Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Chapter 694: Youth. Wish


o her and pulled her close, then turned to the hotel concierge and said:“It was a misunderstanding, I apologize! I'll take care of all the expenses.”After that, he took Shu Tinglan into his room and...She cried, clutching her mother's sleeve: "No, no, I didn't. I haven't fallen in love early." 。 。Her heart had scattered recently, she was even so carried away that she got close to a boy and thought about those things that didn't exist. 。She was crying so hard, heaving and sobbing, as if she had suffered a great injustice. 。Zhang He frowned, she wasn't really trying to be so strict with her. Everyone had their youth, didn't they But her life was just beginning, and girls at this stage, if not disciplined properly, could easily get into trouble. There were cases in their own factory where workers' children had abortions at only thirteen or fourteen years old. Just thinking about it made her heart ache, it was a terrible thing. 。So, whenever her own child showed any sign of this, she would crush it in the cradle. That was her responsibility as a mother to her children. 。

"Lanlan, you are in high school now, the most important task is to study and get into a good university in the future."> 。Once you go to college, and you're an adult, if you want to date, Mom will support you. 。Listening Lan just kept crying and talking to her mother, "Don't go to school. " 。She was afraid that her little, unknown thoughts would be made public. 。"As long as you promise not to associate with that boy anymore, Mom promises she won't go to school >>> 。"Zhang He threatening the child like this, also heartbroken." 。I promise, I will never have any contact with him again. 。"

I shouldn't have come and gone, my feelings grew unconsciously, but also quietly disappeared this afternoon amidst the chaos. I didn't even have time to confide in my best friend, it was so fast." 。Zhang He also has a stubborn side to her personality. She was strict with Ting Lan's management from a young age, and even though Ting Lan had repeatedly assured her that she would focus on studying afterwards, Zhang He still decided the next day to ride an electric bicycle to pick up and drop off Ting Lan to school every day, and went to the school to find the head teacher to ask for a change of seat for Ting Lan. 。I don't know how she talked to the teacher, but the teacher agreed and moved Tinglan from the back row to the front row, right in the middle, facing the podium, under the teacher's watchful eye. 。The middle column is a separate column with no one sitting at the same table. 。To everyone's surprise, she sat down in that spot with her backpack. 。Actually, it's not bad either. 。This spot is right under the teacher's nose, she can no longer be distracted during class. 。Her back seat was no longer occupied by Lu Kuo, and thus she had no more opportunities to interact with Zhuo Yu'an. 。Only some things I'm reluctant to part with, like my deskmate Cheng Chen. 。

For a whole week after that, even before the mid-term exam results were out, her mother insisted on picking her up and dropping her off at school. The front row, right in the middle, was really peaceful. There were many students coming and going, but none of them had anything to do with her. 。

Zhuo Yuyan wanted to chat with her many times, but he never got the chance. 。In the classroom, her seat was very conspicuous and inconvenient. Outside of class, she would dash to the school gate as soon as the bell rang and then get back home in her mother's car. 。Once, Zhuo Yu'an called out to her on the schoolyard. She stopped and looked at him, her eyes were completely unfamiliar, even cold. 。

Zuo Yu'an's heart ached slightly. He thought he and she were at least friends. 。Before he could get closer, she had already turned and continued to run towards the school gate. 。After that, Zhuo YUAN could only watch her from afar. Even when he went to their classroom, he would only stand in Lu Kuò's spot and look at her

reading with her head bowed. 。After that, he seemed to look most at her back. 。。The homeroom teacher praised her emphatically at the podium: "Tinglan, from being last in the class to fifth and now first overall, she is a role model for all of us." 。"

Tinglan’s success is because of her hard work, I believe everyone has seen that. While you were zoning out in class, she was diligently listening." 。While you were making noise during break time, she was diligently reviewing and doing her homework. 。Every minute you waste, someone is working hard to catch up. The Gaokao (College Entrance Examination) bridge is only left for well-prepared students like Tinglan... 。Even though she got first place, was praised by her teachers, and received their affirmation, Lian wasn't as happy as she had imagined. She even felt a bit too calm about it. After putting the test paper in her bag, she stopped thinking about it. 。At the weekend, at home, her mother found out they had received their exam results. She only took out the exam paper to show her mother when her mother asked her about it. 。When Zhang He saw this, a smile broke out on her face: “Mom knew you could do it!” 。Even your weak points, this time you also did very well in physics. 。"Zhang He specially took out the physics test paper and looked at it from top to bottom. She only got two questions wrong, which was very good." 。Tinglan silently took the physics test paper, folded it carefully, and put it at the bottom of her school bag. She knew that her physics understanding had improved, and her scores had gone up because of that. But she didn't feel the need to say it out loud anymore. 。

On Saturday, she went to make up lessons as usual. When she returned home in the evening, she saw a big bear on the sofa, exactly the same as the one that had been thrown away before. 。Mom specially

prepared a very sumptuous dinner for her. While eating, she apologized to her: "Mom was angry before and threw away your bear. Mom bought you an exactly the same one. This is what Mom promised you, as long as you get into the top ten in your grade, you can keep this bear." 。"

Tinglan's tears welled up in her eyes: 'Thank you, Mom'" 。But Mom didn't know, even if it was the same bear, it wasn't that same one anymore. 。"Mom always keeps her promises, Lanlan. You will too." 。"

Yeah" 。Last night, Zhang He tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She nudged Shu Minghai beside her, a tinge of regret in her voice: "Did I do something wrong last week Was my temper too quick" 。Shuminhai patted her comfortingly: "You're also concerned, girls this age need to be stricter." 。"Shu Minghai, after comforting her, felt a little drowsy again. In the end, he emphasized: "Next time, just pay attention to the way you communicate. Children are hard to manage, you worked hard." 。"Zhang He then stopped talking. All week, she hadn't seen her child smile. " 。Well-behaved and obedient children, while certainly less troublesome, can sometimes carry heavy burdens on their young hearts. 。Out of a sense of compensation and guilt, she took a day off for her child from the tutor on Sunday and gave her a few hundred yuan as pocket money: "Lanlan, would you like to go play with Chengchen You just finished your exams, it's time to relax>>> 。Ting Lan didn't ask for money: "Cheng Chen didn't do well on the exam this time, so her mother made her stay home to review." 。She didn't want to go out either, so she stayed in her room and read extracurricular books all day. 。In the evening, my mom pulled me out for a walk. Listen was very considerate and could see that my mom was trying to mend things between us. So she took the initiative and said: "Mom, I'm not angry with you. I know you're doing this for my own good." 。loor. As soon as you walk in, you'll see a spacious and bright reception area. Further inside are dozens of meeting rooms of various sizes for daily client meetings, as well as offices for human resou...