Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Chapter 236: The Man of Truth and Purity


i was a complete desperado, he stared at Yi Muyang and assured him...“No matter what, I will protect your safety, with my life.”Yi Muyang: "Why are you staring at me Why is it me""Because you have blo...A man who can be so loving and considerate even towards dead animals, what could he possibly lack

In recent years, because of her work, Shu Tinglan has seen mostly the darkest side of humanity. Yi Muyang, however, is the most genuine and pure person she has ever met. She had to admit that his careful action of picking up the little dog in the middle of the road when he got out of the car touched her deeply. At least at this moment, she felt that Yi Muyang was a friend worth getting to know better.

After Yi Muyang got into the car, he took the disposable hand sanitizer next to him and washed his hands several times before going to grab the steering wheel. He was very particular about hygiene. While driving, he grumbled in dissatisfaction.

“These people are driving like they're blind!” He refrained from swearing because there were children in the car.

When the car pulled up to Shu Tinglan's house, both kids woke up. They kept pestering him, inviting him to their place and eager to share their toys with him.

But Yi Muyang knew his place. Considering his current relationship with Shu Tinglan, it wouldn't be appropriate for him to go up. So he crouched down and said to them.

"It's very late now, you should go to bed and have a good sleep. Uncle Yi will pick you up from kindergarten tomorrow, okay"

The children nodded obediently, said goodbye to him, and then walked home holding their mothers' hands.

Yi Muyang watched them enter the elevator before leaving.

As soon as he got in the car, his phone rang again. It was his friends, still having dinner and urging him to come over quickly. They sounded like they were going to interrogate him severely if he didn't.

He tossed his phone aside and sped off.

He was in a good mood tonight because he had confirmed his feelings for Shu Tinglan. Recently, the feeling of anxiety and palpitations had an answer, and his heart felt much brighter.

His fox friends asked him:

“Are you chasing after a mom with kids A married woman Yi Muyang, where’s your integrity” They were both incredulous and as if it were self-evident. Yi Muyang never lived within the boundaries set by others, he was very carefree.

"No, her husband passed away a few years ago." Yi Mu Yang recalled Shu Xiaohua saying that her father and grandmother had gone to heaven, and Shu Tinglan's very calm expression.

Actually, he spent the whole day thinking about why he liked Shu Tinglan. When did he start liking her

They didn't spend much time together, but she always visited him at the hospital every day while he was there. Though she was doing it to win him as a client, her dedication was remarkable. At least while he was hospitalized, he developed a good impression of her.

Later, knowing she was raising two children alone, he felt a mix of pity and guilt. He shouldn't have made things difficult for her before, and now there was more sympathy in his heart.

What truly struck his heart was that time at the Challenge Hall. He had challenged her to rock climbing, intending to embarrass her, but when she fell and landed in his arms, he saw how beautiful her eyes were, how smooth her skin, how fragrant and soft she felt. At that moment, his heart started racing erratically.

He admitted he was shallowly captivated by her beauty, like discovering an ordinary stone to be a jade, that kind of excitement. After that, looking at Shu Tinglan in a black suit, he found her more pleasing to the eye, even hoping she would keep wearing it, hiding her beauty for him alone.

His buddies, upon hearing his answer, just gave him a thumbs up:

"Come on!"

Yimu Yang is a unique individual in their eyes, so anything he does is not surprising.

Yimu Chang had not been drinking for a long time because of a leg injury. Today, he was with his friends and drank a few cups, feeling slightly tipsy. After returning home, he flipped through his phone and called Shu Tinglan.

"What" her voice was icy cold.

After saying, “Lawyer Shu, I like you!” she put down her phone and fell asleep directly.

Knowing he was drunk, Shu Tinglan didn't take it to heart.

In the following days, Yi Muyang would greet Shu Tinglan whenever he had free time, and then go to kindergarten to pick up the children. To this end, he even installed two car seats in the back of his car.

Shu Tinglan is going out of town on the weekend to see Dr. Han, but she can't bring her two children with her. Xiao Xin volunteered to help take care of them.

Shu Tinglan is also very clear about the separation of public and private matters at work. She never asks her subordinates to do personal errands for her, but there are no better options right now. Just now, she had a flash of thought to ask Yimu Yang for help, but first, it wouldn't be appropriate. Second, Yimu Yang told her last night that this weekend, there is an international-level car race in the neighboring city, and as the head of the local racing club, he will accompany the players to participate.

His profession has always been a mystery. Initially, Shu Tinglan thought he was just the owner of the Extreme Challenge Hall. Later, she thought he was a man kept by a wealthy woman. But now, his profession is even more of a mystery. Whenever it comes to anything involving entertainment or recreation, he's involved.

Xiao Xin really likes the two kids from Mr. Shu's family, and promised that on the weekend, he would stay home with the children and not go out at all, guaranteeing their safety.

Shu Tinglan had no choice but to ask Xiaoxin for help. Thinking to herself, this trip back would be a good chance to find an aunt to help out—she couldn't put it off any longer.

It's about 300 kilometers to the city. She drove herself there instead of taking the high-speed train, thinking that if things went well with Dr. Han, she could go home anytime without worrying about train schedules.

Around 2 in the afternoon on Saturday, she arrived. Dr. Han was seeing patients, so she waited in his office. To her surprise, she saw Wen Jian and Fu Shenyi at the hospital.

When she saw them, she was struck by a sudden realization, as if it were all a dream from a past life. It felt so distant and unreal.

Wen Jian and Fu Shenyi represent New Visual Company and Zhuoyuan Technology respectively, to participate in the bidding for this hospital. The hospital needs to purchase a new batch of drug delivery robots. After the preliminary screening, it decided to choose one company from these two to cooperate with.

At this time, the two people are outside the conference room, waiting for the hospital's review panel to attend the meeting.

The meeting room is right next to Dr. Han's office, so Shu Tinglan can see them. If they shift slightly towards this side and glance a bit towards the office door, they would be able to see her inside.

However, neither of them was in the mood.

Wen Jian was sarcastically mocking Fu Shenyi: "Has Zhuoyuan Technology become so poor that they have to scramble for such small orders"

Wen Jian's new visual effects company has always seen Zhuyuan Technology as its competitor. Back when Wen Jian was the R&D Director at Zhuyuan Technology, her new company spared no expense to steal her developed products. So after she was fired from Zhuyuan Technology, her new company extended an olive branch to her.

Of course, in recent years, Xinrui Vision has been squeezed out of the market by Zhuoyuan Technology and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, Wen Jian's condition for joining was to join as the largest shareholder. This means that she is now the boss of Xinrui Vision.ed ruin. The "Zhimin" sign on top swayed precariously in the wind and rain. As she passed beneath it, the "Zhimin" sign crumbled and fell at her feet, shattering into pieces of scrap iron. Students an...