<The butterfly wi works

Chapter 185: What is Her Secret?


little Ge'er a proper title" Qian Tingxuan's voice was much gentler than before: "The Prime Minister and his wife can rest assured, as long as little Ge'er agrees, this king will immediately arrange..."Good! A drink to wash away my sorrows!" Xu Loulan took the wine bottle and drank a large gulp.

"Splendid!" Chu Tianqi also imitated her, picked up the wine bottle on the table and drank it all in one go.

Soon, their table was littered with empty wine bottles.

"Big brother Chu, you're drunk, let me help you rest..."

Both of them were flushed red from drinking, supporting each other as they staggered towards the bed.

With a foot unsteady, Chu Tianqi pressed Xu Loulan onto the bed, his eyes slowly locking on her face. In a daze, he saw her as the woman he loved and lost. With a gentle hand, he stroked her cheek, mumbling, "Gē'er..."

They were so close, their warm breath mingling with the scent of alcohol. A scorching hand slowly caressed her delicate cheek, each touch causing her to tremble uncontrollably. She was afraid, instinctively clutching his clothes: "Brother Chu, you're drunk..." Her soft voice sounded like a refusal, yet it felt more like an invitation.

Under the influence of alcohol, Chu Tianqi slowly lowered his head...

The last shred of reason Xu Loulan had told her not to do this, but there was a sliver of anticipation. She stared nervously at the lips getting closer and closer. Finally, she slowly closed her eyes, her hand clutching his sleeve tightening, and slowly wrapped her arms around him......

Burning lips, starting with a tentative exploration, gradually became a frenzied plunder. She helplessly grasped him, surrendering herself to his madness, sinking and rising in its depths. A single tear slowly slid from the corner of her eye, silently dripping onto the pure, spotless sheet, blossoming into a melancholic yet beautiful flower...

"It's you, it's all your fault! You stole the nest for yourself! You took everything that rightfully belonged to Fleur!"

"Fu'er is our biological daughter. You have been taking her place for so many years, and now we want to make amends to her. What's wrong with that What are you even making a fuss about"

"Whether Fu’er is a legitimate daughter or not, the person I love from beginning to end is her. With you, a wild species who occupies the magpie's nest, do you deserve to enter my Prince's Mansion"

"You stole Fu'er's life for over a decade. You already owe her everything. If not for the Xiao family, you would be dead by now. Your life is all thanks to the Xiao family. Now all you have to do is give her one eye. What do you have to complain about"

"Ge'er, I don't blame you for taking everything away from me before. All I want now is to be with Brother Sichin. Please let us be together..."

"Fe'er has saved my life, what have you done for me If not for knowing that your blood still has some effect on Fe'er's body, I wouldn't even look at you!"

"It's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault!"

"No! Not like this! Not like this! It's not my fault! It's not my fault!" Xiao Yuge waved her hands, jolting awake from her sleep.

"Song'er!" Qian Tingxuan embraced her, and realized her body was trembling slightly.

“Why does everyone blame me for everything I never wanted to compete with her for anything. Why treat me like this…” She collapsed in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. The dream was a reflection of a past life, with everyone accusing her. Their words were like knives, stabbing at her heart. Even if she had taken over Xiao Yufeng’s life for over ten years, it wasn't what she desired. Why did they hold her responsible for their grievances against Xiao Yufeng

After her past identity was exposed, every day became a torment for her. They blamed all their shortcomings on Xiao Yufu, believing it was her fault that she had taken Xiao Yufu's life away. Even though she returned everything, they still felt it was her fault.

She hadn't done anything wrong. Coming to the Xiao family wasn't her wish either. Why were they treating her like that

"Little song, tell me, what exactly happened" Qian Tingxuan listened to her crying, his heart aching. He had people investigate everything about her, every detail was gone over, but he couldn't find any trace of the hatred she spoke of. But every time she woke up from a nightmare, she would cry helplessly like this, proving that everything wasn't just made up, what exactly had happened to her.

Perhaps, he never dreamed that the woman in his arms was now a person from two lifetimes.

Xiao Yu's song didn't answer, she just nestled in his arms, crying helplessly like a child. She couldn't tell anyone that she was reborn, even though she now had the ability to protect herself, the scenes from her past life always appeared in her dreams. The pain of experiencing an entire lifetime remained vivid, even in her dreams, she felt just as heartbroken.

Qianting held her tightly, she cried so hard his heart ached. How much had she been wronged to cry like this, like a child If he knew who hurt her, he would surely cut them a thousand times!

Until she fell sound asleep in his arms once more, he gently carried her back to bed, softly wiping away the tears that lingered at the corners of her eyes. Then, he pressed a point on her temple: "Xiao Ge'er, no matter what you've been through, from now on, I have you!"

He leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. He loved seeing her smile, with eyes crinkled at the corners; he loved seeing her carefree and playful, seeing her act cute and spoiled... But he hated seeing her cry like this.

After leaving Ruyifang, he immediately sent Mingyang a message.

"Immediately have someone check on Master Kongmian's whereabouts!" He suddenly thought, before in Lanshan Temple and outside the Xiao residence, Master Kongmian had spoken to Ge’er in some words he didn't understand. Although he didn't really believe in reincarnation or past lives, seeing Ge’er like this, he guessed that perhaps Master Kongmian would know something.

"Yes!" Mingyang, though he didn't understand why his master was awake in the middle of the night and had someone looking for Kongjian Master, could only obey his master's orders.

Qian Tingxuan thought about every little thing since he met Ge'er. He always felt that she was hiding something, but unfortunately, even though he was the all-seeing and all-hearing master of the Lei Ting Pavilion, he couldn't find out what secret she was hiding.

'I incense the deities, hoping to appease my troubled heart...'

What did she mean by her words before the Buddha at Lanshan Temple What inner turmoil was she experiencing

'I have returned from Hell, to drag them all into it...'

"Since you know I've returned with grievances, you should know I won't let go..."

Where did she come from with all this anger And where did she even return from What kind of hell is she talking about What secrets does she hide Why can't even he find out

Too many questions without answers, perhaps finding the emptiness master, everything has answers.

"Send word down, order our people to temporarily withdraw from the Chiyan Kingdom. We'll wait until the old emperor dies before making any further plans!"

"Yes!"directly leading to the deterioration of relations between the two countries. Afterward, Tianzhu and Chiyan joined forces, causing constant wars on the border of Lan Zhao, and the people suffered grea...