Loves red bean soup works

Chapter 128: Angels Speculate About the Alignment of Heaven


ed and puzzled."Liangbing!"Morgana: "Call me Queen Morgana!""Okay, Liangbing, what's going on with Earth"Upon hearing this, Morgana couldn't help herself and immediately began to speak:"What are you t...Kasha: "He Xi, this time, I'm not joking, things are serious. Please take a look first before you say anything."

He Xi, who had been lying on a wicker chair with a playful expression, instantly turned serious.

Then, He Xi's face darkened, and she said:

"Okay, you sent it over. Let me take a look first and then I'll tell you."

Kesa, hearing this, immediately sent it to He Xi. However, after a while, Kesa heard He Xi's voice ringing in her private channel.

"Holy crap! Kaisa, where did you get this painting It's real Unbelievable! So unbelievable!"

"This is impossible! There's no way this could happen!"

"Alright, alright, first tell me, what have you figured out"

He Xi: “We’ll talk about that later. First, take a look at the situation with Lie Yang Xing. Based on the last transmission from the diagram…”

That person's final strike was aimed at the cosmos, and within the cosmos, the one who had friction with him was probably the blazing sun. After all, the side of the blazing sun had just offended him.

"What's the current situation with Lie Yang"

Keisha, upon hearing this, immediately spoke up: "Li Yang! Wait a moment..."

After finishing her words, Keisha immediately began contacting the Sacred Knowledge Repository. Afterward, Keisha's eyes turned white, like cataracts.

After a few seconds, Keisha returned to her normal appearance, but her face was etched with astonishment.

Immediately, Keisha left the palace and headed straight for He Xi's residence.

As soon as I arrived at He Xi's place, I saw her drinking tea and immediately said:

"Something big has happened, you can see for yourself. This person is simply unbelievable."

Having finished speaking, a painting appeared before the two of them. Afterward, a golden light tore through the air, instantly shredding Lie Yang's defenses and striking directly upon Lie Yang Star.

Seeing this scene, He Xi also showed a look of astonishment.

"This... this is a terrifying attack. The defense of the Blaze Sun is definitely incredibly powerful. Although it's not as strong as our Melothian Heaven, it's definitely not something that can be easily destroyed."

Even so, to be beaten like this in one blow... It's honestly a little... a bit terrifying, isn't it

"This Monkey King... what a pervert!"

At this time, Kaysa said seriously: “Heksi, do you think it's possible that Qi Tian is the Void Terror they mentioned”

He Xi heard this and shook his head directly, saying:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Kesa. This person may have an extraordinary background, but they are definitely not from the Void."

Although we don't have a lot of data right now, I can still make some general inferences.

He said before that Sun Wukong used a method of direct transmission through the Scarlet Fire Star to create his avatar. Although he doesn't know the specifics.

However, you can still see a trace of it. The speed has already surpassed the speed of light propagation, even giving a feeling of spatial travel, but without actually traveling through space.

This feeling is like a concept, but after my orbital computing system's calculations, I finally reached a conclusion.

That is to say, that ability is using the thoughts and ideas of people from legend, carrying a portion of their power, that's how they accomplished this step.

As soon as these words were spoken, Keisha's entire demeanor shifted. She spoke in a serious tone:

"He Xi, this is not a time to joke around."

However, He Xi also said with a solemn expression:

"Tough guy, I'm not joking with you. This is what my sky-based computing system has calculated."

"And for this, I consumed over a hundred stellar energies."

Hearing this, Keisha fell silent. After a long while, she said:

"How is this possible A single thought, a mind's power, how could it achieve this In an instant, it crossed countless light-years."

"Even Kilin couldn't do it this effortlessly, I bet."

However, He Xi remained silent for a moment before continuing.

"There's one more thing, though I can't be sure if it's true, that this person might not be as tech-savvy as they seem!"

"What do you mean, He Xi Isn't she a tech goddess"

He Xi nodded, his expression solemn and said:

"We, these gods, all became divine through technology. As for that Qitian, including that Qilin Yin, they are not of technology."

They seem to possess this power inherently, look here.

As he spoke, He Xi waved his hand. The picture changed instantly, revealing a painting of Qi Lingyin flying through the air.

"Normally, even we, rely on the ability of the wings of time and space to fly.


Like the Noh Star God and the Sun's light, they couldn't fly at all. On Earth Star, a figure appeared, a monkey. Its flight was an exception.

True long-distance flights still require aircraft.

But they, it was as if they had completely ignored gravity and just arrived in the air.

Moreover, you see his strike, it's obviously an energy attack, yet it effortlessly tore apart three generations of divine bodies.

Moreover, according to Angel's investigation, his dark data has vanished.

And, he didn't use the power of slaying gods, so... I suspect this person is most likely a god who cultivated on their own.

Keisha: "Hsi-Chi, are you sure But how is this possible In the past thirty thousand years, we've explored many civilizations."

Many civilizations have also cultivated and absorbed energy from the heavens and earth to enhance themselves autonomously.

The problem is that they can only reach the level of a Super Saiyan at most, and they are unable to absorb dark energy.

This road clearly looks like a broken road. How could...

However, just then, He Xi directly interrupted Kasha.

"Keisha, how can you be certain this is a break in the line, even though our angelic technology is considered top-tier within the known universe"

But we can't be omniscient either. We did simulate that path, but we didn't have precise data. The reason it ended is because we followed their path in the simulation.

If their path of cultivation is wrong, and they haven't walked the right path of cultivation.

And, Kasha, don't forget, there are legends of immortals on Earth, though they are just stories.

But why would Kylan let Duke carry the Galactic Power to Earth

It's not because of Starry's peculiarity that back when the Super God Academy was on our side of the angels, I sensed something.

From that time onward, the Super God Academy has been searching for traces of a civilization called the Pangu Civilization.

For so many years, that civilization has only ever been a rumor.

However, on Earth, there is a legend about Pangu opening the heavens and Nüwa creating humans.

There are also countless myths and legends, and these legends have existed since ancient times. In fact, some predate the arrival of our angel civilization and even other civilizations.

This means that their legends existed a long time ago.

Could there be a possibility that the clues of the Pangu civilization are on Earth itself

Even saying that the people on Earth are actually descendants of the remnants of the Pangu civilization, wouldn't be too far-fetched.

Of course, all of this is speculation on my part, however, there is one thing that is not.

That's Sun Wukong. The appearance of this monkey was due to Wu Teacher from the Super God Academy, who created him using a genetic code he discovered on Earth.

And the moment it appeared, it proclaimed itself to be Sun Wukong. Does that mean Sun Wukong really existed in the past

Also, look at what Qi Tian said when he made his final move: "Ao Lai Wu, Hua Guo Xiang, Ding Hai Yi Bang Wan Yao Chao! Shui Lian Zhong, Qi Tian Bi Gao Xian Zhe Ya!"

Haven't you felt that this is strange, familiar, even...

Kasha, upon hearing this, fell silent. After a long while, she still shook her head and said:

"He Xi, I still can't believe this. It's simply unbelievable! Can cultivation really reach this level"as been disabled!""Bang!!"Immediately, Morgiana's door was flung open, and Morgiana walked out, saying:"Ato, what did you say Say it again!""Your Majesty, the power of the Milky Way has been nullified...