Full Moon works

Chapter 110: A Manufactured Encounter


he wanted to. He would just warn her directly. 。Su Qin really hoped she would die soon, but her courage was only to scheme behind her back. She would never be so reckless as to go abroad and warn he...Qin Jingyi's words made Qin Jingwen's heart ache, it hurt so much.

Younger sister should be the most regretful, she didn't even see off her parents on their last journey. 。"Are you alright" 。Although the place of the accident was already in the past, she heard the tension in Qin Jingyi's voice when she spoke. 。If she sees her parents again, she's afraid her sister won't be able to hold it together and collapse. 。"It's nothing, I just missed them." 。Qin Jingyi tried her best to control her emotions, so she could finish speaking. 。Qin Jingwen took Qin Jingyi directly to the cemetery. 。When Qin Jingyi saw her parents, she couldn't speak a word and knelt down crying. 。“Dad…Mom… I’m home” 。I'm finally brave enough to come back and see you all. 。I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... I wasn't able to see you off when you left. 。Mom and Dad... I'm sorry. 。Qin Jingyi cried heartbreakingly, stammering out her apologies. 。She returned, weighed down by guilt and longing for her parents. 。Five years ago, she witnessed her father's death with her own eyes, but the brutality of his demise left her unable to shed a single tear. 。When their mother passed away, the elder sister didn't allow her younger sister to go to the funeral in order to spare her from the shock. 。This will leave her with lifelong regret. 。Having lived with this regret for five years, how could I not be heartbroken when parting from my parents 。"Mom and Dad... I'm sorry... I miss you. Why did you leave me" 。" Qin Jingyi's face was covered in tears, crying so hard she couldn't bear it. Qin Jingwen stood by her side, shedding tears silently." 。She knelt down and hugged her younger sister in her arms to comfort her. 。It's good that you're back, Mom and Dad will be relieved to see you. 。Don't cry, they will feel sad seeing you like this. 。"I'm so sorry, I didn't do a good job as their daughter." 。“ Qin Jingyi’s emotions were on the verge of collapse, she couldn’t stop herself. 。"You're doing well, as long as you study hard and have a happy life in the future, that's the best reward for your parents." 。Don't cry, Jing Yi is the strongest. 。Qin Jingwen knew that Qin Jinger had been feeling guilty for so many years and wanted her to cry and release those feelings, but she was also worried about her illness recurring. All she could do was comfort and console her. 。Qin Jingyi cried for a long time and finally calmed down. The two sisters stayed until it was almost time to pick up the child before leaving. 。"Sister, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. I can overcome psychological barriers." 。" Qin Jingyi saw the worry in Qin Jingwen's eyes and comforted Qin Jingwen in turn. " 。"That's good, then I won't worry about it" 。Drink some water quickly and adjust your emotions. When you see Half Moon later, don't cry again. 。“ Qin Jingwen took a deep breath. Seeing that Qin Jingyi's condition was still good, she felt more at ease. 。"Well, I won't let Half Moon see my aunt cry, she'll make fun of me" 。When it came to the subject of half a month, Qin Jingyi’s mood finally improved. 。When the two arrived at the kindergarten gate, they happened to see the children lined up going out. 。Half-Moon saw Mommy, but didn't see Aunt. 。Because I didn't know Auntie was coming today, so I didn't notice Auntie standing beside Mommy. 。As the half-moon got close to Mommy, she suddenly saw Qin Jingyi and excitedly rushed towards her the next second. 。"Aunt..." "Half Moon, my dear baby missed Aunt so much..." 。"Qin Jingyi was overjoyed, she naturally picked up Ban Yue and kissed her fiercely as if she poured all her longing into that kiss. 。... “I miss my aunt too…” Half Moon couldn’t hold back her emotions and hugged Qin Jingyi, dancing with excitement. 。On one side, Qiao Zixuan walked up to Qin Jingwen and took her hand. Although he didn't know who this person was, he followed Ban Yue happily 。"Auntie, who is this sister" 。"It's not my elder sister, it's my aunt." 。She is her aunt's sister, which makes her your aunt by marriage. So you should call her "Aunt" as well. 。“Qin Jingwen explained, her heart aching. She wished she could receive the same love as Ban Yue, and pitied the child. How could she compensate for the love he lacked” 。Okay, half a month is up. Come down, little aunt, your plane ride must have been tiring. 。“Qin Jingwen said, and directly hugged Ban Yue down from Qin Jingyi. 。At this moment, Qin Jingyi noticed a handsome young boy standing beside her elder sister. He seemed to have a very good relationship with her. 。"Sister, who is this child"Qin Jingyi asked in confusion, but her eyes revealed a hint of surprise. 。Why an accident Because this child has a lot of similarities to Half Moon, because this child also has similarities to his sister. 。He is a classmate of Ban Yue's. He has been temporarily living with us because of something happening at his home. 。Here, the crowd is noisy and chatty. Qin Jingwen can only speak simply. 。She took Joe's hand again, and spoke. 。"Xuan Xuan greeted her aunt." 。"Hi Auntie, my name is Qiao Zixuan, you can call me Xuxuan. " 。“ Joe Hsu greeted politely. 。"Hello hello, how can you be so handsome, your aunt would fall in love with you!" 。" Qin Jingyi squatted down and gave Xu Xuan a hug. 。"I like my aunt too" 。Huanhuan felt the warmth, and soon opened up his heart to like his aunt. 。In his view, everyone in his aunt's family was very loving and easy to get along with. 。"Okay, let's talk about it when we get home." 。At Qin Jingwen's command, several people got into the car together and headed home. 。As soon as she opened the door, Qin Jingyi's face lit up with surprise. 。Looking at the luxurious interior decoration and the duplex structure spanning two floors, Qin Jingyi couldn't believe her eyes. 。"Sister, your new company is so amazing, providing employees with such luxurious housing. I'm going to study hard and apply to your company too!" 。" Qin Jingyi said enviously, her eyes full of surprise. " 。"Well, the company's treatment is very good " 。"That's all she could say, Qin Jingwen couldn't tell them the company only gave her such a large apartment. " 。"Come with me, let's go to your room." 。Qin Jingwen said as she lifted Qin Jingyi's suitcase and walked upstairs. She had only taken a few steps when Qin Jingyi snatched the suitcase back from her. 。"I'll come, I can do it myself." 。Qin Jingyi excitedly followed behind Qin Jingwen, two little ones trailing after her. 。Entering the room that was now hers temporarily, Qin Jingyi was once again surprised. The design inside was exactly to her liking. 。Sister, you know me too well. 。You know what I like, it must be something you prepared for me personally. 。"There is some joy, and a little touched. " 。"Yes, it was designed by my sister. All of them are in your favorite warm colors." 。"

