Full Moon works

Chapter 119: Unacceptable


uin everyone's lives. 。“Well, I’ll be careful.” 。Your friend Dani and Wenwen are really close, always talking. Could you keep an eye on Wenwen If something seems off with her, please let me know right...Both children looked at Ye Wen in astonishment, especially the one holding his father's hand, who stared even more intently. 。After glancing at each other, Ban Yue and Qiao Zixuan walked towards Qiao Shunchen. 。"Why are you holding onto my dad's hand Can I know who you are"Joe Zixuan asked with a serious face. At this time, he didn't care about any manners or politeness. 。While Ban Yue did things more directly, she didn't say anything. She simply snatched Joe Shunchen's hand from the woman's grasp and then held onto Daddy's hand herself. 。I don't like you holding Daddy's hand. 。“ She was very blunt and said she didn't even want to say the word 'dislike'. She thought that was being polite. 。The children's reaction was something Qiao Shunchen hadn't expected. It was at this moment that he remembered the two children didn't know about Ye Wen's existence. 。"Xianxian, Ban Yue, be polite and don't just barge in like that." 。" Qiao Shunchen spoke in a low voice, which could be considered a reproach. 。"We've been very polite, Daddy. Who is this woman" Ban Yue said with sharp teeth, her eyes showing a stubbornness like Qin Jingwen's. 。"She's daddy's girlfriend, you call her Aunt Ye." 。" Qiao Shunchen introduced Ye Wen, and Ye Wen also managed to squeeze out a smile to make herself seem more generous. " 。"Hello two little treasures, I'm Auntie Ye." 。" Ye Wen greeted the two children in a gentle voice, but embarrassingly, neither of them responded to her. They continued talking with Qiao Shunchen as if she didn't exist. " 。"Daddy's girlfriend, is she the kind that gets married" Qiao Zixuan asked calmly, his serious expression clearly showing his disapproval. 。Yes 。At this point, Qiao Shunchen could no longer hide the truth. The child would eventually find out anyway. If he kept it a secret now, it wouldn't be fair to the child. 。“What about Mommy, what about me and my brother Do you mean that if you marry her, you won't want us anymore” Ban Yue angrily questioned, tears welling up in her eyes. 。She never imagined that when she saw her father again after so many days, there would be another woman by his side. 。"Half Moon..." Qiao Shunchen looked at the child's aggrieved and pitiful look, wanting to comfort the child, but at this moment Qiao Zixuan suddenly pulled Half Moon away. 。"In half a month, we will go back to kindergarten and wait for our grandma to pick us up" 。"Daddy, we don't like this aunt, we don't want to see this aunt " 。After Qiao Zixuan stated his position, he grabbed Ban Yue and turned to head back to kindergarten. 。While walking, she kept comforting Ban Yue. 。"It's okay, as long as I have my brother, nothing will happen." 。 。The two children left, and Joe Shunchen didn't chase after them because he realized they needed time. 。Joe Shun-chen drove Ye Wen away. On the way, Ye Wen kept nagging about the two children. 。"What's this all about What kind of upbringing does she have, no manners at all. I tried to say hello to them and they ignored me." 。If you continue to educate your two children like this, they will bring shame upon you. 。Then I'll bring them back for you to educate. 。" 喬順辰冷冷地說, 。Ye Wen started to nag the child about being impolite. He didn't say anything, after all, the child left without saying hello, it was the child's fault. 。But when it comes to his child's mother, Qiao Shunchen can no longer bear it. 。In her heart, Qin Jingwen is the most responsible and caring mother. The children she raised are all excellent. 。 Qiao Shunchen's one sentence left Ye Wen speechless. Today, she met two children and saw through their nature. She couldn't accept such children even more. 。If you can't accept it, stay away. She has to be kept with her mother, meaning she can't say anything about the two children right now. 。Just as Qin Jingwen stepped into her house after work, both children ran to hug her and started crying, leaving Qin Jingwen feeling both heartbroken and at a loss. 。After listening to the child's words, Qin Jingwen's heart sank sharply. 。She didn't expect Qiao Shunchen to bring Ye Wen to see the child. She didn't expect him to be so indifferent to the child's feelings. 。"Don't cry, Mommy and Daddy will talk it over." 。“

Qin Jingwen comforted the two children

"Mommy, I don't like Daddy being with that aunt. I hate that aunt." 。“

Ban Yue was still crying, she finally had her father,

didn't want to be taken away by others

"I don't like it either. If Daddy is with that aunt, I will never go to his house again." 。Huxuan stopped crying, but her angry face worried Qin Jingwen even more. 。The child is just right, if this incident affects the child's condition, Qin Jingwen might feel even more guilty. 。It's not as complicated as you think. Some things will make sense when you're older. 。 。"Huxuan, you are the elder brother. When you grow up, you will be the support of our whole family. So learn to accept these things and learn to let go of them. 。These are minor things for a man, don't take them to heart. 。"

Qin Jingwen's main point was still to comfort Xuanxuan

Half-moon has cried and made a fuss over things, but there won't be any psychological shadows in her heart. But Xuanxuan can't, Xuanxuan is still sick and shouldn't be upset again. 。"Mommy, I'm still a child. I don't have many demands. All I want is a complete family. I don't want Daddy to just abandon us like this." 。At such a young age, Qiao Zi Xuan's face was creased with worry as he spoke, showing just how concerned he was about this matter. 。Mommy knows, knows how Xuan Xuan is thinking. 。Mommy, can you find some time to talk with Daddy And both of you please don't take this too seriously. 。Qin Jingwen didn't know how to persuade the two children. Now that she thought about it, it would have been better to tell them before Qiao Shunchen arrived so that they could mentally prepare themselves and not be so shocked. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and returned to her room, immediately calling Qiao Shunchen. 。You shouldn't have brought Ye Wen in front of them, it was too sudden. The child definitely wouldn't be able to accept it. 。My aunt said that both children have been crying since they came home from school and now, how can I explain this to them 。"

Qin Jingwen spoke directly, her tone naturally tinged with resentment.

