Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 1304: Overdoing It


aint golden aura naturally rose around his body, shielding him from most of the blast's power.The remaining portion of power truly and vividly struck Fang Yu, causing a tingling sensation.This would a..."Don't cry, things aren't as bad as you think..."

However, it left out the part about Zhao Zijun's unique physique.

"They have another purpose... When will they contact me" Zhao Zinan asked with a choked voice.

"I think in the near future, they will definitely find a way to contact you or me," Fang Yu said. "Before contacting you and me, your family is most likely still safe, so don't worry."

After calming Zhao Zinan's emotions, Fang Yu left her room.

It is 8:30 PM now.

Fang Yu looked up at the moonlight and thought of the situation in Huaibei.

Here in Beidu… it's best to resolve things as soon as possible.

Once the northern city is recaptured, we can then turn our attention to dealing with the other regional tribes.

"To deal with the Tianhun tribe, we must be as cruel as possible," Fang Yu thought. "I must establish my reputation, so that I can deter other tribes in different regions."

Thinking this way, Fang Yu had a plan in mind.

No need to wait until tomorrow, let's keep working on it tonight!

This afternoon, Fang Yu disguised himself as a being from the Shenhai Dynasty and purged the three major strongholds in the center district of Beidu.

And tonight, he will use the identity of Fang Yu to launch an attack on other strongholds of the Tianhun clan!

"Tonight's objective, the Red General and the Black General... those two Tier-ranked beings must be eliminated, along with ten strongholds."

Fang Yu did not notify anyone for assistance, nor did he make any preparations. He only brought the map that Huixu had given him and teleported away from the mansion.


The first objective, the Zhaolun District outpost, is very close to the Beidu Center district.

This stronghold is home to nearly 10,000 members of the Heaven Falcon clan, but only around two thousand are elite warriors.


When Fangyu stepped out of the teleportation portal, this group of Tianhuazong creatures were gathered in a huge square. Some stood and slept, while others conversed with each other, emitting unpleasant laughter.

Looking at the vast number of densely packed Tianhun creatures below, Fang Yu's face remained expressionless, his eyes gleaming with intense golden light!

At this moment, the energy within him surged outward.

The group of Skyhawk creatures below immediately sensed it and raised their heads!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

One day, a creature of the falcon clan cried out loudly.

However, most of the Skyborn are still in slumber.


And at this moment, a devastating power has already struck from the heavens!


The terrifying True Qi erupted within the Tianhun clan like a nuclear bomb!

In that instant, thousands of Skyhawk clan beings hadn't even had time to enter combat form before their bodies were shattered.

And this... is just the beginning!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A continuous barrage of attacks, each with equal force, rained down from above.

Tens of thousands of members of the Heavenhawk clan let out ear-piercing screams as their bodies were shattered into powder by the overwhelming power, blood splattering everywhere.

The vast square, once grand, was now a crater dozens of meters deep.

The dust has spread to dozens of meters high in the air.

During this continuous bombardment, nearly 80% of the Skyhawk race perished. They didn't even have time to scream before their bodies were shattered.

Fang Yu was surrounded by two thousand members of the Tianhun Clan, mostly elite warriors.

"It seems your different races have a very strict ranking system. Elite warriors are just a little more powerful than ordinary creatures, at least they can react." Fang Yu looked at the Tianhu clan elites whose bodies were beginning to grow outer skeletons, and said sarcastically.

At this moment, nearly two thousand elite Skyhawk Clan warriors are in a state of extreme terror.

They stared down into the massive pit, unable to believe... It had been blasted out in just a few short seconds!

Who is this figure that resembles a human! What kind of supernatural being is it

“You, who are you…” A sharp-eyed Tianhun warrior spoke.

"You still don't know who I am Then you truly deserve to die." Fang Yu shook his head and said, "With such poor communication capabilities, you're still able to hold onto Beidu Who gave you the courage"

When speaking, Fang Yu had already raised both hands and was reciting the incantation.

The upper and lower layers of the hands overlapped with a grayish-white energy.

This strike is the genuine Immortal-level spell, Yuanshi Annihilation Demon Technique!

At this moment, the elite Skyhawk warriors surrounding them, still in the midst of entering their battle formations, found themselves immobilized by a terrifying force, unable to move even an inch.

But among them, there are a few that slipped through the net.

"You are lucky spectators, you may leave now." Fang Yu used his divine sense to transmit this message to these celestial hawk creatures.

These few creatures of the Tianhu tribe were stunned for a moment, and then roared with anger, about to charge towards Fang Yu.

"Click click click..."

...While other sky-bound creatures of the Tianhuazong clan roared and strained with every ounce of strength, their very bones creaking in protest, they were still unable to break free from this binding force. ...

At this moment, they did not notice that a powerful energy field enveloped them, shifting with their every movement.

Half black, half white, both ends are pressured!

"I am Fang Yu, I hope you can remember my name."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Fang Yu's right palm shot up and clenched tightly!

In that instant, the nearly two thousand Skyhawk tribe members surrounding them felt their hearts in their chests and their brains in their heads 'boom' with a single sound.


Then, an instant explosion!


Their pointed beaks, eyes, and ears all spurted blood!

And at the same time, their aura, vanished.

In the instant their hearts were crushed, their vitality... vanished!

Their back wings ceased their flapping, and their bodies plummeted downward to the ground.

"These days, the vital points of the Skyhawk Clan creatures are in the heart and brain... The Yuanshi Demonic Extinction Art can even automatically lock onto these areas... What kind of existence is the Yuanshi Tianzun" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the falling Skyhawk Clan creatures around him, thinking to himself.

"Bang bang bang..."

Greenish blood flows from every part of their bodies.

At this moment, the few fish that had slipped through the net were standing frozen.

They watched in horror as their comrades... were slaughtered all at once. is a demon clan being, why would the Kai Shan Alliance describe it with ancient behemothsCouldn't the different races in the Illusory Realm co-exist, have they already reached this pointFang Yu shook...