<wind feathers ge works

Chapter 200: I Want Her! Wen Man, I want her!


that her daughter had chosen such a man.Now that we've said all that needed to be said, Gu Yunfan must take his leave.It's not appropriate to go into Li Siqi's bedroom again, and her mother wouldn't...In the office, the air hung still.

Wen Man's face became even paler.

For a long time, she finally spoke with difficulty: " Huo Shaoting, you know, I'd rather just have a simple relationship with you! The most inappropriate thing for us to talk about is feelings, the future, and marriage…"

Wen Man raised her head slightly: "Who said marriage is a piece of waste paper"

Ho Shaoting was slightly touched.

He spoke in a raspy, gentle voice: "Wen Man, I'm sorry. I made you sad!"

He pulled out a tissue and handed it to her.

Wen Man suppressed her emotions and spoke in a low voice: " Huo Shaoting, if you want a chance, then I'll give you one! A year...I'll be with you for a year, and after a year, we're over!"

Hu Shaoting sat by the window.

He was backlit, shrouded in shadow. He listened to her words and his handsome brow arched slightly: "If you fall for me within a year, and want to marry me"

Wen Man didn't answer.

He then understood her meaning; she would protect herself and not fall for him.

This year, she was willing to give as much as she said she would.

Ho Shao-ting leaned against the sofa, seemingly relaxed but in reality his whole body was slightly stiff: “That’s good,” he thought to himself. He had personally supported her, and now she was able to make demands, even managing to deceive others with a convincing air.

He was silent for a long time…

Wen Man stared at him, her voice tight: " Huo Shaoting, do you want to"


"I'll do it!" He heard the voice of his own concession.


Wen Man was in a daze for a moment.

And he had already gotten up and walked behind her sofa, gently embracing her body, his thin lips pressed against her earlobe: "Wen Man, I want... Don't say anything about sleeping together anymore. How could I treat you that way We are already dating openly, don't say it again, okay"

Male charm and gentleness are Huo Shaoting's best weapons, he would use them when he truly wanted to get to her...

Wendy knows this better than anyone!

She said calmly, "Different residences, no seeing parents!"


But I occasionally spend weekends with you, doesn't that happen to all couples

Wen Man did not object.

In fact, she didn't want him to go to her apartment either.

After the agreement was reached, Wen Man was about to leave.

Huo Shaoting gently pressed his hand against her shoulder, then leaned in and kissed her... He stood, Wen Man sat, this posture for kissing was really not that comfortable, but it was particularly easy to feel.

Wen Man did not refuse, nor did she respond.

Huo Shaoting couldn't wait for her to make the first move, so he chuckled lightly: "Haven't kissed in just half a year Wen Man, let me..."

His long, handsome fingers pinched her chin, and with a gentle squeeze he got his way.

Wen Man couldn't help but let go, and he went straight in, sweeping back and forth inside her red lips. What had originally been a light kiss, after being apart for half a year, became unusually hot...

After the kiss, their hearts beat faster.

Ho Shaoting panted against her shoulder, his voice raspy: "Wen Man, do you still have feelings for me!"

Wen Man was very embarrassed.

She trembled slightly as she fastened her shirt buttons.

The kiss had just been so intense, Huo Shaoting couldn't help but unbutton her shirt. Now that he was calm, she felt embarrassed. In a panic, she couldn't button it back up, and in the end, Huo Shaoting helped her fasten it.

He bent down and pressed his forehead against hers: "I really don't want to let you go!"

Wen Man's eyes were slightly wet.

He knew she wasn't willing in her heart, but that didn't mean her body didn't feel anything.

Ho Shao-ting didn't tease her as he used to, instead, he gently helped her straighten her clothes and whispered, "I have some business later, I'll have my driver send you back to the Music Center."

Wen Man couldn't bear his tenderness.

She stood up facing him, trying to remain composed: "I'll just take a taxi! Mr. Huo, Bai Wei…"

He stared at her, his eyes filled with the unmistakable gaze of a man looking at a woman.

He smiled: "Still call me Lawyer Huo"

How embarrassed Wen Man must be.

He didn't say anything more, pressed the intercom to call his secretary in: "Escort Miss Wen downstairs and... call a car for her!"

The Second Secretary smiled sweetly: "Miss Wen, this way please!"

She has a good office culture, she noticed the affair between Wen Man and her boss, so she was very polite to Wen Man, but she wisely didn't say much.

A car was parked downstairs at the law firm.

