't leave my name in history either>>>" 。"Fang Yu smiled and said," 。"Of course you can, in fact, you already have. " 。The old man went mad and said 。Okay, let's not talk about that. 。Fang Yu waved his hand and said, "When we discussed what kind of knife was best for slaying dragons back then, I have indeed encountered quite a few dragon clans these past two years."

"So, what do you think What's the best knife for slaying dragons" The crazy old man immediately became interested and asked. 。"I use a sword, but I'm also proficient with a spear," Fang Yu said, "But now that I think about it, maybe fists are the best." 。"Fists against fists are no match, slaying dragons with fists lacks the thrill." 。"The old madman immediately shook his head and said, 'To slay a dragon with a sword, to have the blade cut through its scales, to sever its head, that is the moment of enjoyment when blood splatters.'

'To blow its head off with one punch also holds the same kind of thrill.'" 。"Fang Yu smiled faintly." 。"Well, you have that kind of power, using your fists is pretty good too," the old crazy man said, nodding in agreement. 。Fang Yu looked at the old man who was acting crazy, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked again: "Before you left last time, you left me a word..." 。"Oh, what did I say I've forgotten." 。"The old man asked," 。"You said that when we meet again, you would not only tell me what kind of sword is used to slay dragons but also teach me the way to assassinate a celestial king." 。Fang Yu's eyes flickered, and he said: 。

The old man was taken aback, as if lost in thought. 。Then, he grinned and said, "What to use to slay a dragon You already have your conclusion." 。"As for assassinating the Immortal King"

"You weren't really bragging back then, were you" Fang Yu raised an eyebrow and asked. 。"Of course not, I never boast, everything I say is true," the old man retorted seriously, "But assassinating a Celestial King you want me to teach you I don't really have much to teach." 。Then you're just bragging, I've been waiting for this for thousands of years. 。"Fang Yu said," 。"Alright, let me teach you a little trick. If you ever encounter an opponent at the level of a Celestial King in the future, you can do this."

At this point, the old man seemed afraid of being overheard. He looked around cautiously before stepping forward and lowering his voice >>> 。The old madman only uttered four words, leaving Fang Yu stunned. 。"Are you serious" Fang Yu looked at the crazy old man, widening his eyes and asked. 。"I said, I never brag. " 。“The crazy old man chuckled and said, “If you truly encounter an opponent at the level of a fairy king in the future, do as I say. The effect will definitely be better than you imagine.”

Fang Yu looked at the crazy old man, not knowing what to say. " 。

But the old man was already crazy, so it's not surprising that he said anything. Just take what he says as bragging.

Let me ask you one more crucial question, and I hope you'll give it your full attention. 。 。Ask away, I'm here today to answer your questions. 。The old man went back to sitting on the rock. 。"Tell me, what is your true identity" Fang Yu stared at the crazy old man's face and asked in a deep voice. 。the entire Shenhai Dynasty.” Cang Rong’s eyes were as sharp as blades, his voice cold. “My mother will not let you go, nor will my father. You will be torn to shreds, your head hung before our palace…...