Poor XiXi works

Chapter 261: How Many Points Does Lanchi Have?


ther mandatory courses at the Academy of Wisdom which are divided into smaller classes, this course, "Introduction to Magical Chronicles," is a compulsory subject for both students of the Academy of W...Chapter 262: How many points did Lanchi get

The sun outside was gradually rising, and on the conference table in the main hall, the exam papers were being screened down further. It just made it seem like the qualified candidates at the front weren't that many yet.

These are all villains who are famous in the empire.

A 69-point exam paper, belonging to the 【Meat Grinder】 Graff, a huge figure with numerous cuts and burn marks all over his body. There is a deep scar on his mouth corner. He is a torturer and butcher who captures humans, dismembers them, and sells their body parts to the black market, but there is no direct evidence.

> He's from a residential area where the missing persons rate is statistically much higher than normal. There are also rumors that he tortures his victims in a dark room with unimaginable methods, has a cruel personality, and takes more interest in pain than wealth.

The next highest-scoring exam paper was 78 points, 【Poison Sting】Walter. He was slender with pale skin and had a black eyepatch over his left eye.

He wore several rings on his right hand, each injected with poison. He was a master of poisons who lived in the slums on the outskirts of the Imperial City and was infamous for creating and selling deadly toxins.

It is said that in order to test his new poison, he would experiment on innocent homeless people. He is cold-blooded, cunning, and shows no regard for life.

"This personality is great, isn't it"

Without much discussion, Caeus placed his test papers and resume on the qualified side.

Isn't there a single sealer

The nearby High Priest flipped through the many resumes that were already qualified. The professions were diverse, but none of them seemed to be a similar type of seal master as the Silent Bishop.

"Seal masters are rare. In our branch, besides the Annihilation Bishop and the Annihilation Son, there aren't many priests who are proficient in sealing magic."

And even though they have affinity for seal-type magic, mages who specialize in sealing others often have some psychological and mental issues.

However, most evil seal masters will still be attracted by the Obliterating Bishop.

As he was speaking, it seemed to Kyaeus the High Priest as if he had received a scroll, causing his eyes to flash.

Seeing that he had a full 91 points, Kaeus quickly found his resume.

Tolst, a scholar wearing multi-layered glasses, is known as the "Eye Collector". His pockets are always filled with eyes from various creatures. His gaze flickers with a light that seems otherworldly. He believes that the eye is the window to the soul and captures creatures to remove their eyes for study. However, there have been periods in town where victims of blindness are found abandoned on the streets. While Tolst lives near these crime scenes, he always has airtight alibis each time.

This is the highest score I've seen so far.

He has been accused many times, but never convicted on any charges. This speaks volumes about his skill.

With little discussion, the piece was placed in the "pass" category.

Scroll down further.

This took more than ten minutes.

Finally, I found another exam paper that can match it.

Xuehou Jiya is tall and slender, with exquisite attire. A crimson scarf is hidden beneath her collar. She is a notorious singer whose performances have been known to drive audiences to bizarre acts of self-harm, such as ripping open their throats or biting their tongues. However, she denies using any sonic magic, taking immense pride only in her artistic skill.

85 points is also quite high.

"She possesses exceptional combat prowess and employs clandestine tactics. Her strength could potentially rival that of a sixth-tier master, comparable to us grand clerics."

Kaius said.

One's inherent talent and ability are also a plus factor, which will be closely related to the final assessment.

Until the documents scattered on the table gradually thinned out.

Finally, they were clearly categorized into two types: qualified and unqualified. A few scattered job applications remained on the round table.

Kaius the High Priest stroked his chin thoughtfully.

It seems to be waiting for the other two high priests to finish the remaining documents, and then ask for their opinions.

Although the head examiner for the three-stage assessment was him, and the other two grand masters were responsible for other duties, they could also provide helpful insights by coming to assist.

Here are the two, take a look.

Keusian the Archpriest spread Zhang's test scroll and resume on the table.

And the eyes of the other two high priests followed his finger.

First, the score of the first one is not high, only 62 points.

From a woman named Xide.

The objective questions were all answered correctly, and while some conceptual questions in the subjective section were addressed, the rest were left blank. Overall, it's still considered satisfactory.

"Pay a little attention to see if she might be a spy sent by the Goddess of Destiny's Church. Some questions are too straightforward that an honest person wouldn't be able to answer them. The more they try to answer, the more mistakes they make. She might just be using this opportunity to hand in blank papers and avoid revealing any flaws."

