Mr. Jade works

Chapter 1227: Dead?


""Well, Ajing's identity isn't ordinary, is it" An Xuetang paused her actions, a flicker of emotion in her eyes that she herself couldn't understand."Hmm." Mo Yunjing didn't know when it started, but...Han Yun's unfinished words, Mo Yunjing and Yunliu naturally could hear.

"Yunliu sighed, 'My lord had already anticipated this issue. We sent a dozen people into the mountains to search for him three days ago, but we haven't received any news yet.'"

Moreover, he couldn't guarantee that the ten or so people who went into the mountains to search for him would come out alive.

That mountain is incredibly dangerous, and there are probably all sorts of miasma inside.

"So you've already sent someone, I see."

He fell silent immediately. Those people had gone in three days ago, and no one had returned yet. It seemed…that things were looking bad.

The scene once again fell into an eerie silence.

Seeing Mo Yunjing still staring at the hills on the military sand table, Han Yun thought he was worried about the upcoming battle. After thinking for a moment, he said, "What Even the renowned and undefeated God of War Prince would be afraid of these little brats from Chi Country"

Mo Yunjing smirked, "Do you think this is fear"

His voice gave away nothing.

"Why be so cautious then" Han Yun shook his head and smiled, "Back in the day, you dared to fight against the Blue Nation's army with only a handful of soldiers. Now you have even more troops than before, not to mention the dangerous weapons your beloved wife has developed. What is there to worry about with just these Red Nation soldiers"

Before the prince could reply, Yunliu shook his head and explained to Han, "Master Han, you don't understand. Even my mistress knows this military strategy. It’s not about relying on the enemy not coming, but on being prepared for them. It’s not about relying on the enemy not attacking, but on having something they cannot attack."


Han Yun was stunned for a moment, and silently repeated what Yunliu had said in her heart.

Don't rely on the hope that the enemy won't attack, but rather prepare adequately to meet any potential invasion. Don't count on the enemy not attacking, but instead cultivate a powerful strength that will deter them from launching an offensive.

Mo Yunjing wanted to be absolutely prepared. His cautious tactics were indeed effective.

But where did this Prince Consort find the skill to employ such tactics

After carefully pondering the words, Han Yun couldn't help but exclaim, “Your Highness is truly an extraordinary woman, no wonder so many people in this world desire her. If she hadn't already become the princess of Beijiang, I'm afraid…”

"!" I'm afraid

Wouldn't it be nice if they were also princesses

Yunliu was startled into silence, Han Yun's unspoken words sending a shiver down his spine.


Is this Han Yun crazy

To dare to speak such 'treacherous' words in front of their prince

As expected, before Yunliu could say anything, Mo Yunjing's gloomy eyes slowly swept over Han Yun.

Han Yun also suddenly realized that he had almost said something that could have killed him, and shook his head repeatedly. "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, what I just said was definitely a slip of the tongue."

Mercy of heaven!

Mo Yunjing's pair of black eyes were too sharp, making him afraid to meet his gaze. Especially the cold and misty aura that enveloped Mo Yunjing was truly intimidating.

Seeing Han Yun like this, cowardly and timid, Yun Liu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He really couldn't have imagined that the head of the esteemed Qingyun Pavilion, someone who didn't even bat an eyelid at emperors from various countries, would now be reduced to this state by a single look from their prince.

Yunliu's smile instantly earned him two disapproving glances. He immediately retracted his expression and lowered his head in fear.

Well, these two... I can't afford to offend either of them.

Mòyúnjǐng retracted his gaze and continued to stare intently at the sand table, deep in thought.

Just then, Shi Yi returned. His expression was grim, and he bowed to Mo Yun Jing. "My Prince, that man... is dead."


As soon as Yunliu heard this, his face instantly darkened.

And a layer of gloom almost instantly spread across Mo Yunjing's face.

Shi Yi gritted his teeth and said, "That man is indeed dead. It seems there's a traitor among the guards."

After that person was brought back, he and Yunliu interrogated him. However, the man kept his mouth shut, refusing to reveal who had instructed him to clean up the scene no matter what methods they used.

Why did he need to erase the markings on them, and what kind of markings were they He hasn't revealed a single detail.

He and Yunliu decided to spare this man's life for now, and he had already sent someone into the city to find the county magistrate Chen Changwen and ask him to investigate this man's background and whether he had any family in the city.

>Just that Chen Changwen hadn't sent any news back, didn't expect this person to be dead.

It's obviously someone in the army who is behind this.

Mo Yunjing picked up a flag from the sand table. In the blink of an eye, the flag turned to dust.

Yunliu, Shiyi, and hanyun looked at each other in surprise.

Mo Yunjing's emotionless eyes stared at the powder in his hand, and it was unknown what he had finally figured out. He said to Yunliu and Yunxi, "This king will personally go into the mountains to look for people. You are responsible for matters in the camp. Once there is any movement from the Chi Kingdom, follow the previous plan."


Yunliu and Yishi immediately knelt on one knee, in unison they said, "Your Highness, absolutely not."

Han Yun's brow furrowed as well. He, like Yun Liu and Eleven, disapproved of Mo Yunjing venturing into the mountain himself.

That mountain is filled with treacherous mazes, it would be too dangerous to enter recklessly.

But at this moment, Mo Yunjing had made up his mind. "No need to say more. Those brothers in Xuntang Valley have too much explosives in their hands. They can't get into trouble, and we can't let others find them first. Once the explosives fall into the enemy's hands, we won't stand a chance of winning this war."

The soldiers in Youlan City have been pampered and their combat effectiveness is no match for the Red Nation's army. If the enemy were to get their hands on explosives at this point, we would surely lose the battle.

So finding the brothers in Xuntang Valley and the explosives they have is urgent.

Yunliu raised his head, clenching his fists. "Your Highness, if you must enter the mountains, let me go. This camp cannot function without your presence."

Mo Yunjing remained expressionless, ignoring Yunliu's words. He only instructed Eleven, "Find the traitor, none left alive."

Yunliu and Shiyi saw their prince had made up his mind. It seemed he was determined to go into the mountains himself no matter what.

They looked at each other, then bowed and replied with a "yes".

Han Yun remained silent for a while, quietly standing aside as Mo Yunjing and Yun Liu and Yun Shiyi briefed him on the various defenses within the army.

After all the arrangements were made, Mo Yunjing was about to leave when he finally moved, following Mo Yunjing step by step.

Mo Yunjing sensed his intentions and turned back, her deep eyes gazing at him for a moment. "You needn't follow."

Han Yun raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "What Afraid I'll hold you back Rest assured, my martial arts may not be as good as yours, but I won't hold you back."


Mo Yunjing shook his head silently, but the two were old friends after all. Since Han Yun had said so, Mo Yunjing naturally guessed that he had made up his mind to follow him, so he didn't say anything more to dissuade him.

They left together.

After seeing them off, Yunliu and Shiyi looked at each other. Shiyi was still worried, "No one who went up the mountain first has returned. The prince…"

Yunliu gently shook her head, interrupting him. "No, the prince's inner strength is profound now; there are probably few rivals in this world. He will certainly return safely. And I believe he can find the brothers from Xuntang Valley this time. As the prince said, those explosives must not fall into the enemy's hands."discontent, let out a cold smile. “Master, do you think I deliberately let her take Ye Er away Why don't you ask the people in his courtyard how Ye Er actually left!”Dr. Ye was too lazy to pay him any...