Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 132: Not Understanding Art! >


ou.""Great!"The tone in the Inverse Fate Orb's voice was clearly laced with ecstasy.Its heart yearned deeply to merge with Fang Yu's body!For it, the stronger the cultivator it merges with, the strong...At 6:30 in the afternoon, Fang Yu and Qin Yimo arrived at Yulinfang, located in the west of Jiangnan.

This is one of the most famous gardens in Jiangnan, where you can see beautiful scenery and garden art.

"Today, renowned calligrapher Cai Gaoyang from Jiangnan will be holding his personal calligraphy and painting exhibition here. Many dignitaries will be attending." Qin Yimo said.

"Isn't it just a personal calligraphy and painting exhibition What are so many people doing here" Fang Yu wondered.

Qin Yimo gave Fang Yu a withering look and said, "You haven't even mentioned Master Cai Gaoyang's name"

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I've never heard of Cai Gaoyang. I only know the scholar Huang Daoran."

“The scholar Huang Daozan you mentioned is indeed very accomplished, but he was a figure from two thousand years ago. Master Cai Gaoyang, on the other hand, is the contemporary scholar! Who in China today doesn't know Master Cai Gaoyang His calligraphy skills are so high that others can barely reach them! Any one of his calligraphy pieces auctioned off could fetch hundreds of millions…”

"Tonight, so many celebrities came to this calligraphy and painting exhibition, most of them are here for a painting, even if they can't get one, being able to meet Master Cai Gao yang and chat with him for a few words is also very good." Qin Yimo said, her beautiful eyes full of admiration.

Fang Yu, however, didn't care. He followed Qin Yimo into the Imperial Guard's compound.

The scenery of the Imperial Garden is indeed impressive. After entering, there are many windows on both sides. Looking out from them, you can see the beautifully pruned bonsai trees and lotus flowers floating on the green lake.

The entire garden was filled with a fresh and natural scent, leaving one feeling refreshed and uplifted.

"The only one who could have a personal exhibition in a place like the Imperial Forest Garden is Master Cai Gaoyang." Qin Yimo exclaimed as she walked.

Soon, Fang Yu followed Qin Yimo into a place that looked like an exhibition hall.

Here, one can see many calligraphy scrolls and paintings hanging on the surrounding walls.

The exhibition hall was already crowded with people. Each calligraphy scroll was surrounded by a throng of admirers, praising the incantations depicted on them and marveling at their ingenuity.

Fang Yu glanced casually, his eyes indifferent.

For him, the characters on these character sheets were just ordinary.

Of course, this "ordinary" is relative. Compared to the average person, Cai Gaoyang's handwriting is naturally much better. However, compared to Huang Dao'ran's handwriting, it is far inferior.

Cai Gao yang's desire to be on the same level as Huang Dao ran is simply impossible.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Seeing the enthusiasm on the faces of those in the exhibition hall, and hearing their words of praise, Fang Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

Do people nowadays have such poor taste

However, perhaps these people are simply not passionate about art.

They are just following the trend.

Everyone says Cai Gaoyang's calligraphy is impressive, so he must be really good at it.

They came to the book fair not out of genuine love for art, but to create an image of themselves as art enthusiasts, appearing more noble.

It would be even better if I could obtain Cai Gaoyang's calligraphy or have a few words with him, as that would be a symbol of status.

"Fang Yu, look, this is Master Cai Gaoyang's level." Qin Yimo led Fang Yu to a calligraphy scroll and looked up at it.

The calligraphy piece displays an ancient poem.

"Master Cai's calligraphy is truly amazing. It's much better to see it than hear about it. Look at his brushwork, the flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, powerful and magnificent. He truly deserves to be called the contemporary Sage of Writing..."

"I think Master Cai's greatest skill is his ability to switch between many different styles. When you look at a piece of his calligraphy, it seems both graceful and flowing, unrestrained yet precise, truly remarkable..."

"Both of you speak well. In my opinion, the most remarkable thing about Master Cai's calligraphy is his use of turning points—they truly are like a dragon in flight..."

Sounds of praise filled the air, but the compliments all followed a similar pattern—they were overused clichés.

Fang Yu listened and listened, feeling more and more amused, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

A bald man beside him looked at Fang Yu, frowning and said, "This young brother, you seem to have a different opinion"

"No." Fang Yu replied.

"What are you laughing at" the bald man asked, frowning.

