Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Part Three, Chapter 53: Pursuit of Ten


i and Shu Tinglan shared the same suspicion. He guessed, "It's probably that Yuzhong Real Estate's funding chain has broken. Everyone in the industry knows this; there's no need to hide it." 。Besides,...Everyone stood still, waiting for them to finish running.

But they couldn't run at all, their faces turning pale one by one.

Chen Ling looked back with reluctance, "Report, teacher."

Song Jingye looked at her: "Speak."

They have already run six kilometers, and it is impossible for them to complete the task if they continue running.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone felt a pang of sympathy for her. In the army, obedience is paramount; you have to crawl to the finish line if you have to.

Song Jingye looked at her with a cold face: "Continue."

This expression and tone are as if she doesn't know him at all, serious and cold enough.

Chen Ning replied, "Since I've mustered the courage to speak up, there's no reason to back down. So I straightened my spine and stood taller. "I think training needs to be gradual, otherwise it's like forcing growth, which is counterproductive. I know the army has its own rules, and I'm willing to run for them."

"Did you run for them"

"Yes." Chen Ling replied, not wanting to see the girls like Tao Kaian struggling for breath, and also unwilling to have everyone stay here enduring the punishment and missing breakfast.

In her view, teamwork and mutual help are completely normal within a team.

To everyone's surprise, Song Jingye abruptly questioned them, his voice sharp and commanding: "You can run for them now. But if you were on the battlefield and faced danger, would you still be able to run for them"

Chen Ling instinctively reacted, They live in peaceful times, with no battlefields or dangerous places. But then she suddenly remembered the sounds of gunfire and explosions during her time in Country X, and the scene of her and Teacher Zhang retreating.

Yes, no one can run for them.

"I was wrong." She bravely admitted her mistake.

Song Jingye's heart skipped a beat. This person admitted their mistake quickly, but...

"Do not change color," ordered.

"Run five kilometers as punishment."


Chen Ning turned and ran onto the track. The rest of them didn't even dare to breathe, truly ruthless, Instructor Song.

Song Jingye understood her, five kilometers was nothing to her, a little punishment wouldn't hurt.

Tao Kaiyan and the others had almost given up. Their feet felt like they were filled with lead, too heavy to run, and their hearts felt starved of oxygen, as if they were suffocating. So they were jogging on the track.

When Chen Ning ran past them, she said, "Instead of jogging here and wasting our energy, why don't we take a twenty-minute break After our stamina recovers, let's aim to pass it on the first try."

After that, she quickened her pace and ran far away.

She is good at pacing herself, she finishes the 5 kilometers in about 20 minutes. After Tao Kaiyan and them rest for 20 minutes, she can join them for a sprint.

He only said it couldn't be replaced, but he didn't say it couldn't keep up, did he

So, Song Jingye saw her run the 5 kilometers and then, with Tao Kaiyan and others, she led the way ahead while several people chased after her.

I finished the 1 kilometer run in just under 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

A few people returned to their positions.

Chen Ling was once again standing in the middle, facing him.

Even with her excellent physical condition, running several kilometers at such a rapid pace for consecutive minutes inevitably left her breathless. Her chest heaved, her cheeks flushed, and she panted heavily.

Song Jingye had returned to his usual cold face, but his mood was calm. But seeing her like this now, he inexplicably felt annoyed.

She deserved it, she always tries to be tough.

He put away the stopwatch in his hand, turned around and walked towards the canteen first. Instructor Zhang hurried over to line them up and led them to the canteen.

A seemingly simple morning workout, gives everyone a sense of how much they can handle, encountering such devilish training >>>

The real hardship is yet to come.

This training base was located within a military district. Because they arrived late, the breakfast in the mess hall was sparse and mostly cold. Song Jingye didn't make a fuss; he ate with them.

But next to him, only two instructors were sitting, and others didn't dare to go over.

Xu Haichen and Chen Linghui were the last to finish their meal.

Xu Haichen looked around, holding his tray and walking towards Song Jingye's spot. He was good at socializing and wasn't that afraid of Song Jingye.

Chen Ling hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should also go sit over there

At this moment, she suddenly thought of the scene when she was in the Northwest army, it was very similar. Her feet were a little disobedient and wanted to walk towards him, but her heart stopped her.

Just then, Song Jingye suddenly looked up at her, then glanced at the empty seat beside him. Though he didn't say a word, his eyes spoke volumes, urging her to sit down.

In the dining hall, there were many rules about eating, so people didn't talk loudly or look around. As a result, no one noticed the brief eye contact between the two of them.

Chen Ling came back with a plate of food and sat down beside him.

Because she arrived late, she and Xu Haichen were placed at the end of the line, so on their plates there was only a bowl of congee, a steamed bun, and a small dish of pickled vegetables.

Officer Zhang, who stood nearby, said: "I'll ask the kitchen to make us extra tomorrow. We are promoting thrift and avoiding waste these days, so they usually prepare only the amount needed for the number of people."

Although Song Jingye didn't make a fuss, he naturally wouldn't cook for himself. The kitchen staff had prepared his meal in advance, so his plate was noticeably more abundant.

While Zhang Jiao spoke, he seamlessly shifted his weight ...

Two eggs from the plate were moved to Chen Linghui's plate.

Coach Zhang thought that girls should be taken care of a little more. Today, during morning training, she ran the most. Glancing at Xu Haocen's plate, he gave his own egg to Xu Haocen: "You guys eat it, you have high training intensity."

Here, Chen Ning quietly peeled eggs without saying a word. After finishing, while Zhang Jiao was talking to Xu Haichen, she discreetly put one back on Song Jingye's plate.

"Your instructors have worked hard too." She ate just one.

Song Jingye twitched the corner of his lip. It wasn't as if they were in a famine, overreacting to one egg. Little did he know he was the one who started it all.

After the meal, he informed Teacher Zhang to have the canteen stew more beef at noon. It was not only for those of them undergoing training, but also for the soldiers in the unit; their food should be good as well.

After giving his explanation, he turned and left, disappearing for the whole morning.

Chen Ling knew immediately that he couldn't be here as a real drill instructor. This training base was huge, and the field on the westernmost side seemed to be a secret facility. Zhang Instructor had warned them not to go there yesterday.

In the morning, Instructor Zhang mainly led them through some simple training exercises, such as squats, jumping jacks, and push-ups to build physical endurance. They also practiced balance by each holding a brick in each hand, extending their arms wide, and running around the training field several times.

It was not until the afternoon that Song Jingye appeared.

Whenever he appears, he carries an aura of power. Without saying a word, everyone instinctively stands at attention and becomes more disciplined.

Chen Ning returned with a strange feeling. In this line, how did she end up standing right in the middle So every time they stood facing each other at close range, enveloped by his aura. She had nowhere to look but straight into his eyes.

Song Jingye stood still and said, "Afternoon training..."

"Practice the Giant's Ladder, this will train your cooperation and teamwork skills in the air. You should form groups of two yourselves."

This project needs two people to complete it.er father and his father truly had such a connection, he should have found out long ago. Not only did he conceal it from her, but also from his own parents. 。For this, she had no doubt, it was in line...