But it wasn't a rental, but Wen Man's own champagne-colored BMW. Seeing Wen Man come out, Zhou Muyan jumped out of the car and stared at her fiercely!

That look could kill!

The second secretary also felt something was wrong: “Miss Wen, should we call security”

Wen Man didn't want to lose face, she smiled lightly and made light of the situation: "He's my driver. Thanks for your help, goodbye!"

The second secretary was very smart and left quickly.

Wen Man glanced at the little wolf dog's unfriendly gaze, opened the car door to get in, but Zhou Muyan pulled her hand away and slammed the car door shut with force.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you sleep with him"

People come and go…

Wen Man said in a cold voice, "Do you want the whole world to know"

Zhou Muyan didn't care at all. He just knew that when he heard this woman had come to find Huo Shaoting, he was going crazy... His mother! He came to the city just to annoy Huo Shaoting, and before he could even get started, they were already together!


But besides being angry and embarrassed, there was something inside that wanted to break free and burst out.

As for what it was, he had no idea!

He only knew he was very angry now, angry enough to speak without thinking: "Why don't you look up to me Is it because someone surnamed Huo is more capable than me Is it because he's older Or is it because you like his pretentious elite image"

Wen Man was angry.

Spending half an hour with Huo Shaoting was already exhausting, and now she had to be questioned by this little wolf cub. Her voice grew colder: "My personal matters don't concern you, remember your place!"

Zhou Muyan, who grew up eating his guts, could not stand to hear this.

He glared at her fiercely and kicked the car body hard: "You just like him, don't you What's so good about that pretentious old man He can't be as capable as me."

Wen Man didn't want to go crazy with him.

Just then, a taxi pulled up, and she was about to get in.

Zhou Muyan grabbed her: "Don't leave!"

Wen Man closed the car door and apologized to the driver. Then, she looked at Zhou Muyan very calmly and asked, "Zhou Muyan, I ask you, what brings you to the city"

Under such transparent gaze, Zhou Muyan didn't even have the courage to lie!

Wen Man saw that he was a bit intimidated, so she softened her tone: "Don't be childish! If you think it's not good to work here, you can leave anytime! If you stay, there's only one rule... I won't go along with your foolishness!"

Zhou Muyan is so young, only 23 years old. She's two years younger than me.

He wasn't pure in his intentions, she knew that from the start, but she never thought him bad. On the contrary, he took good care of Aunt Ruan and at the music center, although he was harsh with his words, he never bullied the young girl.

Wen Man truly cared for him like a younger brother.

She actually doesn't have many people like that around her...

After Wen Man finished speaking, she opened the car door and got in. Leaning back in the seat, she whispered softly, "Take me back to my apartment. I don't feel well!"

Zhou Muyan stiffened for a long time before finally getting into the car.

Getting on the bus, he was still not honest: "Hey, did you sleep with him"

"It's done!" Wen Man thought, saying that he should stop now.

Indeed, Zhou Muyan was silent for a long time after hearing this, his youthful pride was hurt.

He didn't say another word and drove Wen Man back home himself.

Wen Man didn't get out of the car and told him, "There's a pharmacy ahead. Go buy some fever medicine!"

Zhou Muyan was in a bad mood and couldn't help teasing her: "What, have you been so worn down that you can't even afford to buy a box of medicine You have to pay for it yourself. What are you looking for from him"

Wen Man is truly unwell, otherwise she would definitely kick him twice.

The little wolf dog complained, but he still got off the car to buy medicine. After buying it back, he opened the back door and wanted to call Wen Man down, but he didn't expect her to be asleep.

He was just lying back in the leather chair, sleeping quietly.

Brown hair cascaded over one side of her face, partially obscuring it. The exposed half revealed porcelain skin and delicately beautiful features that were exceptionally striking.

Zhou Muyan's heart beat faster.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. He only wanted to annoy that Huo woman and take her down before walking away, but now he couldn't look into her eyes.

The little wolfdog felt helpless for the first time.

He chose to flee in disgrace.

Well, I had thrown the medicine in the car and slammed the door shut...

Wen Man woke up in surprise.

She saw Zhou Muyan's fleeing figure and was speechless. She took the medicine back to her apartment.

She probably caught a cold from the night wind. Before she went to sleep, she made a phone call to the music center and told the secretary a few things.there to look at!"Zhang Baiyan said seriously, "You are pretty."These three words, in the night, are incredibly earnest, sweeter than all love confessions.……Lu's project isn't in city B. When Zhang Ba...