Full Moon works

Chapter 807: Heart to Heart with Du Peng


ured out your wedding plans, I'll tell the kids. 。As for us, we've already talked things through. I understand what you mean and there's no need to say anything more. 。"Mr. Qiao, congratulations on y...Du Peng laughed after hearing it and gave the answer without hesitation.

"General Qin, this question doesn't even need to be asked. General Qiao likes you, not Ye Wen." 。The answer to this question is a multiple-choice question, and there is only one option: Qin Jingwen. 。"Du Peng, if he doesn't like Ye Wen, why does he protect her everywhere and not draw a clear line with her" 。Du Peng's words caused ripples in Qin Jingwen's mind, but after all, this was Qiao Shunchen's confidant. He would definitely speak from Qiao Shunchen's point of view. 。And even if Qiao Shunchen said it himself, she wouldn't believe it. Du Peng said she could only listen to it casually. 。"General Qin, is this because Ye Wen owes General Qiao a life-saving grace" 。Don't you know Qiao Zong He's a very loyal and righteous person. How could he be so heartless to his savior 。"General Qin, you really don't need to think too much, and don't mind Ye Wen " 。Actually, Joe's General also feels helpless about not being able to be harsh with Ye Wen. 。" Du Peng understood Qiao Shunchen's helplessness, and Du Peng also understood Qin Jingwen's grievance. 。There were indeed barriers of different significances between the two of them. 。This requires Qin Jingwen to have enough patience and tolerance to get through it smoothly, otherwise they will eventually be destined to miss each other. 。But how many women can be so heartless, and how many women can persevere even when they are wronged 。Probably nothing that can be done is true love. 。"But who can be sure that the woman who saved him was Ye Wen What if one day he finds out she wasn't What would he do then" Qin Jingwen wasn't just casually asking, but she wasn't intentionally trying to remind either. 。She is worried that after Joe Shunchen's memory returns, he will find out that everything she has done is fake, and all her efforts were in vain. 。Then his psychological gap was enormous, so big that he couldn't accept it. 。In fact, Mr. Qiao also had doubts about this matter. Many of the details Ye Wen told him were different from Mr. Qiao's memory. 。But Joe's memory was questionable, he couldn't be sure if his memories were real. 。"I think Mr. Qiao should be mentally prepared for this. Before things are certain, he shouldn't treat Ms. Ye too harshly, otherwise, if that woman were in Ms. Ye's situation, Mr. Qiao would compensate more, even... Mr. Qiao is also afraid that Ms. Ye will use Mr. Qiao's harm towards her to make unreasonable demands." 。"Du Peng voiced all of Qiao Shunchen's concerns and also reiterated Qiao Shunchen's cautious view on this matter. 。In short, we can't do anything to Ye Wen right now, or else she'll have a reason to cling to him. 。It seems my worries were unfounded. He knows how to leave room for others, with anyone else. But with me, he shows no restraint, not even a shred of mercy when it comes to hurting me. 。“Qin Jing said in a lukewarm and sour tone, but Qiao Shunchen, who was mentally prepared, could also reassure her.” 。"General Qin, you can't think that way. Qiao Zong in front of you is truly unrestrained, just this alone proves he loves you" 。"We've been with Mr. Joe for a long time now, we know what kind of person he is and what his temperament is like." 。He holds himself back from everyone, but with you, he is completely genuine. 。"Du Peng hurriedly explained for Qiao Shunchen, but what he said wasn't out of thin air or insincere flattery. It was the most genuine thing they had seen." 。"General Qin, not to mention anything else, just say the relationship between General Qiao and Old Master Qiao..." 。Before you appeared, we all thought their relationship would never improve. We all thought Joe Senior would never speak to Joe Jr. again. 。But you appeared, and everything changed. 。The results we all agreed on were overturned. 。All of this is because of you, only you can change it. 。And Joe willingly accepted the change, all because he loves you. 。Du Peng kept talking about how Qiao Shunchen liked Qin Jingwen, and how much he cared for her. 。Though Qin Jingwen heard these words, she refused to let them sink in. 。She felt she wasn't the way Du Peng described her, but she also felt like she was a target for Qiao Shunchen to vent his emotions. 。Du Peng said Qiao Shunchen was completely open with Qin Jingwen, but Qin Jingwen felt that he was hiding too much. 。Everyone knows what kind of feelings he has for the woman who saved him, everyone knows except Qin Jingwen. 。Everything about Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen was forcing herself to understand and accept. She also always told herself to stand in Qiao Shunchen's shoes to think about the problem and understand him 。But she always stands in other people's shoes, and who stands in her shoes to think for her 。She's a woman, although she's strong, she still needs someone to lean on. 。Just like the broad shoulders that Chi Chuan offered her when she wanted to cry. 。If that shoulder was Qiao Shunchen's selfless dedication, she would certainly be the happiest and most at peace woman in the world. 。It's a pity, that shoulder belonged to Chikawa. 。But the one who cried on his shoulder was Qiao Shunchen. 。Qin Jing gave a cold, indifferent smile. 。It doesn't matter anymore, what kind of attitude he has towards me doesn't matter anymore. 。I just hope he doesn't get too close to Ye Wen, and I don't want Song Yiren to influence his judgment, don't go near Song Yiren. 。This is all Qin Jingwen could say. She wanted Du Peng to pass on her message. 。Whether it's a reminder or advice, he should be able to judge. 。Qin Jingwen knew that Qiao Shunchen and Song Yien were definitely impossible. 。But Ye Wen said she couldn't tell. 。Qin Jingwen felt that the women around Qiao Shunchen were all of questionable character and didn't deserve him at all. 。But this is just her personal opinion, Qiao Shunchen doesn't think so. 。 "General Qin, please don't say that. Give General Qiao another chance..." Du Peng immediately wanted to give up on Qiao Shunchen when he heard Qin Jingwen's words. 。He quickly spoke up to plead for Qiao Shunchen. 。But Qin Jingwen did not give Du Peng a chance to explain. 。"Du Peng, let's not talk about this anymore" 。I came over today not only to chat with you, but also to return your car. 。"Qin Jingwen said and handed the car keys to Du Peng." 。What she called drawing a line was that nothing could involve Joe Shuntchen. 。"General Qin, I cannot take this key back." 。Joe gave the order, if you bring me back the car, he'll demote and cut my salary. 。"Mr. Qiao knows you have a psychological shadow about taxis and are afraid that it will be inconvenient for you to go in and out, so he left this car here for you to use." 。"

