Mr. Jade works

Chapter 1616: No Mercy


ing his eyes slowly.The long night stretches on, the window is quiet and the wind is gentle.This is a rare night of tranquility.The next day, as soon as An Xuetang woke up, she met Mo Yunjing's pair o...Facing the accusation of his disappearance, Fu'er lay motionless on the bed, his expression unchanged. He remained calmly closed-eyed, feigning ignorance as if he hadn't heard a word.

She could tell he wasn't really sleeping, of course. Xun Luo was furious and gritted her teeth, "Don't think you can get away with pretending to be asleep! I know you're still scheming something. I swear, I'll make your life a living hell."

He is indeed angry now, but faced with Fuer's disguise and her feigned sleep, he has no way to deal with it.

Because of the presence of Fengming, he was completely incapable of harming Fu'er.

Don't look at them, their leader seems unfazed now. But as soon as he tries to get near the bed, they will absolutely attack him, protecting that traitorous wretch, Foler.

Although he truly wished to kill Fu'er right now, unfortunately, he was no match for Feng Ming, and he didn't want to fight his own valley master either. So at this moment, he could only swallow his anger.

Foler feigned death; he couldn't get any information out of her, and his heart was always uneasy.

Tonight was truly bizarre. Before he completely lost consciousness, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, nor did he sense any danger.

He couldn't possibly fathom it, the guild master and his martial arts skills were beyond compare to ordinary people. In this world, there were few who could defeat them in a one-on-one fight.

It was precisely because of this that he became even more confused. Why had he and the valley master suddenly lost consciousness Who could possibly have such power

He hadn't figured out what happened, and a sense of unease lingered in his heart. Now, with cold eyes, he glanced at Fu'er who pretended to be asleep, then looked at Fengming sitting beside him. In the end, he turned and walked outside, wanting to ask his brothers who had been guarding the courtyard all along.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw that the dozen or so brothers guarding the yard were all lying on the ground, unconscious one by one.

His expression changed, and he quickly rushed to their side, squatting down to check on them carefully. Fortunately, these people had only fainted and were not in any danger of death.

With furrowed brows, he slapped the faces of several people, but couldn't wake them up. It seemed that the potency of the drug they had taken was very strong.

After a moment of silence, he had no choice but to send a signal, calling for his brothers stationed elsewhere in the palace to hurry over.

When everyone arrived, they only then learned that such a big incident had happened in the courtyard. Who could have made the people in the courtyard look like this

When Tingxunluo finished speaking, not only were the brothers in the yard knocked unconscious, but even he and Guzhu were also rendered unconscious. When others arrived later, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

Everyone thought hard about it, but they couldn't find any suspicious people sneaking into the manor. They didn't see anyone coming this way either. So who could have knocked out all the brothers in this courtyard and the valley master

This is something that Xunluo has always found puzzling. Seeing that someone had come to help now, he was afraid that no one would be watching Fengming in the house and Fu'er might take advantage of the situation. So, he hurriedly instructed some people to carry these unconscious brothers out to rest first.

Then he immediately sent someone to Jingtang Garden to inform Mo Junyi and Yun Si and the others about this.


Fu'er only then realized she had said the wrong thing. Sure enough, Zhi'er's advice was right; she shouldn't have bothered with these people.

She immediately shut her mouth, giving the impression that she wouldn't say another word.

Xunluo of course knew that with her abilities, it was impossible to knock out everyone in this courtyard. But she had people behind her, what if the people behind her came here, and they made a move on everyone, it wasn't impossible.

Everyone in this courtyard was unconscious, they didn't know what had happened. It lasted for over half an hour. He asked his brothers about it just now, and they said they hadn't seen anyone break into the palace. During that time, they didn't see anyone enter their courtyard either.

So besides Fur, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would attack them.

Could it be that a traitor has emerged from among my brothers guarding the courtyard

It's hard to imagine, but now the people who can stay by their side are all trusted confidants who have passed countless tests.

If there really was a traitor among them, they would have acted long ago.

Moreover, what baffled him the most was that since everyone in the courtyard had lost consciousness and was completely incapable of resistance, why didn't the person who knocked them out kill them all

Why should we continue to keep them alive

So, who is behind this What was their purpose in orchestrating this incident tonight

More than just finding the inexplicable reasoning behind this and the mastermind's purpose, even Mo Junyi, who had learned of the change, wore a heavy expression at this time.

He couldn't figure out who was responsible for the commotion tonight, the stillness that had settled over the courtyard after everyone was drugged. But why hadn't they been killed That was the real mystery.

At this moment, Yun Si was with Mo Jun Yi. Both of them were baffled and fell silent for a long time. But Yun Si finally spoke:

"Young Master, this now involves Young Master Feng. I believe it's best to inform the Duchess of the situation."

Please note that I don't have access to any previous context or conversation. If you provide me with the full text you want translated, including the section, I can help!times throughout the day.He speculated that the emperor's transformation was most likely caused by whatever Hua Duoer had made him consume.However, he said nothing about it, pretending he didn't know...