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Chapter 187: Change in Feelings


alright, Ge'er, don't get so worked up, I didn't come here to hurt you, please don't harm yourself!""Qian Si Chen, this hairpin you gave me, you once said it was our token of love. Now, just like our..."Master!" Just then, Zhao Si rushed over. He glanced at the atmosphere and realized something was amiss. He hurriedly said, "Master, you didn't return home all night. The old master is looking for you with urgent business, he's almost driven mad with worry!"

"I'm going back!" Chu Tianqi turned his head to look at Xiao Yuge, then at Xu Loulan, and finally pursed his lips before turning and leaving.

Xiao Yu Ge instinctively felt there was definitely something going on between them. Thinking about Zhao Si's words just now, and recalling Lou Lan giving Chu Tian Qi the jade pendant earlier, she was startled. She hurried to Lou Lan's face: "Lou Lan, you and my brother, you..."

"I slept with him..." Xu Loulan raised her eyes and looked at her, a calm expression on her face. Her calm eyes seemed to be stating the most ordinary thing in the world.

"You What are you saying" Xiao Yuge was shocked, her mind blank. She never thought that Xu Loulan and Chu Tianqi would actually get to this point.

“You heard right, I slept with him! Last night! He just came out of my room.” Xu Loulan remained calm, as if she were talking about something unrelated to her.

"Louran, I told you, he's not right for you, why don't you listen" Xiao Yuge's heart was completely in turmoil. She worried that the worst had happened, that Loulan had fallen for Chu Tianqi. How could her revenge continue then

"Is it because he's not right for me, or because you already knew that the person he truly loves has always been you" Xu Loulan questioned through tears, "How could I have known all along that you opposed my liking him You knew he loved you. Why didn't you tell me sooner You watched me fall step by step. I thought you were my best friend. What did you think of me A joke"

"Lulan, it's not like that..." Xiao Yu Ge didn't know how to explain it to her. She couldn't tell Lulan that she had deliberately made Chu Tian Qi fall in love with her for revenge.

"What's going on Tell me!"

"I..." Xiao Yuge was momentarily speechless.

"Nothing to say, is there I know you don't love him, but you know he loves you. You just won't tell me, do you Last night he was drunk and kept calling your name, treating me like you..."

Xu Loulan shook her head sadly: "Ge'er, I once thought that I had lost my home, my parents, and everything. But I still had you, and we would be best friends forever. However, I never expected that you would deceive me too!"

"Lou Lan, things aren't what you think..." Xiao Yu Ge didn't expect her own concealment to lead Lou Lan to such a deep misunderstanding. She knew that even if she told her the truth now, she wouldn't believe it anymore.

"Ge'er, from now on, we are no longer good sisters, no longer..." Xu Loulan covered her mouth and ran back, she was struck doubly hard at once, she really couldn't accept it.

When Xiao Yu ge chased after her, calling out "Lou Lan!" in a soft voice, there was no sign of her. She never expected things to escalate like this. Lou Lan treated her like the best friend in the world, and she reciprocated those feelings.

She always wanted to protect Loulan and didn't want her to get hurt. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was she who hurt her. Things have developed to this point, what should she do to prevent Loulan from continuing to be hurt

"Loulan..." Xiao Yu sang, searching everywhere for Loulan, but she could never find her. She knew Loulan must be heartbroken and deeply disappointed in her, which is why she refused to see her. Helpless, she stood by the bridge, staring blankly at the lake surface, letting tears silently flow down her cheeks...

Just like she was lonely, wasn't she treating Loulan as her best friend But now, Loulan misunderstood her too. Was she really going to lose Loulan


At that moment, a familiar voice called out from behind me.

Xiao Yu Ge slowly turned her head, and large teardrops fell uncontrollably...

"Girl, what's wrong" This was the first time Ye Wuhuan had ever seen her cry. Back when she endured the forbidden magic, even under such agonizing pain, she hadn't shed a single tear. So strong, she had always been. What could have possibly caused this

Xiao Yu's song only shook her head slightly, but tears streamed down her face like beads broken from their string, silently flowing. There were too many sorrows in her heart, nowhere to tell them, and tears were the only outlet.

Ye Wuhuan stepped forward, opening her arms without a shred of hesitation, embracing the petite figure within. He knew something must have happened to her, and if she wouldn't speak, his embrace would be her best confidante.

Later, he brought her back to Qianjige. Along the way, Xiao Yuge was unusually silent. When they reached Qianjige, she just hugged her legs and sat quietly by Jinghu Lake, as if she had sealed herself in her own world, drawing a line around herself, keeping others out and herself trapped inside.

Ye Wuhuan silently accompanied her by his side. He wanted to know what had happened to her, but he was afraid that if he asked, she would cry again. He had known her for so long, and this was the first time he had seen her like this. To be honest, he was very worried about her.

"Girl, what's wrong Can you tell me what happened I'm so worried about you..." The autumn wind swept past, dispersing the last vestiges of struggle in his heart. In the end, he couldn't help but speak.

Xiao Yuge heard the words and raised her eyes to look at him, her lips moving slightly: "Night Big Brother, do you still remember that you once asked me why I was willing to risk my life to learn martial arts, why there was always hatred in my eyes If I said that I learned martial arts just for revenge, would you believe me"

Once, her eyes, whether filled with hatred or stubbornness, always shone like a galaxy. But now, her eyes were devoid of light, holding an unfathomable abyss that no one else could peer into...

"I believe you." Ye Wu Huan nodded without hesitation: "But I don't know who your enemy is." Her heart felt like it was being gently tugged by a thread. If he knew who her enemy was, he would have avenged her long ago without her having to lift a finger.

“I know you’ve probably looked, but you couldn’t find it, could you”

Nightless Joy's gaze fell on the solitary figure, nodding slightly. “Back then, I was merely curious. Such a small girl, why did she crave martial arts so desperately, even willing to risk her life Girl, while Nightless Joy may be an untrustworthy person in the Jianghu, here with you, you can trust me completely.” If he had a heart, he would have offered it to her without hesitation, showing her whether she could truly trust him.

"Night Brother, I trust you, but... even if I told you, you'd think it was absurd and wouldn't believe me." Reincarnation If everyone in this world could be reborn once, wouldn't things be chaotic She wouldn't believe it herself unless she had experienced it firsthand.

"No! I believe it! No matter how absurd, as long as you say it, I believe it!" Ye Wuhuan looked at her with eyes full of hidden tenderness and affection. As long as she said it herself, no matter how outlandish, he would believe it.

"Night Big Brother, do you remember how you felt the first time you met me I believe that feeling wasn't just mine."not to anger the Prince. 。"Then you try it!" Xiao Yuge gestured for him to give it a try. She didn't have time to run here every day, besides, as long as Qin Han Sheng no longer went through his hands...