" 。She couldn't understand how Qiao Shunchen could be so careless. Could it be that he had completely ignored his child because all his attention was focused on women 。 “I forgot to tell the children yet, my oversight.” 。Please comfort my child well. 。“ Qiao Shunchen also felt very guilty. Hearing his child come home crying made him even more worried.” 。"I comforted her, but..."Qin Jingwen's heart was uncomfortable, she wanted to blame a few words, but when she said halfway through, she swallowed it back. 。She knew that saying anything now would be pointless. The damage had already been done to the two children, and her blame couldn't turn back time. 。"Forget it, who's fault is it anyway It's already happened." 。“ Let's set aside some time tomorrow to have a serious talk with the children. We need to stop hurting them like this. ” 。And, please come over here yourself tomorrow. For now, don't let the children see Ye Wen. 。Qin Jingwen had to warn Qiao Shunchen. 。In Qiao Shunchen's heart, a woman might be more important than a child, but in her heart, a child is more important than anyone or anything. 。The next day at noon, Qin Lan went out to see an old friend, and Jing Yi didn't come back. 。Taking advantage of the opportunity when no one was around, Qin Jingwen brought the two children back and also invited Qiao Shunchen to her home. 。The two children saw that Joe Shun-chen was not as enthusiastic as usual, and they just glared at him angrily without saying a word. 。Qin Jingwen asked both children to sit down, and the family gathered around the tea table. 。"Huanhuan, Ban Yue, Daddy and Mommy have something to tell you." 。" Qin Jingwen spoke first. 。"If it's about that aunt, don't say anything more. We can't accept it." 。“ The little girl, Ban Yue, spoke with a sharp tongue, while Xuan Xuan remained silent. 。"Half a month, it's not Auntie's business" 。It's a matter between me and my daddy. 。It's our four people's business and has nothing to do with that auntie. 。" Qin Jingwen corrected Ban Yue's statement, only hoping the child could have more understanding. 。"Daddy and Mommy are sorry, we can't give you a complete family. " 。"Daddy and Mommy..."

Qin Jingwen tried to explain, but Half Moon interrupted her. 。"Mommy, but we need a complete family. We're still young and don't want to become single-parent children." 。"Daddy, is that auntie that good Better than Mommy Better than me and brother Am I too naughty that you dislike me, or…"

"Half Moon, it's not like that, Daddy loves you and your brother, he doesn't dislike you" 。 Qiao Shunchen had to speak, but his voice was laced with guilt and nothing else. 。He really didn't know how to answer the child's questions, he didn't know what to say that wouldn't hurt them. 。"Is that what you think of Mommy If Mommy did something wrong, you can tell her so she can change." 。Even if mommy doesn't change, for me and your brother, you can always bear with it a little, right 。"Mommy, can you change it For me and my brother, please change it to how Daddy likes it. 。"

Half-moon begged Qin Jingwen again, that pitiful appearance made Qin Jingwen's heart come together

" 。"Half a month, when you grow up you'll understand. Love affairs can't be forced." 。Mommy and Daddy aren't who has flaws or who is disliked, they just lack feelings. 。Even if we were to stay together out of obligation, our lives wouldn't be happy. 。"

Qin Jingwen could only try her best to persuade, trying to minimize the harm to the child

" 。She also didn't expect the child to have such a big reaction. 。"Since you don't have feelings, why did you give birth to us You gave birth to us and then didn't take responsibility." 。" When he said this, he paused for half a month. Suddenly, he thought of a key question and then continued. 。"I forgot, I wasn't born to Dad, and my brother wasn't born to Mom either. So you don't care about our feelings, and you won't get together for us." 。"

Ban Yue said, tears welling up again. Thinking about this fact, she couldn't control herself, feeling that she was the most miserable person in the world.

Qiao Shunchen couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly hugged Ban Yue in his arms. 。"You were born to Daddy, and your brother was born to Mommy. You two are twins who were born in Mommy's tummy." 。Daddy loves you, but not considering your feelings is wrong. 。" Then Daddy shouldn't be with that aunt, just stick with her for a few more years for me and my brother, until we grow up and you leave us " 。"The more Ban Yue cried, the more wronged she felt. Her already small heart felt as if it had lost its support. " 。Although she doesn't know if Daddy's words are true or not, she treated Joe Shunchen as her own biological father from the beginning. Now that he's about to be lost, the gap in her heart is something she really can't accept. 。he's over ninety years old, how can he even control his great-grandson" 。We really can't afford to hurt people like that. 。Qin Jingyi immediately disliked Qiao Shunchen's grandfather, thinking that so...