Fei Yu Tang Xiao Rou works

Chapter 1268: Divine Sea Dynasty


dn't back down!He couldn't say it was because he feared Fang Yu and retreated, that would be too embarrassing."This is...the King's command. We are to wait here for the arrival of the Taiyin Python Ki...Fāng Yǔ did not stay for too long, and immediately flew towards the Ice Ocean. 。

Crimson followed him. 。

The two flew forward, able to faintly see the snowy mountains in the distant horizon. 。This ice sheet is oval-shaped, possibly five or six kilometers long and over ten kilometers wide. 。

It was eerily quiet all around. There were ice floes floating on the icy ocean, and I didn't see any other living creatures. 。To be honest, since entering the depths of the Arctic region, I haven't seen a single living creature. 。

That's a bit of a surprise. 。According to the Frostborn, in the very depths of the far north... there should be many monsters that have existed since ancient times. 。"Could they all be hibernating" Fang Yu thought to himself. 。As Fang Yu rushed forward, the icy feeling became increasingly intense. 。After flying forward about three kilometers, Fang Yu stopped. 。By this time, the icy feeling had reached its peak. 。At this point, the guidance of the icy intent is downwards, not forward anymore. 。That is to say, the glass snowflake...lies beneath the ocean. 。"Right in the center of this ice ocean..." Fang Yu looked around and said. 。"Down there" Honglian asked. 。"Hmm" 。Fang Yu nodded and said, "I'll go down for a while. You don't need to follow me. Just wait for me up there." 。"It shouldn't be too long... but it's hard to say. " 。In short, if you can't wait any longer, you can leave first. I don't know how long it will take either. 。"Red Lotus looked down at the icy ocean below and nodded. "I'll be waiting for you up there," 。Fang Yu no longer said much, looking at the slightly blue-tinged icy ocean below and diving straight down. 。"Pff!" Soon, his body was directly submerged into the icy ocean. 。Fang Yu's current look resembles someone winter swimming, with only a pair of shorts left on his body. 。However, for the penguin, the temperature inside the ice ocean is actually warmer compared to the freezing cold outside. 。He plunged straight down, incredibly fast. 。Gradually, the light filtering down from above grew dimmer, and visibility began to decrease. 。At this time, Fang Yu condensed two orbs of light in his hands, circling around his body, providing light and vision. 。For nearly five minutes, Fang Yu kept diving downward, unaware of how deep he had gone. 。

There was no sound around, and nothing else could be seen along the way down. 。But Fang Yu's speed did not slow down, because... he was getting closer and closer to the glazed snow crystal. 。That chill was already very palpable. 。"Master, the Glacial Jade Crystal is very near now. " 。The Tears of the Frost suddenly spoke, her voice laced with a hint of excitement. 。Clearly, the glass snow crystal was very important to it. 。When Fire Jade first obtained the Heart of Sunfire, he was equally ecstatic. 。"Well, well, think carefully now. This Glazed Snow Crystal isn't easy to come by." 。At this moment, Huo Yu suddenly spoke as well. 。"What do you say" Fang Yu asked. 。"You'll know soon enough. This Icy Tear is practically pushing you into a fire pit. For its own benefit, it completely ignores your safety. You really shouldn't trust it..." Lihuo Jade said in a heartbroken tone. 。

Be quiet 。"Tears of the Arctic," she said coldly. 。Seeing that the two spirit companions were about to start arguing again, Fang Yu immediately spoke up: "Rest assured, Extreme Cold, since I promised you, I will naturally help you get the Glass Snow Crystal." 。"Well, thank you, Master." 。The Tears of Frost said 。

Li Huoyù let out a cold snort and stopped speaking. 。

Then it dove down for another ten minutes.

At this point, the depth is unknown. 。But as he kept diving downwards, Fang Yu discovered that the light around him was getting brighter and brighter. 。

Looking down, you could see a vast expanse of brightness. 。At the very bottom of the ocean, it seems like another world exists. 。Fang Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and his speed going down increased even further. 。In the process, his vision before him became increasingly clear. 。He saw buildings, growing larger and larger in his field of vision. 。These buildings' exteriors are completely different from human architecture. 。They were incredibly large, and each building had a faint blue glow emanating from its exterior. 。。As Fang Yu continued to dive downwards, he gradually began to make out that besides the gigantic structures, there were also many creatures!