Qin Jingwen smiled and said

As long as Qin Jingyi likes her, it wasn't all in vain. 。The bedroom was converted from the original children's room, it is very large and spacious, with plenty of room for both rest and study. 。With an independent walk-in closet and bathroom, Qin Jingyi's life would be very convenient. 。The wallpaper, curtains, sheets, even the stuffed animals on the bed are all pink. These were all carefully arranged by Qin Jingwen. 。One is because Qin Jingyi likes pink, the other reason is that warm colors are a kind of spiritual comfort for Qin Jingyi, giving her warmth and security. 。"I like it, I love it so much, I feel like I've become a princess all of a sudden." 。Thank you, sister. 。"There's no need to be polite with me. This is just our temporary home for now. When the time comes, I'll buy you a house." 。Qin Jingwen doesn't make promises lightly. No matter what, as long as Qin Jingyi wants to settle in City B, she has to give her a home. 。"Temporary is good enough for now." 。“ Qin Jingyi was very excited. Her elder sister had always said she was doing well in City B, but she hadn't expected it to be this good. This treatment was amazing! ” 。"You rest for a while, and we'll tidy up your belongings later when things are calmer." 。In a while, we'll go out for a Western meal. 。"Qin Jingyi's favorite is Western food, and Qin Jingwen naturally wants to satisfy her " 。"Tonight we're having Western food!" The happy one was Half-Moon, she also likes Western food just as much. It’s just that Mommy doesn't have time to take her out often. Today, Auntie came back and she was delighted too. 。Several people arrived at the pre-booked Western restaurant. The environment here was elegant and high-end, Qin Jingyi was still the first time to come to such a luxurious Western restaurant 。After consulting with several people, Qin Jingwen asked a few people for their opinions and then ordered. 。Then we just waited for the food to arrive. 。"Sister, I can see that XuanXuan has a very good relationship with you. Does he not want his mom and dad at your house" 。"Xuan Xuan's daddy is the CEO of my company, and half-month kindergarten was also arranged by the company. So the two children get along very well. 。Since Qin Jingyi was so curious, Qin Jingwen could only give a general explanation. Otherwise, if she heard it from other children, she would definitely be suspicious. 。Qin Jingwen continued speaking, 。"The child's mommy is sick and can't take care of him temporarily, so I took him home proactively to help take care of him for a while. 。Qin Jingyi wasn't cursing Song Yien, she couldn't find any other excuse, only this reason could convince Qin Jingyi. 。"My goodness, such a small background but so powerful, looks like a super invincible rich second generation" 。" Qin Jingyi was surprised again, so much so that she ignored the fact that Xuanxuan's mother was sick. 。"Well, no one can compare to our family circumstances." 。It's just that the child is too pitiful, it's just that the living environment is too harsh. 。These words Qin Jingwen could only say to herself. 。"General Qin, what a coincidence" 。As soon as Qin Jingwen's voice fell, a familiar voice came. 。Qin Jingwen looked up and couldn't help but show a hint of surprise in her eyes. 。"How did you get here" Qin Jingwen seemed to be frightened by the several men before her, staring blankly at them. 。"Daddy, are you also coming to eat Western food" "Hello Uncle" 。Joe Xuan and Ban Yue simultaneously greeted each other, overjoyed to see Joe Shunchen and the others. They thought it was a pre-arranged meeting. 。Only Qin Jingyi looked blankly at the four handsome and tall men in front of her, the most eye-catching being the man at the head. 。Tall and imposing, with an air of authority. Although his face was somewhat cold and aloof, it perfectly matched the image of the male protagonist in the novel. 。But who is this person My sister knows him, Half Moon knows him, and Xuan Xuan calls him "Daddy"... Could he be the big CEO my sister mentioned, Xuan Xuan's rich father It must be him! 。"General Qin, General Qiao invited us to a Western restaurant today, didn't expect to meet you here" 。"This is the first time Sun Xu wasn't so serious, and he wasn't good at telling lies like this. " 。But there was no other choice, the CEO looked at him. 。Sun Xu's answer warmed Qin Jingwen, and she then fixed her gaze on Qiao Shunchen. Their eyes met, and Qin Jingwen subtly signaled Qiao Shunchen not to cause trouble, but who knew... "Since we've met, let's eat together..." 。Joe Shunchen's words fell, and he directly sat beside Qin Jingwen. Then Sun Xu, Chen Shu, and Du Peng all sat down together. 。r to allow mom to rest assured and study seriously, Qiao Zixuan made a promise. 。He had no expectations of anything and wouldn't play tricks. 。He will be a well-behaved child, a sensible child, just...