Du Peng dared not accept this car, otherwise there would definitely be "good things" waiting for him " 。"I'll find a way to overcome my psychological shadow myself, and as you know, I rarely go out. In a while, I'm going to be leaving with the school to participate in activities" 。This car is a waste for me, just take it back and thank Mr. Qiao for me. 。Qin Jingwen put the car keys in front of Du Peng. As for the things that haunted her, they were her own business and didn't need Qiao Shunchen to worry about them. 。However, Du Peng pushed the car keys back to Qin Jingwen. 。"General Qin, it's still best if you return it to General Qiao yourself. That way I won't be put in an awkward position." 。"

Du Peng wasn't afraid of being difficult. Qiao Shunchen saying that demotion and pay cut wasn't sincere 。He just felt that letting Qin Jingwen go back at least gave them another chance to get along. 。Qin Jingwen felt embarrassed to trouble Du Peng any further, so she reluctantly took back the car keys. 。A new day began, and Qiao Shunchen always stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, thinking about Qin Jingwen for a while before starting work. 。Du Peng told him about Qin Jingwen returning the car, and also said that Qin Jingwen didn't want him to be with Ye Wen, and hoped he would stay away from Song Yien. 。It's understandable that Qiao Shunchen would warn him against being with Ye Wen. Don't look at Qin Jing, although she doesn't say it out loud, she has always been against him and Ye Wen being together. 。However, far away from Song Yiren, Qiao Shunchen didn't understand what she was hinting at. 。She clearly knew he hated Song Yien, why could she still say such things 。 Qiao Shunchen was pondering Qin Jingwen's intentions when Qiao Shunhao knocked and came in. 。"Big brother... Mr. Qiao, I've completed the task you gave me..." 。Here are some collaboration plans I've put together. Joe, could you please take a look and give me your feedback 。" Qiao Shunhao spoke very cautiously, even somewhat nervously. 。Qiao Shunchen calmly walked back to his desk and sat down. With a serious expression, he opened his phone to check the date before looking up at Qiao Shunhao. 。Looking at Qiao Shunhao's eyes, they were instantly filled with a cold and severe look, his brows furrowed deeply. 。"I give you two days. That's a total of five days as of today." 。Time, you are unqualified. 。After Qiao Shunchen finished speaking, he lowered his head to look through Qiao Shunhao's design plan. After just two minutes, his brows furrowed again, followed by cold and harsh questioning. 。"This is what you made" "It... I made it..." 。The plan was indeed made by Qiao Shunhao himself, but Qiao Shuncheng's stern expression made him nervous, causing him to stumble over his words when answering questions. 。In five days, you only chose a few cases, and the data you saw were all successful schemes. 。You came up with such a terrible plan! 。None of these proposals are qualified, and some even contain plagiarism. 。"Each plan proposal Qiao Shunchen only glanced at a few times, he found too many unqualified places. 。This made Qiao Shunhao, who had worked hard for several days, very dissatisfied. 。"Mr. Qiao, you gave me so much data but you only glanced at it a few times, is there any chance you got the plan wrong" 。Then please take another look and give me your opinion again. 。Although unwilling, Qiao Shunhao didn't dare to speak too directly. His attitude was also moderate and did not overstep his bounds. 。"Cut the crap, these few and the recent crimes are all recent, I couldn't possibly be wrong" 。Joe Shun-hao, don't give me excuses. I remember everything about the incident ten years ago crystal clear. 。"

When Qiao Shunchen was finishing, he suddenly increased his volume. He looked down on Qiao Shounhao and didn't give him a chance to retort or defend himself.

" 。Take it back, read it carefully again, and give me a revised plan. 。" Qiao Shunchen's icy command rang out, and then he shoved Qiao Shounhao's file into Qiao Shounhao's arms. 。His attitude was very clear, he wasn't satisfied with any of it and everything had to be done again. 。His attitude was very harsh and domineering, Qiao Shunhao didn't dare to speak up even though he had an opinion. 。Joe Shun-hao left, and then the secretary came in to report. 。Mr. Qiao, the representative from WY has arrived. 。" Meeting room, wait for me, I'll be there right away. " 。“ Qiao Shunchen ordered seriously, because one thing after another was busy, Qiao Shunchen didn't have time to think about what Qin Jingwen said. 。Chiao Shun-chen walked into the meeting room before he could even lift his head, he heard a seductive and charming voice 。"Hello Mr. Qiao, long time no see, I'm so happy to see you this way today." 。" Qiao Shunchen followed the sound and almost immediately frowned. 。"Do you represent WY" 。Li Mo's only appearing in the conference room this way means she must be involved in this cooperation project. 。But she had no experience in business before, and her sudden appearance seemed to have ulterior motives. 。>ies did not materialize.Since Qiao Dexiang came to their house, Qin Jingyi's heart has been on edge, fearing that Qiao Dexiang is coming to cause trouble. 。However, after the meal, Qiao Xiang was stil...