Tales of the Strange works

Chapter 12


dern age now, and burning incense, kowtowing, and swearing brotherhood oaths are outdated practices.At that time, I was so excited that I couldn't contain myself. This is a change in a man's heart.Thr..."Big brother, what is wakame Is it seaweed"

Sun Lao Da didn't smile. He looked at me and said, "It's not seaweed, it's a person's name. There's only a little bit of information about this person in the records. I didn't expect that we would stumble upon him. What do you think Are we going to make a move tonight I see Lao Er and Lao San are already ready."

Wang looked at them with a serious expression and asked, “Is everything okay at the outpost”

Sun Lao Da nodded. "No, those young men raised under the mole are very clever."


"Boss, hold off on selling this batch of goods for now, especially that bronze bean. Once word gets out from Shun De, there's a high chance we'll attract wolves."


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"A wolf in the south" the boss asked, his face grim.

I'm afraid it's not just the wolves in the south anymore. Now, everywhere is a place where there are more mouths than food, and everyone is scrambling for scraps. If our pot isn't covered tightly, the smell of meat might attract wild wolves over.

" "

"Boss, I've made up my mind," Wang stretched his head out a palm and said: "Five days, shorten the time to five days, get me all the things ready, after we succeed we leave Shun De as quickly as possible, find a place to lay low first."

"> "

From Wang's and Sun's conversation, I could tell they were both a bit nervous, as if they were afraid of something.


> It's past the hour of Zi, and moths are flying onto the mountain.

Sun Lao Er was squatting on the ground smoking, and Sun Lao San was counting sacks of goods.

Calm waters, let's begin.

>The walkie-talkie crackled with the voice of Big Sun.

"Yunfeng, how many sacks do you have"

"Second brother, I still have four."


"Well, that should be about it," he said, crushing out the cigarette butt in his hand.

At this time, strange bird cries came from Fei Mo Mountain. These cries, heard at night, made people feel uneasy.

"It's really ominous," Wang muttered, looking back at the dark moth mountain behind him. "This bird is a harbinger of death; it's not a good omen."

The owl is also known as the Night Owl, an ancient name. In the past, it was most commonly found in cemeteries, hence its nickname "Harbinger of Death."

"Bah bah bah, what a damn dead bird," Sun Lao Er spat several times toward the mountain.

Once the owl stopped hooting, we also began to move.

That previously dug hole was covered very well by a subordinate of the mole, with a complete layer of yellow grass skin on top and four wooden sticks used as support underneath. From the outside, it was almost impossible to see any flaws.

After packing everything up and taking the headlamps, the Sun brothers went down the tunnel with their legs braced. It took a lot of effort for me to get down last.

The water in the muddy tomb pit under the dharmacakra had mostly evaporated and no longer reached human ankles. There was only some mud on the ground, making it sticky to walk on.

The path to the tomb was dark and damp, with a temperature significantly lower than above ground.

Having straightened the headlamp, Sun Laoer said to me, “Since we're getting things right, we need to speed up the process. Yunfeng, go check that west chamber from yesterday again, see if there’s anything left in the corner of the wall. If there's nothing missing, come help us on the east side.”


After that, I parted ways with the Sun brothers for a while. They went right to find the Dong'er chamber, while I turned left to go to the Xi'er chamber.

Now that everyone's gone, I'm all alone in the graveyard again at this late hour. The deeper I walk, the more frightened I become.

I held onto the lantern, silently reciting: "Don't blame me, don't blame me, kind host, I only seek a little fortune, Amitabha Buddha."

"Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

A person lights a candle, ghosts blow the lamp out, I even asked back then, "When the head is lit, if the rooster crows, don't touch gold. Even if we are not tomb robbers, for safety, shouldn't we light a white candle in the tomb People say that if the candle goes out, it means the tomb owner is unhappy, so we have to leave, otherwise, we'll run into ghosts."

The old man laughed twice and said, "Yunfeng, you've been watching too many movies and TV shows. Does a extinguished candle mean the tomb owner is unhappy And if it's lit, does that mean they are happy Are we supposed to think the tomb owner is happy to welcome us to dig up his grave That's a joke!"

Moreover, Yunfeng, don't you think about it Back in ancient times, tomb robbers would light a white candle inside the tomb. That was for illumination! Otherwise, how could they rob a tomb in the dark It wasn't that they wanted to light candles, but because there was no electricity. They had to light them to see anything!

"We have headlamps and flashlights now, why bother with candles Some tombs have decomposed bodies that produce methane, you could easily have an explosion if you light a fire, you understand what I mean, Yunfeng" Those were Wang Ba's exact words, he sounded like he was telling a joke, but when I thought about it later, it actually made sense.

After walking for a few minutes, nothing happened. I reached the west wing.

The floor of the west chamber was bare. I shone my headlamp back and forth several times, but didn't find any trace of anything left behind. All those dozens of bronze artifacts had already been taken away by us.

In the northwest corner of the ear room, there's still that large stone-covered water cistern, standing all alone.

"Hey Second brother said the big jar wasn't valuable, but... Is there anything inside the big jar as burial goods"

Thinking about this, I decided to go take a look.

As the second brother said, only when I got closer did I realize that this thing was indeed made of clay.

The earliest porcelain appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, it was primitive celadon ware. Before that dynasty, coarse pottery and bronze ware were commonly used in other dynasties, which is consistent.

But what puzzles me is how such a large one could have been burned.

This large vat shows no signs of segmentation or join lines, indicating it was formed in a single firing. I truly can't fathom what kind of kiln would be needed to accommodate such a massive vessel.

The stone slab covering the vat was made of bluestone. I tried to push it with one hand, but it wouldn't budge; it was quite heavy.

Knowing the depth, I used both hands this time.

The stone slab rubbed against the large vat, emitting a grating sound. I pushed open the blue stone slab little by little.

"What's that smell"

Just now the stone slab was covering it so I didn't smell much, but now I can smell it clearly.

I found this Western Zhou tomb a bit odd at the time. When I first came down, there was a faint scent, but now I smell something foul, like rotten eggs that have been cooked in the sweltering heat of summer.

I nodded my head lamp, lowering my neck to look into the big tank.

Only a hole, less than twenty centimeters wide, was seen under the big vat. Nothing else.

I can smell it, this rotten egg smell is coming from the hole.

The headlamp illuminated the area, but it was no use. I couldn't see what was underneath the hole, it was pitch black.

I felt something was amiss, so I pressed my body against the edge of the large tank and reached out with my right hand into the dark hole at the bottom.

"Huh What's this" I touched it with effort, and a hard texture came to me. I felt like I had touched a long, hard object.

I thought to myself, "Could it be... gold bars"

"That's not right, there's no way gold bars could be this light."


I felt like I had a good grip on this thing. I adjusted the angle a few times, little by little, and finally managed to pull it out.

It was a white thing. I took it out and shone my headlamp on it, bending down to get a closer look.

This is a dead person's thigh bone!


I screamed in fright and dropped the bones.

"This is...Could this be the remains of the tomb owner From the Western Zhou Dynasty to now, it hasn't decayed into dust"

I overlooked something, also because I was too nervous.

At that time, I really didn't see it, that femur.

And still bone marrow.took the payment check yesterday at noon. Could it be that she was tempted by the money and therefore went too hard on her headachesIf that were really the case, I wouldn't believe it, and I don't wan...