<The butterfly wi works

Chapter 480: A Man's Two Greatest Hobbies


uan snatched a sword and slowly stood up: “Qin Zhentian! You dare to hurt her, today you will die!” His voice was cold as ice, as if it would freeze Qin Zhentian solid.Whoever dares to hurt her! Today...Seeing him so serious, Xiao Yuge no longer doubted him. Instead, she leaned lazily against his chest: "I really hope there's no war, otherwise..." Otherwise, she would let go of those grudges and forgive Qian Si Chen that scumbag, which wouldn't be worth it at all.

"Otherwise what..."

"It's nothing." Xiao Yuge secretly let out a sigh: Otherwise, it would be too much of a loss for her to give up revenge!

Whoa! If she can't seek revenge, what's the point of her rebirth Could it really be like Master Uncle said, that her rebirth was someone else using their remaining lifespan as payment, all for the sake of the people

Although she didn't want to believe it, Master Uncle's expression didn't seem like he was lying. She'd rather believe him than not. She couldn't bear to see the common people living the kind of life she had seen.

"Little Song, that Thousand Thoughts Dust fellow has been coming to find you a lot lately, and you haven't rejected him. What's the deal Are you thinking of keeping two boats afloat" As soon as this was mentioned, Qian Tingxuan's face darkened.

"You're like a piece of candy, sticking to me all day long, no matter how hard I try to scrape you off. And at night, you always show up in my bedroom right on time, leaving only when the sun rises. How can I possibly be seeing other people with you around like this Where did you even come up with that" Xiao Yuge almost rolled her eyes out of her head. Did this guy not have a brain

Of course, Qian Tingxuan trusted her. Even though he was always clinging to her, she hadn't agreed to anything yet. How could that little kid, Qian Sichin, compare to him But sometimes, his heart just wasn't at ease. After all, she had never made any promises to him.

However, his response was very satisfying to her. He leaned down and kissed her hair affectionately: “Little Ge'er, I might be rather busy this period of time, and I won't have much time to accompany you during the day. If you get bored, just go out for a stroll, but don’t leave the city. There are many bandits outside, so be careful.”

"Got it." Xiao Yuge's lips curled into a barely perceptible smile: "There are many thieves"

“Do you know the Wuyue Gongzi of Qingfeng Pavilion” he suddenly asked.

"Well, I've met a few times."

“Don’t get too close to him, this person isn't as simple as he seems.” Qian Tingxuan frowned slightly. Of the several major sects under his command at Thunderclap Pavilion, she had already bought out Ye Wuhuan. To buy another one, Wuyue Gongzi, then his secret would likely be impossible to hide in the future.

He actually didn't want to keep it from her, but these things, once she knew them, would make her less safe. There are so many people in this world who want his life, if they knew about her existence, they would definitely use her as leverage. He wasn't afraid of death, but he was afraid of her getting hurt, even a scratch. He would be heartbroken.

“I knew that already.” Xiao Yuge curled her lips: “He’s the boss of Qingfeng Pavilion, yet he insists on appearing before everyone as a courtesan. This kind of person is either a psychopath who delights in fooling the masses; or he's deeply calculating and has some ulterior motive. Regardless, this isn't something an upright person would do, so such a person is untrustworthy!”

“You got it right!” Qiantingxuan heard her say this, and his heart finally settled. However, he still couldn’t help but remind her: “He has been in the world for a long time, and he has a set of tricks for deceiving women. Be careful, don't be led astray by him.”

"Even a cunning wolf like you I'm not afraid of, so why would I be afraid of him Really!" Xiao Yu Ge tugged at his hand in dissatisfaction. "As expected, men are all contradictory inside. They have two great loves by nature: one is to drag virtuous women into the water, and the other is to persuade courtesans to reform!"

"As your husband, everything I do is within reason. Can he possibly compare"

"Yes, yes, yes, you're right. Whatever you say. I'm so tired, I need to sleep..."

Let's go.

"Get out!"

Fine weather, somewhere outside the city.

"Who is it Who dares to trespass upon my Línshuí Fort"

As soon as Xiao Yuge, disguised as a man, arrived at the foot of Linshui Village, she was stopped by a small thug. Without panicking, she pulled out a small gold ingot from her body and threw it in front of him: "Go tell your boss that I want to see him!"

“Who do you think you are to just tell us what we can see…” Before the thug could finish his sentence, his eyes were caught by the gold on the ground. He quickly bent down and picked it up, putting it in his mouth and biting down hard. It was real! He instantly beamed with joy and changed his expression: “Sir, our boss has gone down the mountain.” As expected, whoever had money held all the power!

"Who dares to see this old master" A rough voice came from the side at that moment.

As soon as the little rascal heard the sound, he was startled. Instinctively, he hid the gold coin on himself and immediately put on a fawning smile as he greeted him: "Master Hua, you're back! Your journey must have been tiring!"

"Little Fourth, who was it just now that said they wanted to see this old master of mine" Hua Hu said with an air of arrogance.

"It's him! It's the one who said he wanted to see Lord Hua!" The little ruffian pointed at Xiao Yuge.

Huaxiao looked over at Xiaoyu Ge, his copper bell-like eyes scanning her up and down before narrowing. "Who are you And why do you want to see me" In his view, the frail boy in front of him, who seemed almost malnourished, wasn't worth his attention.

"Of course, I'm here to discuss matters with the big boss." Xiao Yuge glanced at Huahuo, who had a wild, unshaven look. Sure enough, ruffians all looked alike.

"Who are you" Hua Hu looked at Xiao Yuge warily. Lately, there were more and more people who had their sights set on him, so he had to be cautious.

"Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is that I can bring you wealth! At least it will ensure you and everyone in your Linshui Village won't starve for half a year!" Xiao Yuge didn't waste words with him either. This kind of bandit usually killed and robbed people; if it weren't for certain things being inconvenient for her to handle herself, she wouldn't have come here.

Then, he directly displayed a silver note worth ten thousand taels: “I wonder if this amount would persuade the Big Boss to nod his head.”

"That was actually a silver note worth ten thousand taels. Hua Hu and the men around him suddenly had greed in their eyes, swallowing hard: "You came here alone, don't you fear I will rob you of this silver note and kill you, then throw your body into the mountains to be eaten by wild dogs"

"Why don't you give it a try!" Xiao Yu Ge was also arrogant. These were considered villains of the martial arts world, she originally wouldn't bother to see them, but some things couldn't be left for the Frost Snow Pavilion to handle, so that's why she came here.

"Go ahead and try! Don't think Hua Hu is easily intimidated!" Hua Hu shook his arms, showing off his muscular physique.

Xiao Yu Ge saw this, her heart was unmoved, her eyes didn't even change, she smiled faintly: "As you said, I came here alone. You say I dare to come here alone, would I still be afraid of you" After that, with a light twist of her hand, like magic, the original single silver note instantly became three!" Qian Tingxuan took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her lips. They had already officially gone through the ceremony, with all the villagers as witnesses. The little thing still wanted to back ou...