<The butterfly wi works

Chapter 495: Scumbags Are Unreliable


ot as you heard them..." Xiao Yufu knelt there, crying and explaining."You said to me, what use are you Now everyone outside is saying, the Princess Guonan met with Prince Ning privately. If it weren'..."If you go, then I'll go too, as your companion!" The two looked at each other and smiled, their joy expressed in this gentle smile. 。Wu Chengzong always thought that Mu Huan, as a princess, was willful and capricious. However, after getting to know her, he was also deeply attracted by her enthusiasm and kindness. Compared with those weak and pretentious young ladies, he admired Mu Huan's bold and forthright personality more. What he wanted was never a delicate and gentle woman who was content to be kept in the backyard, but a partner who could ride side-by-side with him, galloping through the rivers and lakes. 。As Xiao Yuge had expected, Qian Sichin brought her back to the Prince's Mansion for Qin Hanzheng! "He isn't dead" Xiao Yuge widened her beautiful eyes, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 。"Ger, this matter is a long story. I'll explain it to you later. Look at him now, is there any way to cure him How can he speak again"At this moment, Qin Hansheng lying on the bed was breathing rapidly, his chest rising and falling unevenly, as if he could stop breathing at any time. The old doctor knelt beside him, constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead, seemingly helpless. 。"Let me take a look." 。Xiao Yu Ge pressed down on her chest, as if she had just been startled. Fortunately, she had been raised as a pampered young miss in the Xiangfu since childhood, so some of her movements were natural and smooth without conscious effort. 。Don't be afraid, I'm here, he can't hurt you. 。 。"Well " 。Xiao Yu Ge nodded, seeming very serious as she examined Qin Han. It seemed like the needles she had inserted earlier were having an effect. She had to admire his persistence, enduring for so long before the attack hit. However, this ancient physician probably didn't notice, otherwise, he should have been able to alleviate it. 。It was just a reprieve. Qin Han Sheng's body had already reached its end, like an oil lamp running out of fuel. To be able to hold on until now was a miracle among miracles. If it wasn't for the Taizi Fu constantly using those high-quality heaven and earth treasures to sustain him, he would have been gone long ago. 。“Ge’er, is there still hope” Seeing Xiao Yu Ge keep frowning, Qian Si Chen anxiously rubbed his hands on the side. He had boasted to his father earlier that he could make Qin Han Sheng speak soon, but now, Qin Han Sheng's condition seemed worse than he expected. 。"Give me the silver needle, I'll give it a try. Whether it works or not, it's still uncertain." 。Xiao Yu Ge naturally knew that all that was needed now was to remove the small bone in Qin Han Sheng's throat. In three days, he would be able to speak again. However, given Qin Han Sheng's current condition, if she made a move with her knife, he might die. Qin Han Sheng was as good as dead, but he couldn't die at her hands. Otherwise, with Qian Si Chen's personality, he would undoubtedly suspect her. Once suspicions fell on her, it would involve Ruyi Fang and then Ye Da Ge's Thousand Machine Pavilion, which would be a huge problem. 。 “Elderly doctor, quickly give her the silver needles!” “Yes!” Xiao Yuge acted as if she was administering acupuncture, but secretly she relieved the aftereffects of the previous acupuncture. Soon Qin Hansheng’s breathing stabilized. Xiao Yuge's movements were swift, even though the elderly doctor was skilled in medicine, he was fooled by her. 。Seeing Qin Hansheng's condition had visibly improved, Qian Si Chen’s face finally relaxed from the tension. She let out a sigh of relief inwardly: it seemed bringing Ge'er along was a wise decision. 。Qin Hansheng's condition has temporarily stabilized, and Xiao Yuge is also calculating in her heart. She knows that Ye Gege's people must be secretly looking for another opportunity to kill Qin Hansheng, and she also noticed just now that Qian Sicheng, this dead scumbag, has almost replaced everyone in the mansion. She doesn't know who are Ye Gege's people now, so she can't send any signals randomly. If she's not careful, she might even expose herself. 。It seems that if she wants to get rid of Qin Han Sheng, she can only rely on herself. This time, she has to come up with a good plan, one that will make Qian Si Chen never suspect her. 。“Finally, things have stabilized for now.” 。"Xiao Yu ge carefully put away the silver needle and handed it back to the ancient physician: “Ancient Physician, please keep this safe.” 。" The ancient physician was also very cautious. He quickly took the silver needles and carefully checked them to see if any were missing or unusual. After confirming that there was nothing amiss, he carefully put them away. 。He did all of this, and it all fell into Xiao Yuge's eyes. Seeing him put away the silver needles, the corners of her lips quickly curled up with a smile that was not easy to detect..."Ge'er, can he speak now" Qian Sichin saw Qin Hansheng seem to open his eyes, open his mouth as if he had something to say, but he still couldn't make a sound. 。"It should be alright, but for now I can only say a few simple things. My techniques just now, Old Doctor, you could see clearly, right Every two hours I'll give him acupuncture once, in one or two days he should be able to speak again." 。After finishing, Xiao Yuge quickly tapped several acupoints on Qin Hansheng's body. She then gently pressed a point at his throat. 。In fact, this is just a smokescreen. The real point is at the very end. Qin Hansheng had a small bone stuck in his throat, unable to be removed. However, with external force, it could be slightly shifted, giving him a chance to speak. But what he said wouldn't be much, so she wasn't worried about Qin Hansheng revealing anything detrimental to Leiting Pavilion. 。"Alright, I remember!" The old physician beside him knew his medical skills paled in comparison to Xiao Yu Ge's. Naturally, he memorized Xiao Yu Ge's methods thoroughly, hoping not to anger the Prince. 。"Then you try it!" Xiao Yuge gestured for him to give it a try. She didn't have time to run here every day, besides, as long as Qin Han Sheng no longer went through his hands in the future, whether he lived or died had nothing to do with her. 。 “good” 。The old physician recalled Xiao Yu Ge's movements from earlier, and as he made his own moves, he couldn't help but notice his hand trembling slightly. Perhaps it was because of his age Qian Si Chen watched on, her heart pounding in fear. 。Of course, Qian Si Chen didn't know that the old doctor was after all an old doctor. Even if his hands trembled, his aim wouldn't be off. 。As expected, the ancient doctor followed Xiao Yuge's method and tried it. Sure enough, Qin Han Sheng slowly opened his mouth and uttered an "ah" sound, followed by a "wo" (I). 。This was the second time he had spoken since last time, and Qian Si Chen immediately became excited: “You can say whatever you want!” As long as he could speak, anything was fine. 。“I, I......” Even Qin Hansheng uttered two "I"s before seeming unable to continue. He appeared anxious as well, perhaps now, he just wanted to speak it all out and die with a clean conscience. Otherwise, living like this was unbearable, dying yet unable to. He wouldn't endure this pain any longer. 。"Tell me quickly, about the Thunder Pavilion!" Qian Sichin, in a flurry of anxiety, grabbed his collar. 。everyone thinks like you. It's none of outsiders' business how Qian Tingxuan and I are. I advise you to stay out of my sight in the future, or you'll regret it.""It's quite a coincidence, isn't it" Th...