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Chapter 262: Kneeling and Rubbing the Washboard


r back immediately to be strictly disciplined and ensure she never does such a thing again!”"Minister of Personnel, she hurt Ge'er. If Ge'er forgives her, this palace will let her off this time." Qian..."Father, it's not just me who thinks the new daughter-in-law is troublesome. I don't have my father's good fortune to marry a beautiful woman like Dr. Ke'er." The son mumbled behind them, glancing back at Xiao Yuge and the others while walking, his eyes full of envy.

"Even though Mr. [Name] had his face ruined, he was still able to marry the fairy-like girl Cao'er. With your pale and plump face, you are completely useless!"

"Father, if there's really no other way, could you and Mother just have another brother for me"

"Get out! You little bastard! I'll kill you, you unfilial son!"

The next morning, Xiao Yuge still sat in the courtyard as usual, treating the villagers, but she always felt that everyone's eyes were strange today. At first, she thought it might be her clothes or hair ornaments, so she checked herself, but she didn't find anything wrong.

She had been preoccupied with the matter of the hundred stones of salt. Taking advantage of the fact that few people were seeking medical treatment, she decided to go for a walk near there. As soon as she reached the edge of the stone bridge, she heard the voices of Zhang's aunt and those women talking from under the bridge.

"Let me tell you, last night Mr. and Dr. Ke'er got married! They were so good, the bed even collapsed! My old man and son happened to run into them on the bridge when they were taking their watch. They said the bed broke, so they had to go to the private school for the night."

"Really That's why I saw Mr. and his little assistant go to the carpenter's house early this morning. So it was because the bed frame collapsed and needed repairs."

"Wow, the bed is shaking! My goodness, you wouldn't expect it, that mister might have a disfigured face, but his body is still quite good. Just Doctor Caier’s tiny waist and small frame, could she withstand that"

Everyone was chatting and laughing merrily, but when they looked up, they saw Xiao Yu Ge standing by the bridge, holding her waist. The atmosphere immediately turned awkward.

"Oh, it's Doctor Keer! You must be tired."

Seeing Xiao Yuge still holding her waist, several women glanced at each other, a knowing smile playing on their lips.

Xiao Yu's face burned with heat. After giving a casual greeting to the others, she supported her waist and walked towards Nancun, secretly annoyed in her heart: It was all that dog man Qian Tingxuan's fault! She couldn't explain herself even if she had a thousand mouths. Even after walking far away, she could still hear those people discussing her.

"Well, we're both women. Why are our fates so different My husband... he wouldn't even shake the bedsheet, let alone break it!"

"Dr. Ke'er is so beautiful, and she has such a good life. Although her husband isn't conventionally handsome, well, men are all the same in the dark under the covers, aren't they As long as they're happy."

“That's right! This young doctor is so skilled. Maybe she has some kind of magical medicine! I’ll go ask her tomorrow and see if she can give us some good medicine too, so we can enjoy being women!”

"Okay, okay, this is good. At that time, all the old sisters will gather together."

Xiao Yuge listened, stroking his forehead. What kind of nonsense is this

"Little song, how did you get here" She hadn't gone far past the stone bridge when she ran into Qian Tingxuan.

Xiao Yu Ge, upon seeing him, turned and fled. It was all his fault; he was almost too embarrassed to show his face.

"What's wrong" Qian Tingxuan quickly caught up to her.

"Leave, I don't want to see you right now." Xiao Yuge straightened her back, but the pain still made her grit her teeth.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have made the bed collapse, causing you to get hurt. Let me rub it for you..." Qian Tingxuan was coaxing her as he rubbed her waist, secretly channeling his internal energy. With his strength combined with his inner power, she should be fine soon.

Xiao Yu Ge felt a surge of heat on her waist, knowing he was using his internal energy to knead her muscles. She didn't resist, allowing him to continue.

Just then, Zhang Shn and a few other aunties happened to walk by and saw the scene. They all gave an understanding expression: "Sir, doctor."

"Aunt Zhang!" Xiao Yuge hurriedly pushed Qian Tingxuan away, her face slightly flushed, and she smiled awkwardly at them.

"Oh, Dr. Ke'er, what's wrong with your waist" Zhang's eyes were full of mischief. They had all given birth to children, so they were not at all squeamish about these vulgar matters.

"I... I twisted my ankle..." Xiao Yuge awkwardly tugged at the corner of her mouth, wishing she could find a hole to crawl into. Her heart burned with resentment, and she desperately wanted to beat up this dog man, Qian Tingxuan, to a pulp.

"So it's a pulled muscle, then we have to be careful." Zhang said with a playful look at Qian Tingxuan: "Doctor Ke'er has such a delicate waist, sir must cherish and protect her in the future."

The women standing nearby all laughed along.

Qian Tingxuan finally understood, and he pulled Xiao Yuge into his arms: "Auntie Zhang is so thoughtful. My little wife, of course I will cherish her well."

"What Mr. said is true. By the way, I saw Mr. going to the carpenter's this morning, is the bed fixed" It seems Zhang's gossipy heart hasn't been satisfied yet.

"It's fixed now."

"That's good, we need to mend it properly. We wouldn't want Dr. Ke'er to get hurt again, would we Well, you all keep busy. We're leaving now." The few aunties pursed their lips and quickly left the place.

Xiao Yu sang氣得直跺腳, 狠狠地瞪了他一眼, 惡狠狠地說:“都是你的 fault!” 她覺得自己的臉丟儘了。

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. Shall I go home and scrub the floor with a washboard"

"Why are you kneeling on a washboard" Xiao Yuge was puzzled. Shouldn't she be fighting with him What use is kneeling on a washboard for

"I heard from Uncle Zhang that he made Auntie Zhang angry, so she made him kneel on the washboard and said it was the realization of being a husband. Every time he finished kneeling, Auntie Zhang wouldn't be angry anymore." Qian Tingxuan's realization was pretty high.

"Then go back and kneel." Xiao Yuge was now furious when she saw him.

"As you wish, my lady!" Qian Tingxuan said, scooping her up in his arms.

"What are you doing Let me down!"

"My little wife, you were tired last night and hurt your waist. As your husband, how could I bear to see my little wife tired" Qian Tingxuan's smile almost reached his ears.

"Who are you calling my wife! Quickly let me down!" Xiao Yuge knew, this time both the North and South villages would know about what happened last night when their bed collapsed. Being spread like that, she was almost too embarrassed to show her face.

"Good girl." Qiantingxuan naturally wouldn't let go of her, seeming affectionate as he leaned closer to her ear: "I know where the hundred stone salt is hidden."

Xiao Yu's song was stunned and raised her eyes, then smiled faintly: "I know where it is too."

Okay, let's go home and discuss it further.

Xiao Yu Ge no longer resisted, she was held back to the wooden house by him. To outsiders, they looked like a newly married couple, full of love and affection.

"We all wrote the answer on our hands, shall we see if it's the same" Xiao Yuge first wrote two characters on her own hand, then passed the pen to him.

Then, both of them opened their palms simultaneously, and surprisingly, they both had two characters written on their palms: Sea Inside!o devoted to medicine."Well. When I was seven years old, I watched my mother die right in front of me, helpless. I lost the only family member I had..." He Ming's eyes dimmed.Xiao Yu Ge gently held h...