Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 499: Still a Bit of Brain Left


ked up to Xiang Wan, glanced at her still confronting in-laws, and asked Xiang Wan with a mix of annoyance and worry, "How is it Do you want me to call a doctor""No, I'm fine." Xiangwan shook her head...向晚 looked at the mess on the floor and sighed helplessly, "Brother, can you keep it down You've been training in the company for a few years now, how come you still act so impulsively."

When he didn't mention it, it was fine. But once Xiang Yu was brought up, a feeling of frustration welled up in him. He raised his hand and rubbed between his eyebrows.

"Who cares about this position Since my father became a vegetable, none of those shareholders in the company have been satisfied with me. Not only do they try to sabotage me on a daily basis, now even a small director dares to ride on my head."

Toward Yu said more and more angrily, long legs heavily kicked the chair several times, venting his anger.

Seeing his childish behavior, W向晚 could only sigh helplessly. She walked over and helped him put the chairs back in order one by one.

However, what Xiangyu said also reflects the current situation within the company.

Since their father became a vegetable, the Xiang siblings were supposed to inherit his 25% stake in the company. Coupled with their mother's transfer of another 20%, they held absolute controlling rights over the Xiang Group.

But during their school years, the siblings studied dance and sports respectively, without receiving any professional financial training.

Xiang Yu has always been slow to learn. During the past few years, he's been bumping into things and causing chaos in the company. He hasn't even grasped the company's internal dynamics, and his incompetence has led to quite a few embarrassing incidents, making him the subject of gossip among employees.

Thinking of this, Xiang Wan sighed, "Brother, you've been carrying the company on your shoulders all these years. It must have been hard. From now on, I'll help you share the burden."

"Don't say things like that!"

xiang yu scratched his head, not knowing how to respond for a moment. He pulled her into his arms forcefully, "My brother, I've always been thick-skinned, being scolded a few times is nothing, but you can't."

"From now on, you hide behind me at the company. Don't let those old foxes look down on you!"

A-Wan pursed her lips, a touch of emotion welling up inside her. But this trip to the company wasn't just about playing the role of a charming young lady. She was determined to rebuild the reputation of the Xiang family.

After showing her around the office, Xiang Yu was about to head to the conference room for a meeting.

Walking down the hallway, Xiangwan glanced at the file tightly clutched in his hand, which Li Meiying had just given him. She casually asked,

"I heard you guys were arguing quite fiercely just now, what exactly is this project about"

“It’s not a project, it's about writing off five million in bad debt. Li Meiying, that coward, is afraid of implicating her entire department and refuses to cooperate. I bet she's trying to sabotage me.” Xiangyu’s voice was irritable, and he pushed open the conference room door heavily.

Towards Evening closely followed him, her face thoughtful.

Five million may not be a significant amount to the Xiang family, but if it remains unaddressed, it could inevitably lead to gossip.

The meeting is about to begin, and many shareholders have arrived one after another, including Lee Meiying, all taking their respective positions to find their seats.

Xiang Yu probably thought about writing off the debt, sitting in the main seat, he reminded briefly and concisely.

"Since everyone is here, the meeting can now begin. Today's agenda includes a financial report and a warm welcome for our new Vice President!"

After finishing, he led the applause, and the rest of the shareholders clapped perfunctorily and listlessly. "Welcome."

>>Toward Evening didn't mind either, stood up, slightly curled her lips, "Everyone, my name is Xiang Wan. In the future, please take care of me at the company."

"Take it easy, that puts pressure on us. Even if He Hanchuan's woman does something wrong, no one dares to criticize her, right"

At the innermost circle of the conference table, separated from向晚 by several people, sat a man in a suit and tie. He had a square face and looked stern and critical.

He twirled the ring on his finger, sighing, “It’s a shame that I’ve wasted my life. I’ve been ambitious and competitive all my life, and finally managed to build up a fortune, but now it looks like it's going to be ruined by my children.”


Xiang Yu slapped the table heavily, his voice laced with anger, "Wen Yongbo, watch your mouth. This is a conference room, and if you utter another word out of line, get out!"

While A-Ting's expression tightened, she had already prepared a series of materials for the company's shareholders beforehand. She had heard about Wen Yongbo before. The reason he was so arrogant and domineering was because he held 5% of the company's controlling stake, making him a major shareholder.

Before my father worked at the company, he always put in his best effort to please everyone. I guess he took advantage of Xiangyu's youth and arrogance and dared to challenge him in the conference room.

"Zong, why don't you just cool down If you hadn't drunk too much and listened to the small company's nonsense, and signed the contract without consulting us, the company wouldn't have lost five million." The man's voice was cold, giving him no face at all.

For a moment, the shareholders who were previously unaware of this matter all turned their attention to Xiang Yu. They looked at him with suspicion, and various discussions and speculations arose.

Xiang Yu's face flushed between pale and white, he couldn't hold back and was about to get up.

At that moment, toward evening held his wrist in time, made a gesture to stop him, and smiled lightly.

"Who is this It's Uncle Wen! I remember when I was little, you took me to the amusement park. We’ve been acquainted for a while, haven't we Is it a bit unchivalrous of you to ask me for a favor now"

Towards Evening's calm and collected conversation did seem to have a bit of wit about it. Wen Yongbo's expression gradually eased, and he let out a cold snort.

"My clever niece has a good memory."

"Father taught us that as humans, we must not forget our roots and should always be kind. I naturally wouldn't dare to forget." Xiang Wan looked into his eyes, her gaze carrying a sense of pressure, "I just don't know if the elders who have received my father's kindness still remember it."

Wen Yongbo's face turned ashen, and the shareholders who were alluded to, all awkwardly bowed their heads, none daring to speak.

Most of them are just individual investors and don't have the same level of influence as Wen Yongbo, so naturally they fled as far as they could.

"Your father used to help me out a lot, I haven't forgotten that." Wen Yongbo let out a cold snort. "That's why I feel sorry for him. He already has one son who's a burden to the company, and now he's thrown in another incompetent fool."


Towards evening's face darkened, clenching her fists tightly.

All the people present didn't dare to speak up, none of their business, just watching the excitement.

Feeling the tension, Li Meiyng, who had been sitting quietly, cleared her throat a few times. "That's enough. Does it take this long to introduce an assistant general manager Get down to business and do the reconciliation. Our department doesn't have time to waste."

She quickly jumped in to break the ice, and the meeting finally got down to business.

The Sales Manager stood up, "This quarter, the company's finances have dropped by 0.2 percentage points, primarily due to outstanding contract payments. A small company went bankrupt and owes us five million from an unsold contract. They are thick-skinned and, naturally, have thrown in the towel. They refuse to meet with anyone from our company."

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Remember the first release domain of this book: . Biquge mobile reading URL:said pressed heavily on Xiang Wan's heart, weighing her down until she could barely breathe.Before Yao Shufen, she had no right to bargain at all!But if you behave, as a reward, I can guarantee that t...