Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Chapter 762: Time Love


ng knowingly. He definitely knew why she had been angry before.She didn't answer, and he took the initiative to say: "I'll make it up to you later."At this moment, Lu Yaoyao felt like there was a litt...Lin Zhixuan was not interested in their love story because she had moved past the stage of exploring Shi Yan's dating history. She knew better than anyone whether he was sincere with her.

Tang Su probably wanted to disgust her, but he would be disappointed. She wasn't someone who let others bully her, nor was she easily swayed by provocation and doubts. So after Tang Su said those words, Lin Zhixuan suddenly sneered with a laugh.

“You’re quite naive, aren't you You've been together for three years, and you can't tell if Mr. Shi is sincere or insincere Or perhaps you knew the truth all along but have been deceiving yourself”

Tang Su was stunned. She didn't expect the young girl before her to point out her problem so directly.

Lin Zhiyao continued, "You think he wants to settle down for you Has he explicitly promised you that From what I know about Teacher Shi, he's not someone who gives promises easily. Once he does, he will definitely keep it."

Around this time, Lin Zhiyao's tone was calm and non-confrontational, even carrying a hint of advising a friend. Tang Su almost instinctively nodded in agreement, about to say that Shi Yan hadn't made any promises to her. Thankfully, she managed to stop herself from saying it out loud.

Lin Zhizhe's tone and attitude change all the time. While it could be said that she is good at getting into people's heads because she majored in psychology, her actual grades in her major courses are pretty bad; she barely passes each one.

Perhaps she is just naturally gifted in matters of emotion.

When speaking again, her tone turned sharp: "So, you knew from the beginning that he didn't love you that way. You accepted this fact, but you still wanted to use your relationship to get more from him. Essentially, it's you who broke the contract first, it's you who breached the agreement."

Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, Lin Zhizhao has his own emotional evaluation system. He can even make the wrong seem right.

About hitting Tang Su's sore spot, she hadn't expected that Lin Zhi's perspective, as an inexperienced girl, could be so sharp and even insightful. She couldn't hold it in anymore, her tone clearly lacking the confidence she had when she first came in. She said in a shaky voice, "Is it all my fault I just want to marry him, to have our children grow up in a normal family with both parents, is that wrong"

Tang Su's words were like a bombshell, Lin Zhixian was stunned.

“What child”

This is beyond her comprehension, it's outside of her knowledge base.

Tang Su saw Lin Zhixiao, who had been confident just a moment ago, now showing a confused expression. She knew this meeting wasn't going as badly for her as it had been: "Don't worry, I gave up on a child that never even existed."

Why Shi Yan is such a jerk, yet she can't forget him. Tang Su thought, that's what makes him so alluring.

As Lin Zhi said, she was the one who broke their tacit agreement on how they should interact. She wanted to force Shi Yan into marriage by getting pregnant, but Shi Yan had already clearly stated that he wanted to break up. He was surprised by her pregnancy because he wasn't the kind of person to be promiscuous. After breaking up with her, he hadn't touched her again, and their last encounter was probably a month ago.

Even though he was surprised, he didn't shirk responsibility. Instead, he coldly and ruthlessly handed her the choice.

"Whether you choose to be born or not, I respect your decision. If you decide to come into this world, I will take full responsibility for you."

He is willing to take responsibility and raise the child, but even with a child, he refuses to marry her.

He said, children are not tools.

He said, children do need to grow up in a loving family, but it is foreseeable that marriages combined in this way will not have love.

He was always calm, rational, and ruthless.

When Tang Su went for an abortion, he took very good care of her. It was after the surgery that Teacher Qin found out about it. She rushed to the hospital and scolded Shi Yan harshly, but since things had come to this, she could only take care of Tang Su with Shi Yan, doing everything they could.

Tang Su thought at the time that she had won. She would be able to make Shi Yan feel guilty and heartbroken for a lifetime.

But he didn't. After he was discharged, he gave her a large sum of money and agreed to her only condition: that her younger sister, Tang Ya, stay by his side to work.

So Tang Su has been especially regretful these past two years about taking the child in the first place. If she hadn't, there would still be some connection between them, even if it was a hurtful one, it would be better than treating each other like strangers now.

Tang Su was also quite forthright. She objectively told Lin Zhichao about what happened between her and Shi Yan. Although she always said Shi Yan was a jerk, she never actually disparaged him in any way. Because from start to finish, he only stated his position and did not shirk any responsibility, showing great responsibility.

That's precisely why Tang Su couldn't let him go, still loving him deeply and helplessly.

"What brings you to see me today Should I get Shi Yan for you He's not an object, you know, something you can just hand over." Lin Zhixuan decided to cut to the chase.

Tang Su shook her head. "I just wanted to tell you about the story between me and him. Shi Yan has changed a lot in the past two years, he barely goes near women, so he's even more alluring. I used to be self-deluded and thought it was because of me that he was like this. Now it seems like he's just more determined than before, preferring to have nothing rather than settle for less. Being with you, he must truly like you."

Lin Zhi'ao said: "What you said has the suspicion of being a green tea. This tactic of retreating to advance is ineffective against me, oh."

Could it really be that Tang Su treated her as a sister, simply confiding in her feelings, treating her like a fool

"Besides, why are you pregnant It can't be an accident, right With Shi Yan's intelligence, he must have known it already, but just didn't expose you to save your face."

Even without being involved in Shi Yan's past, with Lin Zhihao's understanding of him, the chance of an accidental pregnancy was zero. When they were together, even when things got heated, he had never acted carelessly. Even that night in the car, in such an impulsive atmosphere, he held back until sweat beaded on his temples, only then did he retrieve a condom from the glove compartment before truly touching her.

Tang Su's face turned pale, she thought her little tricks were only known to her.

It was at this moment that she suddenly understood why Shi Yan liked Lin Zhixuan.

She's young, but she sees things clearly and remains calm and generous. Even when hearing that she had a child with Shi Yan in the past, she was initially confused for just a moment, then consistently believed in Shi Yan without dwelling on his past.

Could she possibly do it

Lin Zhixuan really believes in Shi Yan, just like they said when they first got together, she has ears, eyes, and a heart, she will judge right from wrong herself, and won't be influenced by others.

But she sent Shi Yan a message: "Teacher Shi, your eyesight needs improving!"

Shi Yan quickly replied with a question mark emoji.

"It's okay, it's good to have high standards now. Just keep them up."

Praise him, and praise yourself.about facing the abyss She might as well jump into the abyss and have a showdown with it.Many people secretly compare her with Xu Zhao, comparing their family background, personality, and achievements...