Mr. Jade works

Chapter 1065: The Weird


sed and shocked.An Xuetang knew that Ding Hua must have recognized the origin of this jade pendant, and now she was particularly curious about Ding Hua's identity.She had long suspected he was no ordi...An Xuetang was a little disappointed, but it was within her expectations, so she didn't show anything, just gave a faint "um" in response.

"How is his condition His wound is still quite serious. Try to keep him lying down until it scabs over."

Ning'er nodded slightly, "Yes, Your Highness needn't worry, Ning'er will have someone watch him."

"That's good. By the way, did anyone sent yesterday find any clues"

"This question doesn't need Ning'er to answer," Mo Yunjing, who was beside her, explained. "She's hidden very well, and there must be someone helping her conceal her whereabouts. That's why our people searched almost the entire capital city but found no clues."


An Xuetang felt a growing unease in her heart. Unable to find Fu'er all day, she couldn't feel at ease.

Before, she deliberately had people spread the news of Feng Ming's accident to lure out Fu Er, but she didn't expect her to be so calm.

In this situation, they still don't want to show up.

What on earth is Dufour up to, what's her game

Seeing her frown again, Mo Yunjing pinched her nose, "Don't overthink it. Shouldn't we go see Feng Ming today"

As expected, he always knew how to quickly divert An Xuetang's attention. After his question, An Xuetang immediately got up and said with a pout, "Of course I have to go. My brother is so petty. When he wakes up and learns that I didn't visit him much during this time, he might get angry with me."

As she spoke, she had already walked out of the house.

Ning'er glanced deeply at Mo Yunjing and quickly turned to follow him.

Actually, she still deceived the Queen. Today, their valley master is different from usual.

This morning, while she was giving the valley master acupuncture, he suddenly had a full-body spasm and bled from his nose profusely.

But his pulse was normal. At the time, she was about to call for the princess to take a look, but before they could even summon her, the master's condition vanished.

If it weren't for the nosebleeds, they might have suspected they were merely having a hysteric episode, seeing things.

Mo Yunjing naturally knew about this matter, and that was why he didn't allow them to tell the Queen. After all, Feng Ming had returned to this state. If they told the Queen, she would only worry more and look through medical books, with no real way to help.

Although they didn't want to hide anything from the princess, they had to admit that the King of Beijang was right.

The princess was not alone in her womb. She was carrying twins, and to make matters worse, the twins were cursed by a poisonous curse.

Her health wasn't good, and she worried about everything. They couldn't be sure what her limits were.

After much deliberation, they decided to heed the North Border King's words and kept his reaction to Phoenix’s unusual behavior this morning a secret.


An Xuetang didn't know that everyone had kept such an important matter from her. At this time, she was sitting by Feng Ming's bedside, giving him a massage on his arms.

Giving him a massage while telling him about some little things in life, of course, including about Fu'er.

Mo Yunjing leaned against the door, his deep eyes fixed on her face.

She had been telling him all about the changes a woman's body goes through after pregnancy, including how her figure might swell gradually and her complexion could deteriorate.

He wouldn't care about any of that, no matter what she became, she would always be the one he cared about most. But now it seemed she was carrying twins, her complexion hadn't worsened as she had said, instead, her skin looked even fairer and smoother than before, radiating a glow from within, translucent and radiant.

Indeed, no matter what time, she is always so dazzling, both in appearance and personality.

Perhaps it was because she knew she was different from others that after listening to Bai Feng's rambling yesterday, a deep unease arose in his heart.

He always knew his Tangtang was different. When it came to romantic relationships, she had her own ideas and always followed her heart, living a carefree and unrestrained life.

But it was precisely because of this point about her that he felt so uneasy, that he had a sense of crisis that she might be lost at any moment.

After An Xue Tang finished speaking with Feng Ming, she turned around and met Mo Yun Jing's very deep eyes. She couldn't help but be taken aback, "A Jing, what's wrong"


Mo Yunjing walked over, took her hand and walked out together. "The Empress has sent an invitation to the manor, wanting both of us to enter the palace."



An Xuetang didn't really care about these people or these things, so when she heard him mention the empress, she was a little confused. "Palace banquet"



"An hour later."

An Xuetang couldn't help but wonder, "The last time the Emperor held a palace banquet was to welcome the prince and princess of Xuan Country. What is this banquet for"

"The Lan Nation has arrived. They requested a meeting with you and me by name."


Hearing this, An Xuetang subconsciously furrowed her brows. Although she didn't really care about the various matters in the court, she often heard Yunliu and Mo Yunjing discussing them.

As far as she knew, the Azure Nation already wanted to cooperate with Mo Yunchen, but because they hadn't found out what kind of weapon she had used against the Great Moon Country back then, they hadn't given Mo Yunchen a definite answer about sending troops.

At this sensitive time, the representatives of Country Blue have entered the capital. What are their intentions

An Xuetang looked at Mo Yunjing, "Why did you ask to see me specifically And you usually wouldn't tell me such things, after all, about this boring palace banquet, you would almost always ignore it. This time telling me, is it that you want to bring me into the palace"

He brought news of Mo Junyi.


An Xuetang's eyes widened suddenly, no wonder Mo Yunjing told her that she didn't care about anything else, but only cared about Mo Junshi's news.

Moreover, she hadn't been able to find out about Mo Junyi's whereabouts for quite some time. Both she and Moyun Jing were worried about his safety and his current situation.

An Xuetang somewhat urgently grabbed Mo Yunjing's right arm, "A-Jing, I want to know."

I understand.

Mo Yunjing gently stroked her head with his left hand, "I understand, but since he wants to see you this way, I'm afraid there is another conspiracy behind this. I will arrange for you to enter the palace, but after entering, no matter what you hear or see, don't believe it easily, just stay by my side obediently."


She didn't know who brought the news of Zi Ling, but this person could use it to request an audience with her and Mo Yun Jing. The location was still within the palace. This whole thing felt very strange.

So after thinking it over carefully, An Xuetang took the initiative to say, "Don't worry, Ajing. I know what's important. After entering the palace, I will definitely listen to you obediently."

Mo Yunjing looked at her, his light-colored eyes deep and alluring, his voice low and enticing, "Then you rest for a while, I'll go prepare."

"Well, okay"brothers have been away from the capital for many years. If they were transferred back from those remote places, because they are unfamiliar with the situation in Beijing, His Majesty would not be abl...