"I think Master Cai's calligraphy is very good, really great," Fang Yu smiled faintly.

Another middle-aged man snorted and said, "Boy, how did you get in here How can you be so carefree at this kind of event Also, describing Master Cai's calligraphy as good, is that all you can say 'Very good,' 'good' I think you don't understand art at all!"

The bald man nodded and said, “Indeed, young people these days are very impetuous. They can't settle down to appreciate art at all. Alas, the splendid calligraphy tradition of our Chinese civilization spanning thousands of years will probably fade considerably in the next generation...”

Fang Yu was too lazy to pay attention to these two people and looked at Qin Yimo beside her.

Qin Yimo was now looking up, her eyes fixed on a calligraphy scroll hanging above.

"Do you really love calligraphy" Fang Yu asked.

Qin Yimo came back to her senses and glanced at Fang Yu, saying, "Of course, my childhood dream was to become a calligraphy master. Master Cai is my idol... From elementary school, I practiced calligraphy for more than two hours every day, and this habit continued until I graduated from university... Unfortunately, I just don't have the talent. The characters I write never develop my own style."

"Oh, how I wish I could get a calligraphy piece from Master Cai today!"

"You're so rich, why don't you just buy a painting" Fang Yu said.

"I want to buy it too, but Master Cai doesn't sell his calligraphy anymore. And the collectors who already have his calligraphy are all wealthy and wouldn't need to buy it even if they could." Qin Yimo said regretfully.

"I have several authentic paintings by Huang Daoqian at home. If you offer the right price, I'll sell you one." Fang Yu said.

“Huang Dao ran Is that all you know, the scholar Huang Dao ran Besides, there are only three genuine works of Huang Dao ran that have survived to this day. Two are in the hands of foreign collectors, and one is in the possession of No. 1 today… Can you stop bragging about these meaningless things I’m not those naive high school girls who would be easily fooled by your few words.” Qin Yimo said angrily.

Fan Yu didn't speak again.

At this moment, a young couple walked into the exhibition hall.

He was dressed in a suit and tie, looking to be under thirty years old. With his beard, he had a certain world-weariness and handsomeness about him.

She was wearing a black evening gown, with light makeup on her face. She was beautiful and had a great figure.

However, the expression on the woman's face was not good, she looked very unhappy.

As soon as she stepped into the exhibition hall, the woman saw Fang Yu standing in the distance, talking to Qin Yimo.

A glimmer flashed in her eyes.

She suddenly thought of a way to get rid of the man!

Then, a smile spread across her face, and she was about to step forward.

At this moment, the man reached out and grabbed her.

"Xiao Ran, where do you want to go" the man asked with a smile.

"Zhou Cheng! I told you we're not that close! Don't call me Xiaoran!" Dingran glared at the man, saying.

Zhou Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If you want to attract the attention of so many people here, you can continue shouting like this."

Dingran's face changed slightly, and he glanced at Fang Yu again, saying: "I met a friend, I want to go chat with him for a few words!"

"Go ahead." Zhou Cheng smiled faintly and released Dingran's hand.

Ding Ran then quickly walked towards Fang Yu.

Zhou Cheng's expression instantly subsided, he shoved his hands into his pockets, and coldly watched Ding Ran's every move.

"Fang Yu, how did you get here" Ding Ran walked up behind Fang Yu and patted him on the shoulder.

Fang Yu turned his head and saw Ding Ran. His brow furrowed slightly.

"What a coincidence that we met here," Dingran said with a gentle smile.

Fang Yu didn't say anything, but Qin Yimo beside him asked in confusion, "Fang Yu, is this your friend"

Only then did he notice Qin Yimo, a flash of surprise crossing his eyes.

Such a beautiful woman...

Ding Ran had always been confident in her own beauty, but when she saw Qin Yimo, she felt that she was inferior to the other.

Whether it's temperament or appearance...

How could Fang Yu know such a woman

For a moment, an inexplicable jealousy surged within Ding Ran's heart.

"She is my English teacher," Fang Yu said.

Dingran gave Qin Yimo a slight smile, didn't talk much, and leaned closer to Fang Yu's ear, whispering, "Fang Yu, could you go somewhere with me where there are no people I have something I want to ask you for help."id coldly."Understood, I shall take my leave."Fang Yu took the jade pendant and replied.Gao Ru waved his hand.Fang Yu retreated, leaving the hall.……Fang Yu quickly left Gao Ru's city mansion.Through t...