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Chapter 592: The Crime of Exterminating the Nine Clans


naturally very worried. She looked around and picked up a wooden stick. Despite being scared inside, she still waved the stick: "Get away from here! Don't hurt my Miss!""Little beauty, just obedientl..."Senior brother, what should we do now" Xiao Yuge patted the dirt off her hands and glanced at Qian Si Chen and Chu Tian Qi who were still lying on the ground. To be honest, she really didn't want to save them. Let them fend for themselves here, it would be better. According to Master Uncle, Qian Si Chen was the future emperor of the human world, so he wouldn't die. Just let them stay here and suffer a little.

"Let's take a look at their condition first," He Ming came to Qian Si Chen and the others, feeling their pulses: "Fortunately, they were only hit with a few doses of Meng Han medicine." After saying that, he was about to take out the antidote to relieve them.

However, Xiao Yu Ge snatched it away: "Senior brother, if we both leave, wouldn't it be obvious when those people come back to check Let them stay here for now. Besides, Wen Shi Yun wouldn't dare to kill them."

"That's right. We can come back and save them after we finish our business." Even He Ming agreed with her.

Xiao Yu Ge looked at the four people, then walked over and took the clothes off one of them, putting them on himself. "Senior brother," he said, "perhaps with these clothes, we'll be more convenient when we act later."

Okay, I'll do as you say.

Soon, both of them changed into the servants' clothes and had the servants put on their own clothes and lie down there. They then pulled the other two aside so that even if someone outside came to take a look, they wouldn't notice anything amiss for a while.

With the servants and tokens, they successfully entered the inner courtyard. Indeed, there were countless people bustling about. The closer they went, the more pungent the smell became, which was very strange to them. This tea should have been fragrant, how could it have such a foul odor

"What are you two doing" someone suddenly shouted.

He Ming and Xiao Yu exchanged a glance, both prepared to strike back. Unexpectedly, the man glanced at them, as if suddenly understanding: “I understand now, you’re here to find Manager Lu, aren’t you”

"Yes, yes, yes. We are here to find Manager Lu." Xiao Yu Ge and He Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The head steward, Lu, has gone to inspect the back of the mountain. He said that things are a bit unsettled tonight, so he wants you all to be more careful." The man didn't notice anything amiss.

"Got it."

"Come on, don't stay here too long. If anyone sees you, people from the outer courtyard coming in here, you'll get into trouble." The man didn't hesitate or question them, but after giving them a warning, he went about his business.

Xiao Yuge and He Ming hurriedly retreated from the inner courtyard. It wasn't until this moment that they realized how strict the rules were at Wen Family Manor. The servants in the inner and outer courtyards wore different clothes, and usually, people from the outer courtyard weren't allowed to enter the inner courtyard.

"Little sister, it seems that inner courtyard is where they put those divine teas. I just secretly took some and tried it. The taste wasn't like any tea I've ever had, very strange. It seems we need to go up to the back mountain they mentioned to see the raw materials."

"We don't even know where it is, how to get there" Xiao Yuge also wanted to see what kind of magical thing it was, but they didn't even know where the so-called mountain was.

"Just get someone to lead the way." He said, his figure flickering as he intercepted a servant who had just come out from the backyard. "Don't want to die, just listen obediently!"

"Hmm." The house servant's mouth was covered, so he could only nod in terror.

Xiao Yu Ge was a little surprised. This was the first time she had seen her senior brother use his martial arts, and unexpectedly, her senior brother's medical skills were superb, and his martial arts were not weak either!

“Take us to the back of the mountain!” As Crane Ming released the domestic worker from the inner courtyard, he also shoved a pill into his mouth. “This is heartbreak poison. If you don’t have my antidote, after twelve hours, your intestines will rupture and you will die! As long as you listen obediently, I promise to give you the antidote.”

The house servant's face was pale with terror and despair. He knew that the only way to survive was to follow their orders, so he nodded his head.

Xiao Yu sang secretly gave He Ming a thumbs-up.

Guided by the servant, they quickly arrived at what was called "the back of the mountain." However, under the moonlight, when they saw the scene before them, they were stunned.

Originally, the entire mountain was planted with a kind of dazzling flower. Even under the moonlight, it was alluring and charming. Strangely, these flowers didn't emit the fragrance like ordinary flowers, but had a strange smell that couldn't be described.

In the distance, someone seemed to still be shouting.

Xiao Yu Ge suddenly struck, knocking over the leading servant. Then she used a silver needle to prick a certain acupoint on him. She was relieving the poison her senior brother had just inflicted, but this needle would also make the servant sleep for several hours.

After hiding the person, they quietly approached that direction.

Only to hear Manager Lu shouting loudly: "You guys be quick tonight, finish collecting all of this, and tomorrow morning you still have to plant it. If you don't finish collecting it, you won't have any divine tea to drink tomorrow!"

"Yes, Manager Lu!"

Under the moonlight, Xiao Yu Ge noticed that those busy people were all dressed in commoner's clothes. They seemed to be like the sons spoken of by the old woman, chosen by the Wen family to come here and do this kind of work, then controlled by some kind of divine tea.

"General Lu, the city lord is looking for you!" A servant rushed over to report at that moment.

"All of you, hurry up and gather all of this before dawn! If you finish everything, I'll give you double the divine tea!" After Lu Guan finished speaking loudly, he turned around and left.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Finish collecting quickly, I'm going back to sleep!" The few servants in charge of supervising there also started yelling, the sound of their whips cracking was terrifying.

Those long-term laborers, for the sake of this hefty pay, could only swallow their resentment and work silently on what was assigned to them. This mirrored the situation of those long-term workers within the inner court.

Xiao Yu Ge reached out and picked a flower, bringing it to her nose to sniff. In an instant, her eyes widened in shock, and she gasped, "This smell is... Afrahonia!"

"That's right! It's opium poppy! As recorded in the book!" He Crane also plucked a stalk and sniffed it, his voice trembling: "The laws of all countries explicitly prohibit the cultivation of opium poppy. The Wen family actually planted so many opium poppies, what are they trying to do"

You see, this thing is poisonous. Once you eat it, you become addicted, and there is no cure in the world. In the end, there is only one outcome: death! Every king in the world understands the danger of this substance, so they all agreed to ban its cultivation. If anyone is found growing more than five plants, their entire clan will be exterminated! However, who would have thought that a small town like Ruoshui City's Wen family would grow so many There are at least several acres worth.e most would be her mother.Mrs. Xiao seemed much calmer than usual. She walked slowly to Xiao Zhan's face and calmly asked, "Master, who are the mother and child of Xiao Gui What does it mean to let h...