Ye Bufan Tang Feixue works

Chapter 1117: Deployment


tter how hard he tried. Such a good piece of rough stone, he almost chose it to be the highlight of the entire exhibition. How could it turn out to be without any jade This just didn't make sense!But...Leng Qingqiu asked, "Xiao Fan, do you think this is an array"

"Yes, this peach blossom grove must be an array, and a very sophisticated one."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, the Dragon's Tooth suddenly appeared in his palm and slashed towards a nearby peach tree.

The blade flashed, and the dragon tooth sliced straight through the peach tree. It caused no damage whatsoever, not even a single petal fell.

"Indeed, this is an illusion shaped by the power of the formation."

All of this proved Ye Bufan's guess to be correct.

Huang Xiaomei said nervously, "Brother Ye, what should we do"

"Don't worry, we'll find a way eventually."

Ye Bufan wasn't very flustered. He had just sensed that the storage ring was still usable, containing a large amount of supplies enough for three people to survive here for several years.

Leng Qingqiu said, "It's really strange. How could this place be connected to the sea"

Ye Bufan said, "When I read Peach Blossom Spring back then, some people speculated that the woodcutters was actually mistaken for an ancient formation, and what he saw were all hidden cultivators."

At the time, I scoffed and thought it was utter nonsense. Now looking back, I realize I was simply too ignorant. The world is full of things we don't know exist.

Leng Qingqiu nodded. "The most urgent thing is to get out of here and determine our location."

Today's events are truly bizarre. I was clearly sucked into the vortex in the sea, yet here I am.

This leaves them unable to determine their current location and spatial context, whether they are still on Earth, within an ancient powerful being's formation, or in another space altogether

Huang Xiaomei used to be an ordinary person, and everything was unknown to her. Now, she is completely dumbfounded, like a dream come true.

"There's no need to rush things, let's think about it slowly, we'll find a way eventually."

Ye Bufan, speaking, took out a rope and tied it around the waists of Leng Qingqiu and Huang Xiaomei, and finally tied himself to them.

This formation is truly ingenious; it needs to be guarded against. Otherwise, if they were to scatter, he wouldn't have the confidence to bring them both back.

After getting ready, several people slowly walked forward and came to a peach blossom tree. He reached out and touched it.

The feel is incredibly real, this truly is a peach tree. Reaching out to pluck a single peach blossom, you can still smell its faint fragrance.

With a casual flick of her wrist, she tossed the peach blossom into the air. It vanished almost instantly, as if melting away into thin air, truly remarkable.

Ye Bufan led the way carefully, with two people following closely behind him. They walked for a long time...

(To be continued, please turn the page)

For many hours, exactly as expected, this place is a formation. Wherever you walk, it's all the same.

Looking around, it was all peach trees, as if nothing had moved.

The most crucial point is that all the peach blossom trees here are shaped by the power of formations, they don't actually exist. Even if they leave any mark, it will disappear in an instant.

This made it impossible for them to determine their position, unsure if they were treading water or had moved a distance.

"Brother Ye, what are we going to do We can't live here forever, right"

Huang Xiaomei asked a little nervously.

Although it's beautiful here, one can't live here forever.

Moreover, there are no living supplies here. After a long time, we will definitely die of starvation.

"Don't worry, let's take a break first and eat something."

Ye Bufan took out some food, and the three of them sat down to rest in place.

As he ate, he continued to ponder. He still wasn't quite sure what kind of formation this was. A phantom array The peach blossom tree felt incredibly real to the touch, unlike anything he'd experienced in a dream.

It was called a maze, but these peach trees were all creations of the formation's power and didn't actually exist.

Leng Qingqiu was just a pure warrior. She knew nothing about formations. She simply ate quietly without saying a word.

According to her principles, if she couldn't be of help, she wouldn't get in the way.

Huang Xiaomei is just an ordinary person, yet she can't help but feel nervous.

"Elder Ye, I once read a story that said if someone gets lost, they can use small animals to help them find their way out. Sometimes an animal's instincts are much better than human eyesight."

Ye Bufan shook his head. "This place is completely a world of formations. You haven't noticed that there isn't even a single mosquito, where would you find animals..."

At this point, he suddenly had a thought. He didn't actually have any animals, but he did have Ye Tian.

As a golden corpse, Ye Tian possessed no six senses, nor his own thoughts. He was not influenced by any fantasies and acted purely on instinct.

In this regard, he is more suited than an animal.

This idea filled him with ecstasy, yes, whether it was a maze or an illusion array, he could let Ye Tian try both.

After finishing his meal, Ye Bufan thought for a moment and summoned Ye Tian from his storage ring.


Although Huang Xiaomei had seen Ye Tian before, she was still taken aback by his sudden appearance, not understanding how he could have just shown up again.

"Don't be afraid, he is my friend."

Ye Bufan again used a rope to tie the three people and Ye Tian together, then issued an instruction to him to keep going in the >>>

(To be continued, please turn the page)

Go ahead.

A corpse puppet has no thoughts of its own, nor senses. It is not affected by any illusions.

The master told him to keep walking forward, and he walked straight ahead without any hesitation or change.

So the three of them followed Ye Tian, walking forward step by step.

We walked for half an hour, but the scenery around us remained unchanged.

"What's going on Didn't this method work"

Ye Bufan was about to give up, but now besides Ye Tian, there was no other way out. He could only hold on a little longer.

Just then, after walking for another ten or so minutes, the scenery suddenly changed. The peach blossom grove disappeared and a lake appeared before them.

"We're out, we made it."

Huang Xiaomei immediately excitedly cried out, though she didn't understand formations, she knew that with the Peach Blossom Forest gone, they had succeeded.

Ye Bufan was also overjoyed in his heart. It seemed that this method was still effective, and Ye Tian finally succeeded in coming out.

What delighted him even more was that the spiritual energy here was incredibly potent, a hundred times stronger than on Earth. If he cultivated here, his cultivation would surely progress by leaps and bounds.

With a thought, Ye Tian was once again put away. In this unknown environment, it's better to have more hidden cards up your sleeve.

"Where are we This is so beautiful."

The three of them began to look around at their surroundings again.

Before them lay a vast lake, stretching as far as the eye could see. The water was emerald green and crystal clear, with fish occasionally darting beneath the surface.

There are countless small islands in the lake, looking like dozens of them. The vegetation on the islands is lush and the scenery is beautiful, giving people the feeling of a fairyland.

Ye Bufan frowned slightly, because he found something a little off.

This is unlike other natural landscapes; everything here seems too regular.

The entire lake resembled a giant disc, and the shoreline seemed to be artificially piled up, with no bumps or dips, no flaws whatsoever.

The islets in the lake are also arranged in a fixed pattern, their positions seemingly calculated with precision.

He turned back to look at where they had come from, but the grove of peach blossoms was gone, replaced by an expanse of darkness.

As he reached back, an invisible force pushed his hand away, making it clear that he wouldn't be able to go back.

And just then, Huang Xiaomei excitedly exclaimed: "Brother Ye, look quickly, someone's here."

(The End) Using his blazing palm technique, he unleashed a torrent of fiery energy, akin to molten lava, into Li Cangsheng's body. This searing heat mixed with the previous frigid chill.This drastic shift from...