These creatures stood motionless in various poses outside the buildings. 。

And in shape, they vary greatly. Some resemble ordinary fish, but others take on the appearance of birds, complete with wings. 。And there's also the humanoid form, walking upright, but with skin covered in shimmering fish scales of various colors, and long, narrow eyes. 。These creatures were motionless, situated at various locations, each radiating a faint blue glow. 。It seems that these creatures were suddenly frozen in time, which is why they are caught in such various poses. 。

That which makes them cease to move, seems to be the faint blue light that surrounds them. 。"Where am I" Fang Yu frowned. 。Meanwhile, he continued to dive, quickly approaching those buildings. 。Only at close range did Fang Yu realize just how enormous these buildings were. Compared to the structures of the human world, their scale was at least ten times larger. 。And those creatures that dwell everywhere, even the smallest ones… are five or six meters tall. 。This world, it's like another civilization deep beneath the sea. 。However, this civilization fell into a state of stagnation for some reason. All living beings... even the buildings, were enveloped in a blue light that shielded them from the outside world. 。"This is the Divine Sea Dynasty" 。"At this time, Huo Yu opened his mouth." 。"The Sea God Dynasty" Fang Yu was taken aback. 。To put it simply, it's like the ancient tribes, representing another major force within the alien race. 。"Li Huo Yu said, 'The Shen Hai Dynasty is composed of hundreds of underwater alien races.'" 。"

The ancient clan…" Fang Yu's eyes flickered 。Hearing Li Huo Yu's words, he finally had a certain understanding of the ancient clan. 。"So it's a force made up of various races...

"No, I mean that the Sea God Dynasty's scale is similar to that of the ancient clans, but fundamentally there are still differences..." 。Lihuo Yu said, "The vast majority of alien races within the ancient clan all possess the same ancestral bloodline." 。Therefore, the ancient clans were united by blood ties. 。"And the many undersea tribes within the Shenhai Dynasty, however, did not rely on bloodlines to unite them..."

"So, the alien race isn't a whole group" Fang Yu frowned and asked, "Just like the human race, it's divided into many factions inside"

"Definitely. In history, the alien race has always been just a general term, originating from the human race>>> 。"Of course, most of the alien races prefer to slaughter humans. That's an undeniable fact," said Lihuo Yu. 。Because the human race is indeed the weakest among many other races. 。That doesn't seem right, does it A powerful being at the peak of the Tribulation Transcending Stage among humans should be stronger than most alien races. 。"Fang Yu said" 。"Yes, but where will these powerful beings eventually go" Lifu jade asked in return. 。"... Ascension" 。"Fang Yu replied," 。To be precise, it's either ascension or being struck by lightning and turned to ashes. 。"Lihuo Yu said, 'So, the top combat strength of the human race is indeed very strong, but it can't last long. The thoughts of these powerful beings are not at all focused on confronting the alien race'" 。After all, anyone would want to become immortal, wouldn't they Immortality is such a beautiful thing…”

Speaking up to this point, Fang Yu faintly heard a hint of sarcasm in Li Huo Yu’s tone. 。"But speaking of which, wouldn't the top fighters from other races also ascend" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and asked. 。"Yes, but the number of second-tier combat forces among alien races is larger, and they are capable of confronting the strongest group of human experts." 。So even if top-tier combat power ascends, alien races would still be able to crush the human race. 。"Li Huo Yu said, "Furthermore, the starting point of the alien race is higher." 。Among humans, only one in ten thousand might become a cultivator. Of these cultivators, perhaps only one or two out of every hundred would have the chance to reach the tribulation period, and there might not even be one at all. 。"

While members of other races are born with extremely high combat prowess, most surpass the strength of ordinary human cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage." 。Fang Yu's eyes flickered as he listened to Li Huo Yu. 。He had heard similar information about other races from He Ruju of the Xu Zhen Pai before, but it was not detailed. 。But just like last time, Fang Yu still had a question. 。 young people to suffer a bit." Fang Yu said.Mù Qīngrán did not respond, and left in a huff.Fang Yu didn't mind either, continuing to gaze at the green sea in the distance.At that moment, he suddenly...