The high priest pondered for a moment and then spoke.

He thought the woman's resume didn't seem to have any problems and he couldn't see any signs of forgery.

If she's a traitor, then all the better. Once we confirm her identity, what awaits her should go without saying.

"I think so too."

After Kaeus confirmed his colleagues' opinions, he put them in the "qualified" column.


When they noticed another test paper under the West Germany exam paper, they were all slightly taken aback.

I even suspected I was mistaken.

This is the second one, and the score seems a bit exaggerated, reaching a full 98.

He is a young man named Loch, from the city of Liloma in the southwest province. He has a clean record and is a native citizen of the Empire.

His understanding of the Resurrection Church is extremely deep.

The concept questions are almost answer-key style, and the subjective essay questions are also answered impeccably.

"Didn't the priest in charge of grading have any problems"

The high priest standing nearby frowned and asked Caius.

All exam papers scoring 60 points or below, or 90 points or above, will be re-checked by at least two marking examiners.

Kaius replied with an impassive expression.

This can only mean that the examiner who checked the papers also gave a score of 98.

Although I read it myself, the content is indeed well-written and eloquent. However, reading through the entire piece, all I can see is "wickedness."

For example, look at this problem—

If you captured a priest from the Church of Fate, how would you make them submit

Caeus pointed to an essay question.

This question is not worth many points because it is very easy.

The usual answer is to inflict extreme physical and psychological abuse, torture with the death penalty, and threaten family and friends.

But this one is different.

He wrote that he wanted to win over the other side with love, making them sincerely join our ranks.

He also provided a specific explanation based on the given scenario. He wouldn't execute them, but instead would cultivate three other disciples with the potential to become executioners, training them to be professional torturers. After a meeting ritual that involved only punishment and no questioning, he would give the prisoner their first choice: whether to talk to him properly or continue interacting with them for four days and four nights.

"Indeed, a complete transformation yields far greater returns than extracting information through interrogation."

"However, the difficulty of his operation is extremely high. Not everyone has his level of rhetoric, infectivity, and judgment."

There is no need to question its wickedness.

Two high priests also curiously browsed the essay section of this test paper, gradually becoming convinced of the authenticity of its high score, as well as its clear distinction from the visible faction of the Church of the Fortune Goddess.

Where did he lose the most points

They saw that each candidate named Rocky had no deductions for conceptual and argumentative questions.

"Look ahead."

The Grand Inquisitor said.

Following Caio's suggestion, they flipped the test paper back to the first page and finally found where the nearly perfect answer sheet had been deducted points.

This is a multiple choice question.

Choose the name of the Bishop of Silence from the three options.

Locke did not offer a response.

"I doubt anyone has forgotten Lord Askasan's name. Even if he were blindfolded, he would still have a one-in-three chance of getting it right."

A high priest lamented and pondered,

"Hmph, hmph, it's no big deal. He answered the questions after that quite well, probably just ran out of time."

Another great priest shook his head.

During exams, it is common for examinees to leave uncertain questions blank and come back to them after completing the rest of the questions.

Of course, it's also possible that by the time you finish writing the remaining questions, you won't have time to go back and check.

This kid's qualifications are unquestionable, even if his resume looks ordinary at first glance. The nature of his work is evident, it's just that his own abilities seem weak. I'm a bit worried he won't pass the final assessment.

"Weakness can have its advantages. He won't cause too much trouble, and even if he doesn't pass the evaluation, we can still control him. At least we can prevent him from serving the Batian branch."

"This time, there are some truly good talents. The Batian branch can only pick up the scraps we don't want."

The only variable in the assessment is that exceptionally capable candidates could disrupt the entire evaluation plan, but currently, none of the candidates appear to possess such a level of threat. Each candidate has their own flaws and significant shortcomings.

After Kaeus confirmed that every document in the folder marked "Eligible" had been approved by all the High Priests, he rose and organized the heavy documents.

"So, those who passed the written exam have been confirmed. This afternoon, we will begin the formal retest and final assessment for them."

He handed the document to the priest in the distance who was responsible for recording, instructing him to take care of the remaining matters.

Tomorrow's word count will be higher than usual, I'm going to focus on coding this event and getting it done!

Also recommending a book by this patient friend of mine, he was in the next bed to me, and the doctor had him write everyday to observe his condition.

(The End)

[ ] his eyes holding a hint of satisfaction mingled with a touch of weariness. He rose to his feet and walked towards Caeus.He placed the artwork before Caius.It is a reimagined statue of the goddess of...