Leaves rustling in t works

Chapter 340 Time is running out


he mercenaries with cold eyes, the shards of porcelain in his hand had already cut into Cui Jun's throat.Blood flowed down Cui Jun's neck, quickly staining his shirt red."Hanchuan, calm down." The icy...Tonight, Yu Jingyun talked a lot more than usual, as if she wanted to tell A-Wan and A-Yu everything about their lives, from childhood to adulthood.

At first, A-Wa could still focus her attention and listen. But as a pregnant woman, she was easily sleepy, and soon yawned several times before falling asleep.

In a daze, someone seemed to lightly kiss her forehead. She was extremely tired, frowned and waved her hand, then turned over and fell back asleep.

Rarely, she dreamt of some things from her childhood.

Her parents spoiled her and her brother, giving them whatever they wanted and never pressuring them to study. Moreover, the couple had a great relationship and never fought.

She curved her lips into a gentle smile, her entire being exuded relaxation.

The next morning, Xiang Wan was woken up by a loud bang of the door opening.

She frowned and sat up, sleepily looking at the person at the door, yawning, "Brother, you woke me and Mom up."

"Late... Late..." Xiang Yu's eyes were bloodshot, his beard unshaven and he looked disheveled. "Mom... she cut her wrists, now... she's in surgery..."


Towards the evening's pupils contracted, her mind as if struck by lightning, blank.

She stiffly twisted her head to look beside her, but there was no one there. She trembled and reached out to touch the spot where he had been, finding only a cold emptiness. He had left long ago.

"Toward Yu took a deep breath, wiped away the tears from his eyes, and choked out, 'The doctor said the situation isn't good. You... you have to hurry up. We should... we should still be able to see her one last..."

There was a buzzing in A-Wai's ear, drowning out everything else.

She opened her mouth, but found she couldn't make a sound.

How could this be

The psychologist didn't check yesterday, did they They just said it was mild depression, right

How could you cut your wrists!

"Don't overthink it." He Hanchuan took a long women's down coat and hurried in, putting it on her shoulders. "I've arranged for the best doctor. We're going now."

向晚 was held in his embrace, her hands tightly clutching his front, tears having long since spread.

She opened her mouth, the first time without making a sound. The second time, she let out a hoarse and broken voice, “How...how…could it be…like this…”


A group of people rushed to the hospital.

The emergency room's door remained closed, Xiang Jianguo standing outside. Just one night had passed, and short stubble of blueish-gray had already sprouted on his face, making him look considerably more haggard.

He paced back and forth at the door, his face etched with anxiety.

As soon as Jian Guo saw Xiang Wan coming, he strode over and raised his hand to slap her.

He Chen clenched his wrist, coldly flinging him away. “This is the last time.”

Next time, he will never let him off lightly!

"Are you crazy! What are you doing hitting Wanwan right now!" Xiang Yu roared, his eyes bloodshot.

Jian Guo pointed at Xiang Wan, his face turning green with anger. "Your mother was fine, and then Xiang Wan slept with her for a night, and now she..."

He just couldn't bring himself to say the words "suicide". "If it weren't for what Hualian said, how could she have suddenly..."

"Can you stop pushing everything onto Wanwan's shoulders" Xiang Yu said irritably, "I've never seen a father like you! Are you even her real father!"

The father and son argued, both their faces red with anger.

A nurse hurried over and said in a hurry, "This is a hospital, please be quiet! Your noise will disturb other patients and doctors!"

The father and son looked at the closed door of the emergency room together, both silent.

Moona had been to the emergency room many times herself, but this was the first time she was waiting outside for someone else. And that someone else was her mother.

She stared intently at the emergency room door, her eyes vacant, her lips cracked and dry. Her heart was a jumbled mess inside.

Jian Guo paced restlessly, agitated. He couldn't hold back any longer and walked over, asking in a bad temper, "Did you say something to your mom last night"

"Director, pay attention to your attitude," He Hanchuan narrowed his eyes, his voice cold.

Normally, JianGuo wouldn't ask such a question. However, his mind was in turmoil right now, and he couldn't care less about anything else.

Seeing that Xiang Wan didn't answer, he asked again, "You don't know your mom went out so late"

Still staring blankly at the emergency room, Xiang Wan ignored him.

Jian Guo couldn't hold back any longer and angrily scolded, "Yue, I'm talking to you, don't pretend to be deaf!"

"If you speak to my woman like that again, I won't hesitate to make you mute." He Hanchuan looked up at Xiang Jianguo, his aura unwavering.

Xiang Jianguo was so taken aback by her gaze that a chill ran down his spine. Only then did he realize what he had just done.

He shuffled back two steps, hands behind his back, and began pacing restlessly again.

Xiang Yu sat directly on the ground, his eyes fixed straight ahead at the emergency room. After a moment, he retracted his gaze and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you have any cigarettes"

"I've quit." He Hanchuan said.

Secondhand smoke is bad for your health, so he quit.

Xiang Yu retracted his hand and buried his head between his knees, lost in thought.

"I've been to the emergency room so many times and nothing happened, she won't have anything happen either…" Xiang Wan murmured softly, not knowing if she was talking to herself or someone else.

He gently kissed her hair, his eyes filled with tenderness and concern. "Yes, it's going to be alright."

Every minute and every second began to feel excruciating.

Before, every minute felt like it flew by in a blink of an eye. But now, every minute is divided into sixty seconds, and each second feels incredibly long.


After an unknown amount of time, the door to the emergency room opened.

Towards the evening jumped to the ground, and ran to the doctor at the same time as Xiang Yu, their voices trembling, "Where's my mother What happened to her"

Jian Guo hid nearby, wanting to hear the result but too afraid to.

"Hurry and go in, you can still see him one last time." The doctor, looking exhausted, finished his words and slumped down on the ground helplessly.

Siyuan wanted to cry, but her tears wouldn't come.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, and to deceive herself, she asked, "Doctor, you...what did you say"

"Hurry up." The doctor was too exhausted to say another word.

向晚's world suddenly turned black.

She shook her head and stumbled back several steps. Fortunately, He Hanchuan caught her before she fell to the ground.

Xu Yu also froze in place, too scared to go inside.

"Quiet rhyme—!" Xiang Jianguo shouted, his eyes bloodshot as he ran inside.

Towards the end, Yue wiped away a tear from her eye corner and whispered softly, "He Hanchuan, please carry me inside."

Her legs were weak, she couldn't take a single step.

He nodded, bent down to pick her up, and strode into the emergency room.

"Get out, I don't want to see you." Yu Jingyun lay pale on the operating table, her finger pointing at Jian Guo before falling weakly.

Her clothes and the ground beneath her were covered in blood, so much that it made Xiang Wan wince.


Remember the website where this book was first published: . Mobile reading URL of Biquge: married, he automatically distanced himself from women. Nothing could compare to the comfort of going home to his wife and children. 。"I remember Feng Mu had a fiancée " 。"Toward Evening casually rem...